Sunday, December 29, 2013
Young mother turned away at Christian charity has her Christmas saved by Atheist group.
Tiffany Wait and little one. |
Tiffany Wait said she, her husband and their 7-month-old baby went to Bible Baptist Church's Toy Shop on Christmas morning to get gifts for their child, but were met with animosity because Wait did not want to give her baby to the volunteers while she selected gifts.
"I am poor and would not be able to celebrate Christmas this year without their charity," she said. "I went last year and it was a life saver. This year, however, I was treated shockingly bad."
Wait said her baby doesn't like strangers and she'd prefer to be with him. She said the volunteer said it has to be done that way, or the family wouldn't be able to participate.
"I stood there, fighting back tears and asked, 'You would turn a baby away on Christmas?'" said Wait.
The volunteers held their ground, and according to Wait, one woman tried to forcibly take her child.
Eventually, a woman brought a toy out to Wait.
But Wait soon took to the internet, posting her story on various social media sites, and that is when Oklahoma Atheists' Director Red McCall and members of his group set out to save Christmas.
"We had several people donate things and send her money through a PayPal," said McCall. Christmas is a secular holiday now, according to McCall. He said everyone deserves to have a happy holiday.
"The Christians turned my baby and I away, and a group of atheists showed us compassion, kindness, and charity," Wait said. "They brought us toys, dinner, gift cards, donated money and really saved our holiday."
Okay I am not sure what that whole "Let us hold your baby while you look for gifts" thing is all about, but it seems a little odd to me.
Perhaps the young mother misunderstood, or their was some safety concern? I don't know, but clearly it could have been handled differently.
I am glad the Atheists came to her rescue, though to be fair I am sure there were plenty of Christian organization that would have offered help as well.
By the way the head pastor of Bible Baptist said they tried to contact the mother but failed in that attempt. Hopefully that is true, and is not simply a case of CYA.
Christmas should be for everybody, and this Atheist group demonstrated that the spirit of giving is certainly NOT something that simply belongs to the religious.
P.S. By the way if somebody had tried to grab my baby out of my arms what they would have received for Christmas would have been a gaping head wound. Just saying.
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