Friday, January 3, 2014

Bill Nye the Science guy to debate Ken Ham anti-science guy. Update!

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Bill Nye the Science guy to debate Ken Ham anti-science guy. Update!
Courtesy of Raw Story:

Bill Nye “The Science Guy” is scheduled to debate Creation Museum founder Ken Ham next month.

The former children’s television host and outspoken critic of creationist teaching will discuss whether the Bible-based version of Earth’s origins is a viable model Feb. 4 at the museum in Petersburg, Kentucky.

The debate starts at 7 p.m., and tickets will cost $25.

Ham, the president and CEO of Answers in Genesis, said he was excited to face off against Nye.

“It’s quite rare these days for such a well-known evolutionist to publicly debate a creationist – so we do expect a lot of media interest,” Ham said on his Facebook page.

There are many who are not terribly pleased that Nye is giving this guy the time of day, because it lends an air of credibility to something which should be treated with derision by any of those in the scientific community.

There was a time that I would have agreed with that, but considering that ignoring Creationists has allowed them to insert their superstitious bullshit into our public school science books, I no longer feel we have the luxury of ignoring them.

Having said that I wish that somebody a little more aggressive were going to face off with Ham who I consider a child abuser of the highest order. What Ham teaches very young, and I mean VERY young, children about Evolution is incredibly harmful to their respect for science and their trust in their teachers.

He cripples their rational thinking skills and turns them into magical thinkers instead of the kind of curiosity driven explorer that every child is naturally.

So while I LOVE Bill Nye, I know he is going to treat Ken Ham with respect and kindness, because Nye is a real sweetheart.

However I believe that Ham deserves to be kneecapped in front of a large audience and that he should leave the stage struggling for every breath after being debated into a near catatonic state

If Christopher Hitchens were still alive he would be my first choice, as he would happily call Ken Ham a fraud and a POS to his face.

Believe me I am still going to watch video of the debate when it becomes available (I watch similar debates all of the time) but I just hope that Nye bloodies Ham somewhat, because there are few Biblical charlatans who deserve it more.

Update: It does not appear that Ken Ham has much trepidation in facing off against Bill Nye:

“A debate with Mr. Nye, nationally known for his children’s TV program and for promoting evolution, will be one of our major events in 2014 to highlight how children and teens are being influenced by evolutionary thinking," declared Ham. “This year, our AiG theme is ‘Standing Our Ground, Rescuing Our Kids.’ Having the opportunity to hold a cordial but spirited debate with such a well-known personality who is admired by so many young people will help bring the creation/evolution issue to the attention of many more people, including youngsters.”

Ham added, “I hope to show Mr. Nye and our debate audience that observational science confirms the scientific accuracy of the Genesis account of origins, not evolution.”

The article goes on to say that Ham's organization is willing to debate Evolutionists "with credentials," but admits that it rejects challenges from "mocking, strident Evolutionists." Which reinforces my concern that they see Bill Nye as too nice to humiliate them during the debate.

I am fervently hoping they are wrong in that assumption.



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