Sunday, February 16, 2014

Mrs Duggar, the human baby factory that popped out 19 children, reveals the secret to a happy marriage is to never say no to sex.

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Mrs Duggar, the human baby factory that popped out 19 children, reveals the secret to a happy marriage is to never say no to sex.
Courtesy of Slate:

The advice comes from the best possible source, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar. The reason they are good role models is because despite having 19 kids, the “romance is still strong.” In fact, they are “like a newlywed couple every day,” says Jim Bob. The No. 1 secret? “Say yes to sex, even when you’re tired.” Apparently a friend once gave Michelle advice she will never forget: “In your marriage there will be times you're going to be very exhausted. Your hubby comes home after a hard day's work, you get the baby to bed, and he is going to be looking forward to that time with you. ... Anyone can fix him lunch, but only one person can meet that physical need of love that he has, and you always need to be available when he calls.” But don’t worry. This isn’t creepy or anything, because, “it's not all sexytime at the Duggars. They abstain when Michelle has her period, and also after childbirth: 80 days before sex if it's a girl, 40 days after a boy.”

Wow! What a revelation to married folks everywhere.

If you always give in to the needs and desires of your spouse, regardless of how you feel, then they will always be happy. And if you are like Mrs Duggar, a person whose identity is completely secondary to that of her husband, that means by definition that the maria will be happy.

Just so long as you don't want any autonomy of your own, or desire to be more than your husband's maid, live in cook, or sex slave.

These people have nineteen children. That is not a marriage that is a puppy mill for human beings.

This woman is not happy, she is simply too exhausted to attempt to analyze her emotions.

Perhaps I am not the best person to share my opinion, since I am twice divorced, but I could never be in a relationship with a woman who simply caved to my whims simply to keep me happy, or hid her emotions from me for fear of upsetting me.

That is how a whipped dog acts toward its abusive master, not how a wife should act toward their loving husbands.



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