Monday, February 17, 2014

You good news story of the day. George Zimmerman's life in ruins, fearfully wears bulletproof vest in public, and is essentially homeless.

4:35 AM By No comments

You good news story of the day. George Zimmerman's life in ruins, fearfully wears bulletproof vest in public, and is essentially homeless.
From the English translation of an interview that Zimmerman gave to Univision, and reported here courtesy of the Sun Sentinel:

In the interview, Zimmerman repeatedly declines to answer questions about the shooting, citing a still-pending federal civil-rights investigation.

However, he tells Calderón that his first reaction after firing the shot was concern that he had missed.

"I was afraid it had gone through his clothes and that it was going to go ... get lost, and, um, you know, go into a house and — because the young man was still talking to me, as I have said. So I thought that it hadn't … affected him, and I got worried, and I said, 'I hope that it hasn't — that the bullet hasn't hit a neighbor,'" Zimmerman says. "But I only knew that the attack stopped."

Zimmerman describes receiving death threats, which he attributes to the portrayal of the shooting in the media.

"You don't think it's because of the fact that you fired [a] gun?" Calderón asks.

"Correct. No, obviously not," replies Zimmerman, noting that other shootings get less media attention.

Later in the interview, Zimmerman tells Calderón that he was "100 percent" sure of his actions on the night of the shooting. Trayvon would have killed him if he hadn't opened fire, Zimmerman says.

"I know that for sure, yes," he tells Calderón.

So his first reaction was fear that he had not murdered the unarmed teenager, and now believes the anger toward him is due to biased media reporting? What a POS.

Zimmerman also discusses the recently cancelled pay-per-view fight:

The plans for a fight, he says, "transformed into something that is not right."

Yeah, I'm sure that in Zimmerman's opinion what's "not right" is that he was going to be facing a fully grown adult without benefit of a gun to protect him from the beating he would surely have received.

And how is Georgie Porgy doing these days?

Zimmerman goes on to say that he can't have a "normal life," wears a bulletproof vest when in public and doesn't have a permanent home. He says that his family helps him "a lot." "I'm totally homeless," Zimmerman says. Later, Calderón asks how he has changed since the shooting: "I suffer from PTSD," Zimmerman replies.

You know what? Good!

And maybe Zimmerman can serve as a cautionary tale for all of those 2nd Amendment assholes who think they can murder a theater goer for texting during the credits, or a teenager for playing loud music on their car stereos, that maybe they will get away with it, but that does not mean they will live without suffering the consequences of their behaviors.

This shit has to stop! We cannot turn into a nation that solves its problems by shooting first and asking questions later.



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