Monday, March 31, 2014
California man swept to sea during baptism.
Courtesy of CBS Los Angeles:
A man was missing Monday after he and two others were swept out to sea during a baptism ceremony near Santa Barbara.
The pastor of a Santa Maria church was baptizing a man his 20s when the accident happened Sunday morning near the shore of the Guadalupe Dunes Preserve.
Two people managed to swim to safety, but a 43-year-old man, identified by his cousin as Benito Flores, was swept to sea by a two large waves.
I'm no theologian so could somebody tell me if this means he wasn't good enough to be accepted into the kingdom of God, or that God couldn't wait to meet him?
I once knew a minister who lost his keys in the surf, but not one who lost an entire person.
A man was missing Monday after he and two others were swept out to sea during a baptism ceremony near Santa Barbara.
The pastor of a Santa Maria church was baptizing a man his 20s when the accident happened Sunday morning near the shore of the Guadalupe Dunes Preserve.
Two people managed to swim to safety, but a 43-year-old man, identified by his cousin as Benito Flores, was swept to sea by a two large waves.
I'm no theologian so could somebody tell me if this means he wasn't good enough to be accepted into the kingdom of God, or that God couldn't wait to meet him?
I once knew a minister who lost his keys in the surf, but not one who lost an entire person.
Creationist's opinion of Atheists. Must be read to be believed.
This comes from a Daily Kos post about Ray Comfort. Or as we refer to him here on IM the Banana Man.
This is how Comfort responded to a question posed to one of his followers about Atheists.
For an atheist, a starving child is no big deal, because it's just evolution's “survival of the fittest” in action.
I have never met and Atheist who thinks like this. However when we do provide help it is in the form of actual money and food, and not Bibles and attempts to "save their soul."
Starvation, poverty, disease and death are evidences that the Bible is right when it says that we live in a fallen creation.
There has NEVER been a time in human history when all of those things have not been part of our existence on this planet.
We are the guilty party, and yet sinful atheists (in the ultimate gesture of a delusion of grandeur) stand in moral judgment over Almighty God—when they have no real basis for any morality.
There are plenty of very ethical and moral Atheists. And I would argue that our morality is superior because it is based on a real desire to do the right thing and to help others, and not based on a fear of eternal damnation or the reward of eternal life. Using the system of reward and punishment is a method used to train dogs to stay off the furniture, not how to instill a sense of morality in human beings.
The Bible says we are to love our neighbor (others) as much as we love ourselves. Instead of doing that, most secular governments spend billions of dollars each year creating weapons to kill people.
The country that spends the largest sum of money on weapons of war is America, a country that Fundamentalists claim is a Christian nation. And when our many wars are waged, among the first to sign up are Jesus worshiping Christians.
A plane hits severe turbulence. Flight attendants quickly take to their seats before getting food to the hungry passengers at the back of the plane. The atheist is like a man who sees those hungry people, makes an insane leap of logic, and says, “Those people are hungry. Therefore no one made this plane.” Atheism believes that nothing created everything. It is a quiet form of intellectual insanity.
I don't even have an answer for this last one. That is literally too stupid to deserve a response.
It never fails to amaze me how little these people understand non-deists.
In their minds morality comes from God or it does not exist at all. Therefore they see everything in black and white, where they see themselves as good and everybody else as consorting with the Devil.
There is simply no reasoning with a mindset like that. And sadly Ray Comfort is not alone when it comes to those delusions.
Fortunately for all of us they are being chased further into the shadows by the shining brilliance of the new enlightenment.
This is how Comfort responded to a question posed to one of his followers about Atheists.
For an atheist, a starving child is no big deal, because it's just evolution's “survival of the fittest” in action.
I have never met and Atheist who thinks like this. However when we do provide help it is in the form of actual money and food, and not Bibles and attempts to "save their soul."
Starvation, poverty, disease and death are evidences that the Bible is right when it says that we live in a fallen creation.
There has NEVER been a time in human history when all of those things have not been part of our existence on this planet.
We are the guilty party, and yet sinful atheists (in the ultimate gesture of a delusion of grandeur) stand in moral judgment over Almighty God—when they have no real basis for any morality.
There are plenty of very ethical and moral Atheists. And I would argue that our morality is superior because it is based on a real desire to do the right thing and to help others, and not based on a fear of eternal damnation or the reward of eternal life. Using the system of reward and punishment is a method used to train dogs to stay off the furniture, not how to instill a sense of morality in human beings.
The Bible says we are to love our neighbor (others) as much as we love ourselves. Instead of doing that, most secular governments spend billions of dollars each year creating weapons to kill people.
The country that spends the largest sum of money on weapons of war is America, a country that Fundamentalists claim is a Christian nation. And when our many wars are waged, among the first to sign up are Jesus worshiping Christians.
A plane hits severe turbulence. Flight attendants quickly take to their seats before getting food to the hungry passengers at the back of the plane. The atheist is like a man who sees those hungry people, makes an insane leap of logic, and says, “Those people are hungry. Therefore no one made this plane.” Atheism believes that nothing created everything. It is a quiet form of intellectual insanity.
I don't even have an answer for this last one. That is literally too stupid to deserve a response.
It never fails to amaze me how little these people understand non-deists.
In their minds morality comes from God or it does not exist at all. Therefore they see everything in black and white, where they see themselves as good and everybody else as consorting with the Devil.
There is simply no reasoning with a mindset like that. And sadly Ray Comfort is not alone when it comes to those delusions.
Fortunately for all of us they are being chased further into the shadows by the shining brilliance of the new enlightenment.
"ObamaCares" – A Song About Obamacare Agents. This should tickle your funny bones this morning.
Lyrics courtesy of Americans Against the Tea Party:
Lyrics: I’ve got 2 grandmas — whom I lovingly idolize
How will Obama decide which one to euthanize?
That’s not a thing — we wont be putting grandma down
We’re proud to say we haven’t killed one grandma since we’ve been around!
Can I bring my gun in the hospital — in case something goes down?
No, sir, you can’t — but then how the hell am I supposed to stand my ground?!
My hero Freddie never enrolled, and he turned out fine!
Yeah maybe up until somewhere around 1989
There’s so many opinions
They’re usually wrong
That’s why we’re here to answer all your questions
In the form of a song
Be-Cos your BMI’s 60, your artery tears
Your leg is restless and your asthma flares
And Obama’s the only one who cares!
If I’m not pregnant, do I still have to get an abortion?
Whoever told you that, is guilty of distortion
I think my 6 year old’s too young for birth control
Ma’am, no one wants that, now please why wont you just enroll?
They’ll put a barcode in our arm said a Congressman on tv
Will that set off the metal detector at airport security?
No, bar codes aren’t involved — whoever said that’s full of shit
And frankly, I’m concerned by how ok you seem to be with it.
There’s so many opinions
They’re usually wrong
That’s why we’re here, to answer all your questions
In the form of a song
Be-Cos your BMI’s 60, your artery tears
Your leg is restless and your asthma flares
And Obama’s the only one who cares!
I prefer the Affordable Care Act or the “ACA”
Ma’am that’s Obamacare — no it’s not — fine, ok!
I plan on getting shot — a lot — promise
I wont die? That’s not a promise I can make – and may I ask, why?
So will Obama be my personal physician?
I’m sure he’d love to, but he’s not qualified for that position
Will he at least wash his hands before performing surgery?
Obama’s not your doctor…I mean, are you not hearing me?
There’s so many opinions
They’re usually wrong
That’s why we’re here to answer all your questions
In the form of a song
Be-Cos your BMI’s 60, your artery tears
Your leg is restless and your asthma flares
And Obama’s the only one who cares!
Obama cares, Obama cares get it? Obama cares!
Written by: Bob Ferrera and Taylor Ferrera
Very good, informative, AND kind of catchy.
Lyrics: I’ve got 2 grandmas — whom I lovingly idolize
How will Obama decide which one to euthanize?
That’s not a thing — we wont be putting grandma down
We’re proud to say we haven’t killed one grandma since we’ve been around!
Can I bring my gun in the hospital — in case something goes down?
No, sir, you can’t — but then how the hell am I supposed to stand my ground?!
My hero Freddie never enrolled, and he turned out fine!
Yeah maybe up until somewhere around 1989
There’s so many opinions
They’re usually wrong
That’s why we’re here to answer all your questions
In the form of a song
Be-Cos your BMI’s 60, your artery tears
Your leg is restless and your asthma flares
And Obama’s the only one who cares!
If I’m not pregnant, do I still have to get an abortion?
Whoever told you that, is guilty of distortion
I think my 6 year old’s too young for birth control
Ma’am, no one wants that, now please why wont you just enroll?
They’ll put a barcode in our arm said a Congressman on tv
Will that set off the metal detector at airport security?
No, bar codes aren’t involved — whoever said that’s full of shit
And frankly, I’m concerned by how ok you seem to be with it.
There’s so many opinions
They’re usually wrong
That’s why we’re here, to answer all your questions
In the form of a song
Be-Cos your BMI’s 60, your artery tears
Your leg is restless and your asthma flares
And Obama’s the only one who cares!
I prefer the Affordable Care Act or the “ACA”
Ma’am that’s Obamacare — no it’s not — fine, ok!
I plan on getting shot — a lot — promise
I wont die? That’s not a promise I can make – and may I ask, why?
So will Obama be my personal physician?
I’m sure he’d love to, but he’s not qualified for that position
Will he at least wash his hands before performing surgery?
Obama’s not your doctor…I mean, are you not hearing me?
There’s so many opinions
They’re usually wrong
That’s why we’re here to answer all your questions
In the form of a song
Be-Cos your BMI’s 60, your artery tears
Your leg is restless and your asthma flares
And Obama’s the only one who cares!
Obama cares, Obama cares get it? Obama cares!
Written by: Bob Ferrera and Taylor Ferrera
Very good, informative, AND kind of catchy.
Finally a version of the Ten Commandments that I am willing to follow.
Admit it, if THIS were the basis for our morality, the world would be much better place.
A much better place.
A much better place.
More classy promotions for Sarah Palin's new "Jackass for Rednecks" show.
Courtesy of the Sportsman Channel's Facebook page:
Naughty or nice, just make sure you watch. That’s our advice.
Amazing America with Sarah Palin premieres April 3rd at 8 PM E/P.
You know not to nitpick, but wouldn't it be more impressive if the living embodiment of "whup-ass" drove her own dog sled?
Same damn thing as always, she talks tough but when you get down too it, she needs to have everything challenging done for her.
Load my gun Daddy, send me the questions before the interview Fox, write my Facebook page for me RAM, run my city while I pretend to be mayor John Cramer, research and write my books for me Nancy French, etc., etc., etc..
And the same is true this time as Palin has not just one co-host, but two.
Naughty or nice, just make sure you watch. That’s our advice.
Amazing America with Sarah Palin premieres April 3rd at 8 PM E/P.
You know not to nitpick, but wouldn't it be more impressive if the living embodiment of "whup-ass" drove her own dog sled?
Same damn thing as always, she talks tough but when you get down too it, she needs to have everything challenging done for her.
Load my gun Daddy, send me the questions before the interview Fox, write my Facebook page for me RAM, run my city while I pretend to be mayor John Cramer, research and write my books for me Nancy French, etc., etc., etc..
And the same is true this time as Palin has not just one co-host, but two.
Finally found those Obamacare "death panels."
Courtesy of the Daily Kos:
Despite the catastrophic launch of the web site last fall, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is on pace to hit and surpass the CBO's most recent forecast of 6 million private insurance subscribers by the March 31 enrollment deadline. All told, at least 13 million people will obtain insurance coverage as a result of Obamacare, including 3 million young adults under age 26 added to their parents' (a majority of them Republican) policies. As with President Bush's Medicare Part prescription drug plan 8 years ago, ACA approval is climbing. The markets, too, have spoken, with stock prices for major insurers surging as their CEOs signal their pleasure with the total number and age mix of their new customers.
But given the unprecedented four-year Republican war to smother it in its cradle, Obamacare's recovery is all the more remarkable. A seemingly unending torrent of court challenges by state Republicans and right-wing front groups has held up ACA implementation in many states. (If they succeed in Halbig v. Sebelius, they will effectively undo the Affordable Care Act in 34 states altogether.) A misinformation campaign about make-believe deficits, mythical "death panels," a pretend "government takeover of health care" and a supposedly simultaneous insurance industry "death spiral" and "bailout" left Americans—especially the uninsured—fearful, confused and shockingly ill-informed.
Yet as damaging as that uncertainty and chaos has been, the Republican Party's scorched-earth opposition to Obamacare is producing something far worse: a body count. That's not hyperbole, but a grim reality. Due to what might be the greatest act of political spite in modern American history, Republicans will needlessly leave millions of people uninsured, many hospitals on the edge of financial ruin and thousands of Americans dead, mostly in the states the GOP itself controls.
So do I owe Sarah Palin an apology now?
Or is this not quite what she meant?
Here is more from the Health Affairs blog:
Nationwide, 47,950,687 people were uninsured in 2012; the number of uninsured is expected to decrease by about 16 million after implementation of the ACA, leaving 32,202,633 uninsured. Nearly 8 million of these remaining uninsured would have gotten coverage had their state opted in. States opting in to Medicaid expansion will experience a decrease of 48.9 percent in their uninsured population versus an 18.1 percent decrease in opt-out states.
We estimate the number of deaths attributable to the lack of Medicaid expansion in opt-out states at between 7,115 and 17,104. Medicaid expansion in opt-out states would have resulted in 712,037 fewer persons screening positive for depression and 240,700 fewer individuals suffering catastrophic medical expenditures. Medicaid expansion in these states would have resulted in 422,553 more diabetics receiving medication for their illness, 195,492 more mammograms among women age 50-64 years and 443,677 more pap smears among women age 21-64. Expansion would have resulted in an additional 658,888 women in need of mammograms gaining insurance, as well as 3.1 million women who should receive regular pap smears.
So yes Sarah Palin, there ARE death panels, and they are overseen by Republican pieces of shit who put politics before the needs of the people whom they were elected to serve.
Despite the catastrophic launch of the web site last fall, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is on pace to hit and surpass the CBO's most recent forecast of 6 million private insurance subscribers by the March 31 enrollment deadline. All told, at least 13 million people will obtain insurance coverage as a result of Obamacare, including 3 million young adults under age 26 added to their parents' (a majority of them Republican) policies. As with President Bush's Medicare Part prescription drug plan 8 years ago, ACA approval is climbing. The markets, too, have spoken, with stock prices for major insurers surging as their CEOs signal their pleasure with the total number and age mix of their new customers.
But given the unprecedented four-year Republican war to smother it in its cradle, Obamacare's recovery is all the more remarkable. A seemingly unending torrent of court challenges by state Republicans and right-wing front groups has held up ACA implementation in many states. (If they succeed in Halbig v. Sebelius, they will effectively undo the Affordable Care Act in 34 states altogether.) A misinformation campaign about make-believe deficits, mythical "death panels," a pretend "government takeover of health care" and a supposedly simultaneous insurance industry "death spiral" and "bailout" left Americans—especially the uninsured—fearful, confused and shockingly ill-informed.
Yet as damaging as that uncertainty and chaos has been, the Republican Party's scorched-earth opposition to Obamacare is producing something far worse: a body count. That's not hyperbole, but a grim reality. Due to what might be the greatest act of political spite in modern American history, Republicans will needlessly leave millions of people uninsured, many hospitals on the edge of financial ruin and thousands of Americans dead, mostly in the states the GOP itself controls.
So do I owe Sarah Palin an apology now?
Or is this not quite what she meant?
Here is more from the Health Affairs blog:
Nationwide, 47,950,687 people were uninsured in 2012; the number of uninsured is expected to decrease by about 16 million after implementation of the ACA, leaving 32,202,633 uninsured. Nearly 8 million of these remaining uninsured would have gotten coverage had their state opted in. States opting in to Medicaid expansion will experience a decrease of 48.9 percent in their uninsured population versus an 18.1 percent decrease in opt-out states.
We estimate the number of deaths attributable to the lack of Medicaid expansion in opt-out states at between 7,115 and 17,104. Medicaid expansion in opt-out states would have resulted in 712,037 fewer persons screening positive for depression and 240,700 fewer individuals suffering catastrophic medical expenditures. Medicaid expansion in these states would have resulted in 422,553 more diabetics receiving medication for their illness, 195,492 more mammograms among women age 50-64 years and 443,677 more pap smears among women age 21-64. Expansion would have resulted in an additional 658,888 women in need of mammograms gaining insurance, as well as 3.1 million women who should receive regular pap smears.
So yes Sarah Palin, there ARE death panels, and they are overseen by Republican pieces of shit who put politics before the needs of the people whom they were elected to serve.
Video game makers blame Satan for sabotaging their attempts to launch a Bible based adventure game.
Tim Curry from the movie "Legend." |
The makers of a Biblical role-playing game that follows the life of Abraham are blaming their lack of success and inability to fund the project on the influence of Satan.
Speaking with Polygon, Richard Gaeta, co-founder of Phoenix Interactive explained the company’s problems starting cropping up right after the launch of their Kickstarter campaign for Bible Chronicles: The Call of Abraham.
“I believe that, 100 percent,” Gaeta said.
“It’s very tangible,” explained business partner Martin Bertram. “From projects falling through and people that were lined up to help us make this a success falling through. Lots of factors raining down on us like fire and brimstone.”
Phoenix Interactive’s Kickstarter failed to reach its $100,000 target, only managing to raise $19,000.
Executives with troubled video game company see forces other than the marketplace at play.
"If Satan is rallying some of his resources to forestall, delay, or kill this project, I think, this must be a perceived threat to his kingdom,” said Ken Frech, a religious mentor on the project. “I fully would expect something like this to have spiritual warfare. Look at the gospel accounts of demons and so forth. That’s reality. Many Americans don’t believe it anymore. That doesn’t change reality.”
In the action-RPG game Bible Chronicles: The Call of Abraham, gamers are an attendant in Abraham’s party, witnessing Biblical events, while playing an active role fetching, fighting and seeking.
The developers point out that game will not be a glossy retelling of the Biblical story, but will follow a strict literal Biblical line.
You know I don't game all that often anymore, but I do pay attention to up and coming content just to see if anything catches my eye.
What I have noticed is that tons of game ideas never make it past the initial planning stages, and simply die on the vine due to lack of interest.
There are many reasons for this, bad marketing, bad development, bad idea, but I have NEVER heard one of these developers blame the Devil.
It must be nice to never have to take responsibilities for your failures, and instead have some imaginary boogeyman to blame them on.
I'm going to try that the next time I forget where I parked my car.
"No I'm NOT senile, I know exactly where I parked the car, but clearly Satan moved it."
Oh yeah, that should make me seem perfectly rational.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
That awkward moment when Ted Cruz starts an anti-Obamacare poll and learns what Americans REALLY think.
One third of Texas powered by wind energy. Wait, Texas? The Texas?
Courtesy of Motherboard:
On Wednesday, March 27th, the largest state in the contiguous United States got almost one-third of its electricity by harnessing the wind. According to the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which manages the bulk of the Lone Star State's power grid, a record-breaking 10,296 MW of electricity was whipped up by wind turbines. That's enough to provide 29 percent of the state's power, and to keep the lights on in over 5 million homes.
ERCOT notes in a statement issued today that "The new record beats the previous record set earlier this month by more than 600 MW, and the American Wind Energy Association reports it was a record for any US power system."
The landmark is further evidence of one of the nation's unlikeliest energy success stories. Conservative politicians have a renowned aversion to clean energy (though Republican voters favor it overwhelmingly), and Texas is still deep red. Yet wind farms are cropping up in there faster than almost anywhere else. ERCOT points out as much, as it boasts of the sector's recent growth:
Texas continues to have more wind power capacity than any other state. The ERCOT region has more than 11,000 MW of commercial wind power capacity, with nearly 8,000 MW of new projects in development and more than 26,700 MW under study. Wind power comprised 9.9 percent of the total energy used in the ERCOT region in 2013, compared to 9.2 percent in 2012.
Texas has more wind power than any other state, by a huge margin. And it keeps blowing through these major milestones just about every year. There was some trepidation that Texas's wind industry would slow as fracking rose in prominence and a key tax credit faced expiration, but hallmarks like this underline some very strong fundamentals. Wind power is ideal for Texas, where there's a lot of open land, a lot of breezy plains—and a rising demand for electricity, as the state's population continues to grow.
Okay well come on now! If this is happening in Texas, where crude oil runs through the veins of its citizens, then if should be happening EVERYWHERE!
Hell it's happening up here in Alaska as well, and we are almost as oil driven as the Lone Star state.
Maybe even more so.
So this IS happening, even in places that you would think would be the last to start taking advantage of renewable energy. The only question remaining is is it happening fast enough?
On Wednesday, March 27th, the largest state in the contiguous United States got almost one-third of its electricity by harnessing the wind. According to the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which manages the bulk of the Lone Star State's power grid, a record-breaking 10,296 MW of electricity was whipped up by wind turbines. That's enough to provide 29 percent of the state's power, and to keep the lights on in over 5 million homes.
ERCOT notes in a statement issued today that "The new record beats the previous record set earlier this month by more than 600 MW, and the American Wind Energy Association reports it was a record for any US power system."
The landmark is further evidence of one of the nation's unlikeliest energy success stories. Conservative politicians have a renowned aversion to clean energy (though Republican voters favor it overwhelmingly), and Texas is still deep red. Yet wind farms are cropping up in there faster than almost anywhere else. ERCOT points out as much, as it boasts of the sector's recent growth:
Texas continues to have more wind power capacity than any other state. The ERCOT region has more than 11,000 MW of commercial wind power capacity, with nearly 8,000 MW of new projects in development and more than 26,700 MW under study. Wind power comprised 9.9 percent of the total energy used in the ERCOT region in 2013, compared to 9.2 percent in 2012.
Texas has more wind power than any other state, by a huge margin. And it keeps blowing through these major milestones just about every year. There was some trepidation that Texas's wind industry would slow as fracking rose in prominence and a key tax credit faced expiration, but hallmarks like this underline some very strong fundamentals. Wind power is ideal for Texas, where there's a lot of open land, a lot of breezy plains—and a rising demand for electricity, as the state's population continues to grow.
Okay well come on now! If this is happening in Texas, where crude oil runs through the veins of its citizens, then if should be happening EVERYWHERE!
World's largest wind turbine. Fairbanks, Alaska. |
Hell it's happening up here in Alaska as well, and we are almost as oil driven as the Lone Star state.
Maybe even more so.
So this IS happening, even in places that you would think would be the last to start taking advantage of renewable energy. The only question remaining is is it happening fast enough?
New survey of newscasters finds Chris Matthews to be the least likeable. Yeah, I can see that.
Courtesy of The Wrap:
Pelley's 19 Positive Q Score, which measures likeability, helped him just beat the No. 2 guy, CNN's Anderson Cooper, who had an 18. Cooper's 56 Recognizability score places him among the highest on this list.
“Hardball” host Chris Matthews struck out with the lowest likeability score of all.
To create Q Scores, executive vice president Henry Schafer and his team provides a personality's name and a brief description to more than 1,800 viewers. The viewers are asked if they recognize the person, and how they feel about him or her.
Compared to other TV personalities — from late-night hosts to morning hosts — newscasters tend to be less recognizable and less liked.
While I am gratified to see that Rachel Maddow, Tamron Hall, and Thomas Roberts from MSNBC all placed higher than anybody from Fox I am very displeased to see Lara Logan at number three.
Didn't anybody see her disastrous Benghazi debacle?
I think her entire likeability factor is based on the fact that horny men are fantasizing about having sex with her. Buncha pigs!
And as much as I want to come to the defense of my MSNBC brothers and sisters I simply CANNOT disagree with placing tweety at the bottom of the pile.
The man simply cannot stop interrupting his guests and making stupid comments.
Matthews has done some great reporting, and was called out a number of politicians on their crap, but he is incredibly hard to watch sometimes. Though I would still watch him over Bill O'Reilly or Sean Hannity ANY day.
Actually if you are looking for the most annoying MSNBC host, that honor should go to Ronan Farrow. I am not even exaggerating that he is the only MSNBC personality who has irritated me enough that I have switched to Fox News instead. True story.
Pelley's 19 Positive Q Score, which measures likeability, helped him just beat the No. 2 guy, CNN's Anderson Cooper, who had an 18. Cooper's 56 Recognizability score places him among the highest on this list.
“Hardball” host Chris Matthews struck out with the lowest likeability score of all.
To create Q Scores, executive vice president Henry Schafer and his team provides a personality's name and a brief description to more than 1,800 viewers. The viewers are asked if they recognize the person, and how they feel about him or her.
Compared to other TV personalities — from late-night hosts to morning hosts — newscasters tend to be less recognizable and less liked.
While I am gratified to see that Rachel Maddow, Tamron Hall, and Thomas Roberts from MSNBC all placed higher than anybody from Fox I am very displeased to see Lara Logan at number three.
Didn't anybody see her disastrous Benghazi debacle?
I think her entire likeability factor is based on the fact that horny men are fantasizing about having sex with her. Buncha pigs!
And as much as I want to come to the defense of my MSNBC brothers and sisters I simply CANNOT disagree with placing tweety at the bottom of the pile.
The man simply cannot stop interrupting his guests and making stupid comments.
Matthews has done some great reporting, and was called out a number of politicians on their crap, but he is incredibly hard to watch sometimes. Though I would still watch him over Bill O'Reilly or Sean Hannity ANY day.
Actually if you are looking for the most annoying MSNBC host, that honor should go to Ronan Farrow. I am not even exaggerating that he is the only MSNBC personality who has irritated me enough that I have switched to Fox News instead. True story.
84 year old man shoots and kills his son over cable dispute. Plans to continue the argument in the afterlife.
Courtesy of the Star Tribune:
An 84-year-old Maplewood man fatally shot his son over a dispute about installing cable in the family home, according to charges filed Thursday.
Pang Se Vang, 84, was charged in Ramsey County District Court with second-degree murder in the death of his son, Chue Vang, 36.
Maplewood police responded to the family home in the 1800 block of County Road B East about 11:51 a.m. Monday, where they found Chue Vang dead in a hallway and Pang Vang bleeding from self-inflicted knife wounds to the chest and neck.
According to the complaint: Pang Vang called his pastor that morning and said he was upset that Chue Vang would not pay to install cable in the home. Chue Vang owned the home and lived with his parents and siblings. Father and son had argued, and Chue Vang told his father he could move out, the pastor told authorities.
Pang Vang’s wife said their son asked his dad to talk to his sons about any problems.
“I’m not talking with you kids,” Pang Vang said before closing himself off in his bedroom.
Chue Vang opened the bedroom door, said, “Dad!” and was shot once by his father, charges said.
Another son wrestled a rifle away from their father and family members fled the home.
“If you are not afraid of dying then come in and bother me,” Pang Vang told his wife when she confronted him in their bedroom. “If you are afraid of dying, then you better run away.”
Damn, this guy really holds grudge. Still I am sure that he must feel terrible about killing his son over something so trivial. Or not:
Pang Vang eventually surrendered to police after telling them he would settle the dispute with his deceased son in the afterlife.
So apparently being very religious, does NOT make you a more moral person? Gee who would have thunk it?
Well it's a good thing the old man had a rifle to protect him from losing an argument with his son.
You know the only thing that stops a bad son from not installing cable and offering to pay for it, is a good father with a bad attitude and a loaded rifle.
Of course the next stage of this conflict may be a little tougher on the old man, because I am not sure that they allow guns in heaven.
What am I saying? There is NO way that so many conservatives would be working so hard to get there if they didn't!
An 84-year-old Maplewood man fatally shot his son over a dispute about installing cable in the family home, according to charges filed Thursday.
Pang Se Vang, 84, was charged in Ramsey County District Court with second-degree murder in the death of his son, Chue Vang, 36.
Maplewood police responded to the family home in the 1800 block of County Road B East about 11:51 a.m. Monday, where they found Chue Vang dead in a hallway and Pang Vang bleeding from self-inflicted knife wounds to the chest and neck.
According to the complaint: Pang Vang called his pastor that morning and said he was upset that Chue Vang would not pay to install cable in the home. Chue Vang owned the home and lived with his parents and siblings. Father and son had argued, and Chue Vang told his father he could move out, the pastor told authorities.
Pang Vang’s wife said their son asked his dad to talk to his sons about any problems.
“I’m not talking with you kids,” Pang Vang said before closing himself off in his bedroom.
Chue Vang opened the bedroom door, said, “Dad!” and was shot once by his father, charges said.
Another son wrestled a rifle away from their father and family members fled the home.
“If you are not afraid of dying then come in and bother me,” Pang Vang told his wife when she confronted him in their bedroom. “If you are afraid of dying, then you better run away.”
Damn, this guy really holds grudge. Still I am sure that he must feel terrible about killing his son over something so trivial. Or not:
Pang Vang eventually surrendered to police after telling them he would settle the dispute with his deceased son in the afterlife.
So apparently being very religious, does NOT make you a more moral person? Gee who would have thunk it?
Well it's a good thing the old man had a rifle to protect him from losing an argument with his son.
You know the only thing that stops a bad son from not installing cable and offering to pay for it, is a good father with a bad attitude and a loaded rifle.
Of course the next stage of this conflict may be a little tougher on the old man, because I am not sure that they allow guns in heaven.
What am I saying? There is NO way that so many conservatives would be working so hard to get there if they didn't!
Bristol Palin's blog has now become just another outlet for anti-abortion propaganda.
Nancy and Bristol, Gee it's almost like they are the same person! |
As I’ve mentioned, I love reading my Bible, especially if some verses really jump out at me. When they do, I’ll share them with ya!
Here’s the latest:
The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life, but violence overwhelms the mouth of the wicked.” Proverbs 10:11
The part about “the mouth of the righteous” being the “fountain of life” totally reminds me of the wonderful activists in the pro-life movement!!!
On the other hand, it also makes me picture pro-abortion advocates and the violence they preach… it just makes me sick. They have “mouths of the wicked,” because they and spew so much violence toward people who are only trying to protect innocent life.
Choose life.
Just in case you are confused by the fact that there is something missing between the "they" and the "and" in the paragraph above, no I did not leave out a word. It's just that somebody is not doing their follow up editing very well.
Now this is clearly the work of Nancy French who seems to have now completely taken over Bristol's blog, while Sarah seems to be doing a little more of her own writing. (Either that or her stupidity is contagious and has infected her ghostwriters.)
This post is essentially accusing pro-choice people of violence and murder, when of course legal abortion is no such thing.
It is only the religious looney's who believe that live begins at conception, while science places it at the time when a fetus can viably live outside of the womb. (Which is somewhere between 23 and 27 weeks.)
That means that there are really very, very few actual deaths that can be attributed to the pro-choice movement.
Sadly the same cannot be said for the other side:
March 10, 1993: Dr. David Gunn of Pensacola, Florida was fatally shot during a protest. He had been the subject of wanted-style posters distributed by Operation Rescue in the summer of 1992.
July 29, 1994: Dr. John Britton and James Barrett, a clinic escort, were both shot to death outside another facility, the Ladies Center, in Pensacola.
December 30, 1994: Two receptionists, Shannon Lowney and Lee Ann Nichols, were killed in two clinic attacks in Brookline, Massachusetts.
January 29, 1998: Robert Sanderson, an off-duty police officer who worked as a security guard at an abortion clinic in Birmingham, Alabama, was killed when his workplace was bombed.
October 23, 1998: Dr. Barnett Slepian was shot to death with a high-powered rifle at his home in Amherst, New York.
May 31, 2009: Dr. George Tiller was shot and killed by Scott Roeder as Tiller served as an usher at a church in Wichita, Kansas.
So who is it that is spewing violence again?
Pro-choice people are NOT pro-abortion, they would much rather prevent unwanted pregnancy, through education and birth control, rather than see a young woman subjected to a procedure that can be quite traumatic and emotionally painful.
Which makes one wonder how many young women might have ended up in abortion clinics after following the advice of Bristol Palin, Abstinence Only Spokesperson, during her 2011 tour?
If only those young ladies would have had an honest role model to follow, they might have been spared such an upsetting procedure.
And speaking of procedures, and violence, what happened to whatever was responsible for this puzzling weight gain?
There is a quote about glass houses and throwing stones, and I can hear the sound of shattered glass from here.
Obamacare is here to stay and it is winning over converts everyday. Oh look, I'm a poet and I didn't even know it.
Courtesy of The National Memo:
In mid-March, House Republicans took their 52nd vote in 38 months to repeal the Affordable Care Act. While a majority of the House voted in favor of the bill, however, public support for these continued efforts to repeal the health care law is progressively shrinking.
According to a Kaiser Foundation poll released on Wednesday, only 18 percent of Americans still wish to see the law repealed and not replaced — 11 percent want to repeal the law and replace it with a Republican alternative, 10 percent want it to remain as is, and a 49 percent majority want to keep it and improve it.
It seems repeated GOP efforts to defund the law have hit a standstill, representing a possible warning to Republicans who exclusively focus on the ACA in the upcoming midterm elections. According to the poll, a growing number of Americans have accepted the ACA as the law of the land. Some 53 percent of those polled now say they are tired of debating the already implemented law, and would prefer to move on to other important issues.
This is great news moving forward. In fact there are more stories rolling in about how many of those once opposed to he law are now seeing the benefits.
One was so good it was even used by the White House Blog:
I am a staunch Republican, a self-proclaimed Fox News addict, and I didn't vote for the President. And I'm here to tell you that Obamacare works. I'm living proof.
I'm a chemotherapy patient, and was previously paying $428 a month for my health coverage. I was not thrilled when it was cancelled.
Then I submitted an application at I looked at my options. And I signed up for a plan for $62 a month.
It's the best health care I have ever had.
I wrote a letter to President Obama this past February to tell him about my experience with the Health Insurance Marketplace. I hoped he'd read it, and he did.
I may not be a supporter of the President. But now, I get mad when I see Obamacare dragged through the mud on television.
And even though I regularly tune in to conservative pundits, I'd like to tell them they're getting it wrong. Obamacare works.
It's signed Mark D. Bearden, Ph.D. and the White House is now using it to help sign people up for Obamacare. Which is what I have been suggesting for months.
And of course the enrollment is now over six million.
However before we all start high-fiving each other we need a reality check.
While it is true that the Republicans cannot do anything in the short term to derail the Affordable Care Act, their is a scenario that would give them the power to do just that.
Last night on Real Time Bill Maher interviewed Jimmy Carter. When asked if he thought that winning the presidency, the Senate, and the House would mean that the Republicans would feel empowered to repeal the ACA, Carter said yes it would.
No doubt about it.
So while we may not be able to imagine a scenario where the GOP wins the White House, I am not willing to leave it up to that election to protect our progress, and we need to make damn sure that EVERY Democrat, Liberal, and liberal leaning Independent gets out to vote in 2014.
We have come too far to allow all of this to go up in smoke.
Nate Silver was on the Daily Show the other day and he kind of dared the Democrats to prove him wrong about his predictions concerning 2014. I haven't played truth or dare for many, many years, but that is one dare I am more than willing to take.
In mid-March, House Republicans took their 52nd vote in 38 months to repeal the Affordable Care Act. While a majority of the House voted in favor of the bill, however, public support for these continued efforts to repeal the health care law is progressively shrinking.
According to a Kaiser Foundation poll released on Wednesday, only 18 percent of Americans still wish to see the law repealed and not replaced — 11 percent want to repeal the law and replace it with a Republican alternative, 10 percent want it to remain as is, and a 49 percent majority want to keep it and improve it.
It seems repeated GOP efforts to defund the law have hit a standstill, representing a possible warning to Republicans who exclusively focus on the ACA in the upcoming midterm elections. According to the poll, a growing number of Americans have accepted the ACA as the law of the land. Some 53 percent of those polled now say they are tired of debating the already implemented law, and would prefer to move on to other important issues.
This is great news moving forward. In fact there are more stories rolling in about how many of those once opposed to he law are now seeing the benefits.
One was so good it was even used by the White House Blog:
I am a staunch Republican, a self-proclaimed Fox News addict, and I didn't vote for the President. And I'm here to tell you that Obamacare works. I'm living proof.
I'm a chemotherapy patient, and was previously paying $428 a month for my health coverage. I was not thrilled when it was cancelled.
Then I submitted an application at I looked at my options. And I signed up for a plan for $62 a month.
It's the best health care I have ever had.
I wrote a letter to President Obama this past February to tell him about my experience with the Health Insurance Marketplace. I hoped he'd read it, and he did.
I may not be a supporter of the President. But now, I get mad when I see Obamacare dragged through the mud on television.
And even though I regularly tune in to conservative pundits, I'd like to tell them they're getting it wrong. Obamacare works.
It's signed Mark D. Bearden, Ph.D. and the White House is now using it to help sign people up for Obamacare. Which is what I have been suggesting for months.
And of course the enrollment is now over six million.
However before we all start high-fiving each other we need a reality check.
While it is true that the Republicans cannot do anything in the short term to derail the Affordable Care Act, their is a scenario that would give them the power to do just that.
Last night on Real Time Bill Maher interviewed Jimmy Carter. When asked if he thought that winning the presidency, the Senate, and the House would mean that the Republicans would feel empowered to repeal the ACA, Carter said yes it would.
No doubt about it.
So while we may not be able to imagine a scenario where the GOP wins the White House, I am not willing to leave it up to that election to protect our progress, and we need to make damn sure that EVERY Democrat, Liberal, and liberal leaning Independent gets out to vote in 2014.
We have come too far to allow all of this to go up in smoke.
Nate Silver was on the Daily Show the other day and he kind of dared the Democrats to prove him wrong about his predictions concerning 2014. I haven't played truth or dare for many, many years, but that is one dare I am more than willing to take.
President Obama refused to take the Republican's advice on how to deal with Putin's invasion of Crimea, and things worked out just like you imagine. Much better.
Courtesy of Bloomberg News:
Sanctions imposed by the U.S. and the European Union are pushing Russia toward a recession as the intensity of their economic penalties increases after the annexation of Crimea earlier this month.
Banks including state-run VTB Capital say the world’s ninth-biggest economy will shrink for at least two quarters as penalties for annexing Crimea rattle markets, curb investment and raise the cost of borrowing. Sanctions that have so far focused on individuals via visa bans and asset freezes may be expanded to target specific areas of the economy.
This pressure apparently was too much for Vlad, and the next thing you know.....
President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia reached out to President Obama on Friday to discuss ideas about how to peacefully resolve the international standoff over Ukraine, a surprise move by Moscow to pull back from the brink of an escalated confrontation that has put Europe and much of the world on edge.
After weeks of provocative moves punctuated by a menacing buildup of troops on Ukraine’s border, Mr. Putin’s unexpected telephone call to Mr. Obama offered a hint of a possible settlement. The two leaders agreed to have their top diplomats meet to discuss concrete proposals for defusing the crisis that has generated the most serious clash between Russia and the West since the end of the Cold War.
Of course these are just preliminary talks, but it is more than a little impressive that Obama got Putin to call HIM without a shot being fired or any threats of blowing shit up.
Of course if the Republicans had their way we would have Americans dying on the border of Ukraine right now and we would be headed toward World War 3. You know the kind of "diplomacy" that gives those whose campaigns are paid for by the Military Industrial Complex giant boners.
(H/T to The Obama Diary.)
Sanctions imposed by the U.S. and the European Union are pushing Russia toward a recession as the intensity of their economic penalties increases after the annexation of Crimea earlier this month.
Banks including state-run VTB Capital say the world’s ninth-biggest economy will shrink for at least two quarters as penalties for annexing Crimea rattle markets, curb investment and raise the cost of borrowing. Sanctions that have so far focused on individuals via visa bans and asset freezes may be expanded to target specific areas of the economy.
This pressure apparently was too much for Vlad, and the next thing you know.....
Pres. Obama didn't go to war; no, he went after the money & Putin picked up the phone to discuss diplomatic solutions
— Nerdy Wonka (@NerdyWonka) March 28, 2014
Courtesy of the New York Times: President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia reached out to President Obama on Friday to discuss ideas about how to peacefully resolve the international standoff over Ukraine, a surprise move by Moscow to pull back from the brink of an escalated confrontation that has put Europe and much of the world on edge.
After weeks of provocative moves punctuated by a menacing buildup of troops on Ukraine’s border, Mr. Putin’s unexpected telephone call to Mr. Obama offered a hint of a possible settlement. The two leaders agreed to have their top diplomats meet to discuss concrete proposals for defusing the crisis that has generated the most serious clash between Russia and the West since the end of the Cold War.
Of course these are just preliminary talks, but it is more than a little impressive that Obama got Putin to call HIM without a shot being fired or any threats of blowing shit up.
Of course if the Republicans had their way we would have Americans dying on the border of Ukraine right now and we would be headed toward World War 3. You know the kind of "diplomacy" that gives those whose campaigns are paid for by the Military Industrial Complex giant boners.
(H/T to The Obama Diary.)
Saturday, March 29, 2014
All of the media is now talking about Chris Christie again. And somebody is feeling left out.
Courtesy of the Attention Whore's Facebook page:
Good Lord, media - distract much? The Middle East isn't a tinderbox today? Our economy isn't in the tank today? Scandalous liberal politicians aren't getting busted in rapid succession today? Talk about ridiculous overkill. This Chris Christie press conference is the epitome of local politics, but you're taking this live and covering City Hall like it's Armageddon. Priorities, media... your priorities are so revealing. Christie is playing them like Eddie Van Halen on guitar.
“Look at me! Look at me! Look at me NOW! It is fun to have fun But you have to know how.”
Reminds me of the last book that Palin read and actually comprehended.
It's as if she does not realize that with several cable channels providing 24 hours of news each day, and thousands of blogs and websites doing the same, there is more than enough time to report on Chris Christie, the situation in the Ukraine, and her stupidity with time left over to visit inmates suffering in prison.
But she's wrong, in fact here is Politico reporting on this very post, and revealing that she spelled Christie's name wrong:
Palin, who in her original post spelled Christie’s name wrong, edited it in updates and added that Christie was “playing” the media.
See? And still plenty of time to talk about that missing plane in Malaysia. (Seriously if you are going to criticize the media for spending too much time on a story, THIS should be your jumping off point.)
The Hill even took time out of their very busy, busy day to critique Palin's habit of endorsing a candidate through Facebook and then wandering off to look at the next shiny object.
Her late endorsement of Missouri Senate candidate Sarah Steelman in 2012 helped boost Steelman as well, though she ultimately fell short in her race against Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.).
Palin’s most recent endorsement this cycle didn’t accomplish much, though. She backed Tea Party candidate Katrina Pierson against Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) but didn’t come in to campaign for her or help boost her past the initial endorsement.
“It didn't help much at all,” said a Tea Party-aligned Texas GOP strategist. “It shows you the limitations of what an endorsement from Palin can do.”
Republicans say her endorsement is still one of the most coveted out there in a competitive primary — it acts as a good housekeeping seal of approval for the anti-establishment base and can help generate buzz and excitement. But many sources echo that Palin rarely does much work past her initial endorsement, leaving it up to the candidates themselves to capitalize on that momentum.
“Most endorsements are a one-click deal, she endorses on Facebook and thinks that should be enough,” said Harber, who worked on Steelman race.
See there Granny Grifter, the media IS still able to report on the latest Chris Christie scandals, call you out on your bullshit as well.
Now are you happy that they are paying attention to you again?
Good Lord, media - distract much? The Middle East isn't a tinderbox today? Our economy isn't in the tank today? Scandalous liberal politicians aren't getting busted in rapid succession today? Talk about ridiculous overkill. This Chris Christie press conference is the epitome of local politics, but you're taking this live and covering City Hall like it's Armageddon. Priorities, media... your priorities are so revealing. Christie is playing them like Eddie Van Halen on guitar.
“Look at me! Look at me! Look at me NOW! It is fun to have fun But you have to know how.”
Reminds me of the last book that Palin read and actually comprehended.
It's as if she does not realize that with several cable channels providing 24 hours of news each day, and thousands of blogs and websites doing the same, there is more than enough time to report on Chris Christie, the situation in the Ukraine, and her stupidity with time left over to visit inmates suffering in prison.
But she's wrong, in fact here is Politico reporting on this very post, and revealing that she spelled Christie's name wrong:
Palin, who in her original post spelled Christie’s name wrong, edited it in updates and added that Christie was “playing” the media.
See? And still plenty of time to talk about that missing plane in Malaysia. (Seriously if you are going to criticize the media for spending too much time on a story, THIS should be your jumping off point.)
The Hill even took time out of their very busy, busy day to critique Palin's habit of endorsing a candidate through Facebook and then wandering off to look at the next shiny object.
Her late endorsement of Missouri Senate candidate Sarah Steelman in 2012 helped boost Steelman as well, though she ultimately fell short in her race against Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.).
Palin’s most recent endorsement this cycle didn’t accomplish much, though. She backed Tea Party candidate Katrina Pierson against Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) but didn’t come in to campaign for her or help boost her past the initial endorsement.
“It didn't help much at all,” said a Tea Party-aligned Texas GOP strategist. “It shows you the limitations of what an endorsement from Palin can do.”
Republicans say her endorsement is still one of the most coveted out there in a competitive primary — it acts as a good housekeeping seal of approval for the anti-establishment base and can help generate buzz and excitement. But many sources echo that Palin rarely does much work past her initial endorsement, leaving it up to the candidates themselves to capitalize on that momentum.
“Most endorsements are a one-click deal, she endorses on Facebook and thinks that should be enough,” said Harber, who worked on Steelman race.
See there Granny Grifter, the media IS still able to report on the latest Chris Christie scandals, call you out on your bullshit as well.
Now are you happy that they are paying attention to you again?
Chris Christie's slut shaming of Bridget Kelly, and how that may lead to his eventual downfall.
As I am sure all of you know by now the investigative report, commissioned by Chris Christie to absolve him of any blame for the George Washington bridge scandal, came out on Thursday.
This is how the Daily Beast reported on that "totally unforeseen" exoneration:
When the results of the internal Bridgegate investigation, commissioned by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie were released Thursday, it included a curious revelation. Bridget Anne Kelly, Christie’s former Deputy Chief of Staff whom he fired on January 9 after the release of her smoking gun “time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee” email, had been involved in an affair with Bill Stepien, Christie’s former campaign manager.
The report, which cost New Jersey taxpayers $1 million, states that “Kelly and Stepien became personally involved, although, by early August 2013, their personal relationship had cooled, apparently at Stepien’s choice, and they largely stopped speaking.”
State Senator Loretta Weinberg, one of two co-chairs of the joint legislative committee investigating Bridgegate, told The Daily Beast that she believes this was an attempt to assassinate the character of Kelly.
“Maybe that’s what’s making me so angry,” Weinberg said in a phone call Thursday. “They’re talking about ‘a personal relationship’ and they put in the report that Mr. Stepien was the one who ended it—how do they know that? How do they know that? And was that done to add to the credence that this was some crazy woman, some woman who is no longer in control of her emotions?”
Now Chris Christie had originally thrown Bridget Kelly under the bus during his January press conference on the bridge scandal.
At the time I remember thinking, "Man he must have her locked down, to treat her like that and not expect her to go public with what she knows." And at the time she didn't.
However former Christie Port Authority appointee, David Wildstein felt no such loyalty and publicly claimed that the Governor knew about the bridge closings, and that his administration had orchestrated them.
Further more Wildstein said he is willing to tell all to the investigators if they will grant him immunity.
Bridget Kelly on the other hand has remained quiet and has refused to cooperate.
And then this report was released.
This was the statement released yesterday by Bridget Kelly's lawyer:
Having reviewed the report of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, LLP, as well as listened to the comments of Randy Mastro, Esq., we note that by Mr. Mastro’s own admission, he did not have access to all information. Of course, without reviewing all pertinent evidence, any conclusions that are to be drawn are by definition incomplete. The report’s venomous, gratuitous, and inappropriate sexist remarks concerning Ms. Kelly have no place in what is alleged to be a professional and independent report.
There appear to be two distinct versions of the George Washington Bridge lane closings. On the one hand, Mr. Wildstein, through his counsel, has taken one clear position. On the other hand, Mr. Mastro has staked a different view. Thus, Ms. Kelly’s evidence could be critical to verifying either of the two competing versions of events. A preemptive strike to isolate Ms. Kelly and impugn her credibility is not surprising. Despite Mr. Mastro’s editorialized comments to the contrary, Ms. Kelly is not a liar. She is a single mother of four children who was deeply devoted and committed to her job at the Office of the Governor. She worked tirelessly to pursue the goals of the Office during her tenure.
The only credible investigation into the lane closings is being conducted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office. If Ms. Kelly were provided with the appropriate procedural safeguards, she will be fully cooperative and provide truthful and complete answers to any questions asked of her by the appropriate law enforcement authorities.
Okay now here is where I am a little confused.
If Christie had thrown Kelly to the curb initially, and she had remained loyal and refused to help the investigators go after Christie, what in the world would make him slander her a second time, this time about her personal life?
I mean does he REALLY think she has nothing to offer the the U.S. Attorney's office that would help them prove that Christie knew about the bridge closings? Or is he such an arrogant prick that he thinks he can simply treat her like some one night stand doing the walk of shame at three o'clock in the morning and she will continue to cover for his fat ass?
Because I think that now he is well and truly FUBAR'D.
And it could not happen to a more deserving pile of shit.
This is how the Daily Beast reported on that "totally unforeseen" exoneration:
When the results of the internal Bridgegate investigation, commissioned by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie were released Thursday, it included a curious revelation. Bridget Anne Kelly, Christie’s former Deputy Chief of Staff whom he fired on January 9 after the release of her smoking gun “time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee” email, had been involved in an affair with Bill Stepien, Christie’s former campaign manager.
The report, which cost New Jersey taxpayers $1 million, states that “Kelly and Stepien became personally involved, although, by early August 2013, their personal relationship had cooled, apparently at Stepien’s choice, and they largely stopped speaking.”
State Senator Loretta Weinberg, one of two co-chairs of the joint legislative committee investigating Bridgegate, told The Daily Beast that she believes this was an attempt to assassinate the character of Kelly.
“Maybe that’s what’s making me so angry,” Weinberg said in a phone call Thursday. “They’re talking about ‘a personal relationship’ and they put in the report that Mr. Stepien was the one who ended it—how do they know that? How do they know that? And was that done to add to the credence that this was some crazy woman, some woman who is no longer in control of her emotions?”
Now Chris Christie had originally thrown Bridget Kelly under the bus during his January press conference on the bridge scandal.
At the time I remember thinking, "Man he must have her locked down, to treat her like that and not expect her to go public with what she knows." And at the time she didn't.
However former Christie Port Authority appointee, David Wildstein felt no such loyalty and publicly claimed that the Governor knew about the bridge closings, and that his administration had orchestrated them.
Further more Wildstein said he is willing to tell all to the investigators if they will grant him immunity.
Bridget Kelly on the other hand has remained quiet and has refused to cooperate.
And then this report was released.
This was the statement released yesterday by Bridget Kelly's lawyer:
Having reviewed the report of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, LLP, as well as listened to the comments of Randy Mastro, Esq., we note that by Mr. Mastro’s own admission, he did not have access to all information. Of course, without reviewing all pertinent evidence, any conclusions that are to be drawn are by definition incomplete. The report’s venomous, gratuitous, and inappropriate sexist remarks concerning Ms. Kelly have no place in what is alleged to be a professional and independent report.
There appear to be two distinct versions of the George Washington Bridge lane closings. On the one hand, Mr. Wildstein, through his counsel, has taken one clear position. On the other hand, Mr. Mastro has staked a different view. Thus, Ms. Kelly’s evidence could be critical to verifying either of the two competing versions of events. A preemptive strike to isolate Ms. Kelly and impugn her credibility is not surprising. Despite Mr. Mastro’s editorialized comments to the contrary, Ms. Kelly is not a liar. She is a single mother of four children who was deeply devoted and committed to her job at the Office of the Governor. She worked tirelessly to pursue the goals of the Office during her tenure.
The only credible investigation into the lane closings is being conducted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office. If Ms. Kelly were provided with the appropriate procedural safeguards, she will be fully cooperative and provide truthful and complete answers to any questions asked of her by the appropriate law enforcement authorities.
Okay now here is where I am a little confused.
If Christie had thrown Kelly to the curb initially, and she had remained loyal and refused to help the investigators go after Christie, what in the world would make him slander her a second time, this time about her personal life?
I mean does he REALLY think she has nothing to offer the the U.S. Attorney's office that would help them prove that Christie knew about the bridge closings? Or is he such an arrogant prick that he thinks he can simply treat her like some one night stand doing the walk of shame at three o'clock in the morning and she will continue to cover for his fat ass?
Because I think that now he is well and truly FUBAR'D.
And it could not happen to a more deserving pile of shit.
Insider co-host likens Sarah Palin to Kim Kardashian. I'm pretty sure he owes me copyright money for that.
Courtesy of Al Arabiyah News:
The Insider’s co-host Kevin Frazier on the CBC network described Palin, the former governor of Alaska, as taking the opportunity to further her fame just like “The Kardashians,” who have been lambasted by some observers for seeking fame.
In a segment discussing her upcoming show, “Amazing America with Sarah Palin,” Frazier said:
“The one thing I kept thinking - I have met the political Kardashian,” right-wing U.S. website Breibart reported him as saying Thursday.
Bad news I just did a quick Google search and it turns out that just about EVERYBODY has been comparing Palin to the Kardashians for years. I KNEW I should have had Klondike Kardashian copyrighted!
I love this part of the article.
Frazier added: “She has made something out of nothing and people keep eating [it up].”
Well that may be about the truest things ever said about Sarah Palin.
Of course the one thing that separates Kim Kardashian from Palin is that HER reality shows were an actual success, and that success has now spread throughout her entire family.
Palin on the other hand has failed time and time again, and every attempt by her family to ride on her coattails ends in a complete disaster.
Personally I think we are seeing the final death throes of Palin's unnecessarily extended fifteen minutes of fame.
After this it is going to be sad little appearances on local talk radio shows, which of course she has already started doing, and old people porn that nobody will ever watch.
The Insider’s co-host Kevin Frazier on the CBC network described Palin, the former governor of Alaska, as taking the opportunity to further her fame just like “The Kardashians,” who have been lambasted by some observers for seeking fame.
In a segment discussing her upcoming show, “Amazing America with Sarah Palin,” Frazier said:
“The one thing I kept thinking - I have met the political Kardashian,” right-wing U.S. website Breibart reported him as saying Thursday.
Bad news I just did a quick Google search and it turns out that just about EVERYBODY has been comparing Palin to the Kardashians for years. I KNEW I should have had Klondike Kardashian copyrighted!
I love this part of the article.
Frazier added: “She has made something out of nothing and people keep eating [it up].”
Well that may be about the truest things ever said about Sarah Palin.
Of course the one thing that separates Kim Kardashian from Palin is that HER reality shows were an actual success, and that success has now spread throughout her entire family.
Palin on the other hand has failed time and time again, and every attempt by her family to ride on her coattails ends in a complete disaster.
Personally I think we are seeing the final death throes of Palin's unnecessarily extended fifteen minutes of fame.
After this it is going to be sad little appearances on local talk radio shows, which of course she has already started doing, and old people porn that nobody will ever watch.
I knew she looked familiar!
Is there a rule that the GOP only welcomes women who are batshit crazy?
For those who may not remember.
The next evening guest host Ari Melber explained just how wrong Jennifer Stefano was during her insane rant.
For those who may not remember.
The next evening guest host Ari Melber explained just how wrong Jennifer Stefano was during her insane rant.
Stephen Colbert humorously mocks the Redskins over racism on his show, predicts that certain "small minded" people will not get the joke. Michelle Malkin and the Right Wing go out of their way to prove him right.
Courtesy of Americans Against the Tea Party:
Yesterday, Stephen Colbert masterfully made a point about Redskins owner Dan Snyder refusing to change the team’s name but starting a foundation to help Native Americans in his usual satirical way.
Colbert has, through the years, played his role well, often using offensive humor to highlight some of the darker aspects of our society. As a right-wing character, Colbert utilized Asian stereotypes in an effort to make the point that if the Redskins were employing any other racial stereotype, people would care.
Conservatives, of course, leapt on the opportunity to pretend they are not racist by jumping at one of their most hated enemies on Twitter, after Comedy Central quoted part of the segment out of context–making for the perfect opportunity for the right-wing to slam Colbert without actually watching the segment!
The above was a tweet from Comedy Central on behalf of the Colbert Report.
Of course it received some outrage from the suddenly ethnically sensitive Right Wing. Which prompted this response from Michell Malkin:
And she was not finished yet.
This level of cognitive dissonance inspired Colbert to tweet this from his personal account:
I have every expectation that Colbert, and possibly other late night comedians, will have a field day with this in the coming days.
Sometimes it is like shooting fish in a barrel. Stupid, stupid, fish.
Yesterday, Stephen Colbert masterfully made a point about Redskins owner Dan Snyder refusing to change the team’s name but starting a foundation to help Native Americans in his usual satirical way.
Colbert has, through the years, played his role well, often using offensive humor to highlight some of the darker aspects of our society. As a right-wing character, Colbert utilized Asian stereotypes in an effort to make the point that if the Redskins were employing any other racial stereotype, people would care.
Conservatives, of course, leapt on the opportunity to pretend they are not racist by jumping at one of their most hated enemies on Twitter, after Comedy Central quoted part of the segment out of context–making for the perfect opportunity for the right-wing to slam Colbert without actually watching the segment!
The above was a tweet from Comedy Central on behalf of the Colbert Report.
Of course it received some outrage from the suddenly ethnically sensitive Right Wing. Which prompted this response from Michell Malkin:
Coward just deleted the tweet! RT @TwitchyTeam Racist 'joke' has ppl calling for Comedy Central to #CancelColbert
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) March 28, 2014
That's right she is calling for the Colbert Show to be cancelled because she does not understand parody.And she was not finished yet.
Co-sign! RT @suey_park I'm sick of liberals hiding behind assumed "progressiveness" #CancelColbert
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) March 28, 2014
Of course a few of Malkin's flying monkeys also jumped on the bandwagon.This level of cognitive dissonance inspired Colbert to tweet this from his personal account:
#CancelColbert - I agree! Just saw @ColbertReport tweet. I share your rage. Who is that, though? I'm @StephenAtHome
— Stephen Colbert (@StephenAtHome) March 28, 2014
The tweet contains the link to the bit that was referred to by the Comedy Central account, and once you watch it you kind of have to admire how deftly Colbert baited the hook in order to reel in the Right Wing's professional outrage machine.I have every expectation that Colbert, and possibly other late night comedians, will have a field day with this in the coming days.
Sometimes it is like shooting fish in a barrel. Stupid, stupid, fish.
Anchorage school board candidate knows exactly what is wrong with our schools. Too many non-white students.
Courtesy of ADN:
An Anchorage school board candidate says some of the problems at the cash-strapped Anchorage School District have been caused by a shift in the ethnic background of its students.
In an interview with Alaska Public Media broadcast and posted online this week, Don Smith, 75, compared the ethnic makeup of students in the district today to what he remembered from when he was in school.
"When I was in Anchorage High School, it was about 98 percent white students, and the balance were probably Native, and one or two black students," he told reporter Daysha Eaton. "Today, we're 48 percent white, 52 percent other, and that clearly is causing problems. I think our numbers are dropping because we're importing all these people that aren't up to the standards that we had set for the school."
Smith goes on to specifically blame the problem on what he sees as an influx of students from Africa and Indonesia.
For one thing he is right that when he went to school the population in Anchorage was almost exclusively Caucasian. They were also among the wealthiest of Alaska's residents, which is why they lived in Anchorage and had access to the best schools.
Schools in other parts of the state were not doing nearly as well, and in some rural communities the education was haphazard at best. That was not a problem with ethnicity, that was a problem with funding and access to well trained teachers.
Of course this was back before the Republicans launched their war on public education and started to strip away funding and undermine teachers. Don Smith is a Republican.
When I was a student in in the sixties and seventies Anchorage schools were among the best in the nation. That was not because they were filled with white faces, though in many parts of the city that was true, it was because teachers were respected, and supported by our local politicians.
The problem is not with the diversity among the Anchorage student body it is with the politicians who constantly attack public education and work to underfund our public schools.
And that is a problem perpetrated by the likes of Don Smith and other members of the Alaska Republican Party.
Only a racist unfit to sit on an Anchorage School Board would think to blame the result of their dirty work on the children of immigrants.
An Anchorage school board candidate says some of the problems at the cash-strapped Anchorage School District have been caused by a shift in the ethnic background of its students.
In an interview with Alaska Public Media broadcast and posted online this week, Don Smith, 75, compared the ethnic makeup of students in the district today to what he remembered from when he was in school.
"When I was in Anchorage High School, it was about 98 percent white students, and the balance were probably Native, and one or two black students," he told reporter Daysha Eaton. "Today, we're 48 percent white, 52 percent other, and that clearly is causing problems. I think our numbers are dropping because we're importing all these people that aren't up to the standards that we had set for the school."
Smith goes on to specifically blame the problem on what he sees as an influx of students from Africa and Indonesia.
For one thing he is right that when he went to school the population in Anchorage was almost exclusively Caucasian. They were also among the wealthiest of Alaska's residents, which is why they lived in Anchorage and had access to the best schools.
Schools in other parts of the state were not doing nearly as well, and in some rural communities the education was haphazard at best. That was not a problem with ethnicity, that was a problem with funding and access to well trained teachers.
Of course this was back before the Republicans launched their war on public education and started to strip away funding and undermine teachers. Don Smith is a Republican.
When I was a student in in the sixties and seventies Anchorage schools were among the best in the nation. That was not because they were filled with white faces, though in many parts of the city that was true, it was because teachers were respected, and supported by our local politicians.
The problem is not with the diversity among the Anchorage student body it is with the politicians who constantly attack public education and work to underfund our public schools.
And that is a problem perpetrated by the likes of Don Smith and other members of the Alaska Republican Party.
Only a racist unfit to sit on an Anchorage School Board would think to blame the result of their dirty work on the children of immigrants.
Guns and Ammo interviews Sarah Palin about her new huntin show. Let the barely coherent BS begin.
Courtesy of Guns and Ammo:
Do you still get outdoors to hunt caribou or fish with the family?
Absolutely! The outdoors is where I thrive. Todd and I went fly-fishing in Montana last summer and caught some beautiful rainbow trout. We’re commercial fishermen in Bristol Bay, so we don’t normally play with our food. So, sport fishing on the Missouri was a blast. We also did mounted shooting while there, and Piper loved that. She was a regular Annie Oakley. And, of course, we did a lot of moose, caribou and bear hunting in Alaska this past fall to fill the freezer. My girls and I even spent a special snowy Mother’s Day target practicing and looking for bear at our cabin near Mt. McKinley.
Yes she wandered around that cabin on Safari lake, that she pays no taxes on, shooting off guns and looking for bears to kill.
Of course the cabins are near Denali park where hunting is not allowed unless for subsistence reasons, and no way does Palin qualify for that. Not to mention you have to have a registration, bear tags, and harvest tickets in order to hunt bear, and of course she has none of that either.
Just another BS story to placate the morons.
When asked about her family and hunting, this was the response:
When you’ve grown up in Alaska and raised your kids in the far North, that just comes with the territory. Dad had a bumper sticker: “Take your kids hunting so you’re not hunting for your kids.” His profound bumper art included another favorite that reads “Vegetarian is old Indian word for ‘poor shot.’” (Yeah, that joke NEVER gets old.) Mom and Dad moved our family to Alaska specifically to enjoy hunting and fishing and live a great outdoors lifestyle. It’s what we like to do.
I’m really blessed that all my kids love a rugged outdoor lifestyle. Recently, Piper jumped off a waterfall, which was a reward for babysitting her brother Trig. We also had a blast going through two seasons of “Dancing With the Stars” with Bristol. It was such the opposite of anything we had done. Bristol wanted to wear a sequined camo gown, but that didn’t fly with the producers. (Wow, when you are not even classy enough for Dancing with the Stars, that should really tell you something.) The kids have opportunities to live and work in metropolitan places like Los Angeles but my daughter Willow’s response to living elsewhere reflects all the kids’ thinking at this point in their lives: “Mom, I miss my truck!”
Yes, because as we know nobody drives a truck anywhere but Alaska.
Palin also claims that her dad gave the family firearm safety tips, which of course is why Levi had to show her how the gun under her bed worked, and why her father had to reload the rifle she used to shoot the tame, tied up caribou she murdered on her reality show.
They ask Palin what is her favorite caliber of weapon, which is apparently a question of interest for these people, and she answers that it is a .22 caliber, which of course has no kick and if she fired it at a bear it would only make it kill her faster.
The entire interview is made up of the same family mythology and tired talking points that Palin has been using for years now. The only notable feature is that she did not have the opportunity to slam the President or insult liberals, though she did sneak in a reference to Ronald Reagan.
Well somebody's getting sloppy now aren't they?
Do you still get outdoors to hunt caribou or fish with the family?
Absolutely! The outdoors is where I thrive. Todd and I went fly-fishing in Montana last summer and caught some beautiful rainbow trout. We’re commercial fishermen in Bristol Bay, so we don’t normally play with our food. So, sport fishing on the Missouri was a blast. We also did mounted shooting while there, and Piper loved that. She was a regular Annie Oakley. And, of course, we did a lot of moose, caribou and bear hunting in Alaska this past fall to fill the freezer. My girls and I even spent a special snowy Mother’s Day target practicing and looking for bear at our cabin near Mt. McKinley.
Yes she wandered around that cabin on Safari lake, that she pays no taxes on, shooting off guns and looking for bears to kill.
Of course the cabins are near Denali park where hunting is not allowed unless for subsistence reasons, and no way does Palin qualify for that. Not to mention you have to have a registration, bear tags, and harvest tickets in order to hunt bear, and of course she has none of that either.
Just another BS story to placate the morons.
When asked about her family and hunting, this was the response:
When you’ve grown up in Alaska and raised your kids in the far North, that just comes with the territory. Dad had a bumper sticker: “Take your kids hunting so you’re not hunting for your kids.” His profound bumper art included another favorite that reads “Vegetarian is old Indian word for ‘poor shot.’” (Yeah, that joke NEVER gets old.) Mom and Dad moved our family to Alaska specifically to enjoy hunting and fishing and live a great outdoors lifestyle. It’s what we like to do.
I’m really blessed that all my kids love a rugged outdoor lifestyle. Recently, Piper jumped off a waterfall, which was a reward for babysitting her brother Trig. We also had a blast going through two seasons of “Dancing With the Stars” with Bristol. It was such the opposite of anything we had done. Bristol wanted to wear a sequined camo gown, but that didn’t fly with the producers. (Wow, when you are not even classy enough for Dancing with the Stars, that should really tell you something.) The kids have opportunities to live and work in metropolitan places like Los Angeles but my daughter Willow’s response to living elsewhere reflects all the kids’ thinking at this point in their lives: “Mom, I miss my truck!”
Yes, because as we know nobody drives a truck anywhere but Alaska.
Palin also claims that her dad gave the family firearm safety tips, which of course is why Levi had to show her how the gun under her bed worked, and why her father had to reload the rifle she used to shoot the tame, tied up caribou she murdered on her reality show.
They ask Palin what is her favorite caliber of weapon, which is apparently a question of interest for these people, and she answers that it is a .22 caliber, which of course has no kick and if she fired it at a bear it would only make it kill her faster.
The entire interview is made up of the same family mythology and tired talking points that Palin has been using for years now. The only notable feature is that she did not have the opportunity to slam the President or insult liberals, though she did sneak in a reference to Ronald Reagan.
Well somebody's getting sloppy now aren't they?
Friday, March 28, 2014
I am sometimes criticized for not calling out Democrats for egregious behaviors. Here you go.
Courtesy of the LA Times:
State Sen. Leland Yee, a prominent figure in California's Democratic legislative majority, was arrested in a federal corruption investigation Wednesday along with an ostentatious gangster known as "Shrimp Boy" — who insisted that he had gone straight — and two dozen of their alleged associates.
An affidavit filed in federal court in San Francisco by FBI Special Agent Emmanuel V. Pascua said there was probable cause to believe that Yee had conducted wire fraud and had engaged in a conspiracy to deal firearms without a license and illegally import firearms.
Yee, 65, was taken into custody in San Francisco on Wednesday and was seen being loaded into an unmarked law enforcement vehicle under an umbrella, his wrists handcuffed behind his back. He was set to be released on $500,000 bond after surrendering his passport.
The affidavit paints a portrait of Yee that is by turns seedy and bumbling, and one deeply at odds with the high-minded image he had long cultivated. Yee, a candidate for secretary of state, is accused of being willing to take varied and numerous steps to solicit campaign donations and sidestep legal donation limits.
For instance, he is accused of seeking an official state Senate proclamation in the spring of 2013 praising the Ghee Kung Tong Freemason lodge in San Francisco. Yee sought the proclamation, according to the court complaint, in exchange for a $6,800 donation to one of his campaigns — a donation that was paid by an undercover FBI agent.
The organized crime figure known as Shrimp Boy, whose name is Raymond Chow, identifies himself as the "dragon head" of that Freemason organization on his Facebook page. The indictment says that Chow, 54, whose criminal history includes racketeering and robbery, has a position of "supreme authority" in the Triad, an international organized crime group.
You know much of the time when conservatives call out Democrats for shady dealings it is exaggerated or made up out of whole cloth, but THIS one is a solid hit.
The Right Wing will of course be even more over the moon since Yee was an avid gun control advocate who has now also indicted for running guns.
And for the cherry on top many of you may remember that it was Senator Yee who criticized how much Sarah Palin was paid by Cal State Stanislau for a speech she gave back in 2010, and received tons of hate mail for his troubles.
So you know there will be dancing around the old mansion in Arizona.
So go ahead conservatives take your shots. It is pretty clear this guy deserves it.
However that is one to your......your uh.......never mind I can't count that high.
State Sen. Leland Yee, a prominent figure in California's Democratic legislative majority, was arrested in a federal corruption investigation Wednesday along with an ostentatious gangster known as "Shrimp Boy" — who insisted that he had gone straight — and two dozen of their alleged associates.
An affidavit filed in federal court in San Francisco by FBI Special Agent Emmanuel V. Pascua said there was probable cause to believe that Yee had conducted wire fraud and had engaged in a conspiracy to deal firearms without a license and illegally import firearms.
Yee, 65, was taken into custody in San Francisco on Wednesday and was seen being loaded into an unmarked law enforcement vehicle under an umbrella, his wrists handcuffed behind his back. He was set to be released on $500,000 bond after surrendering his passport.
The affidavit paints a portrait of Yee that is by turns seedy and bumbling, and one deeply at odds with the high-minded image he had long cultivated. Yee, a candidate for secretary of state, is accused of being willing to take varied and numerous steps to solicit campaign donations and sidestep legal donation limits.
For instance, he is accused of seeking an official state Senate proclamation in the spring of 2013 praising the Ghee Kung Tong Freemason lodge in San Francisco. Yee sought the proclamation, according to the court complaint, in exchange for a $6,800 donation to one of his campaigns — a donation that was paid by an undercover FBI agent.
The organized crime figure known as Shrimp Boy, whose name is Raymond Chow, identifies himself as the "dragon head" of that Freemason organization on his Facebook page. The indictment says that Chow, 54, whose criminal history includes racketeering and robbery, has a position of "supreme authority" in the Triad, an international organized crime group.
You know much of the time when conservatives call out Democrats for shady dealings it is exaggerated or made up out of whole cloth, but THIS one is a solid hit.
The Right Wing will of course be even more over the moon since Yee was an avid gun control advocate who has now also indicted for running guns.
And for the cherry on top many of you may remember that it was Senator Yee who criticized how much Sarah Palin was paid by Cal State Stanislau for a speech she gave back in 2010, and received tons of hate mail for his troubles.
So you know there will be dancing around the old mansion in Arizona.
So go ahead conservatives take your shots. It is pretty clear this guy deserves it.
However that is one to your......your uh.......never mind I can't count that high.
Alabama Congressional candidate uses his gun collection to literally shoot holes in the Affordable Care Act. Sooo manly.
Courtesy of TPM:
It's a match made in heaven: An Alabama congressional candidate has a new campaign video in which he literally shoots holes in the Affordable Care Act.
The Daily Caller first reported on the new video from Will Brooke, a business executive who is running in the GOP primary to replace Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-AL).
"We're down here to have a little fun and talk about two serious subjects," Brooke says. "The Second Amendment and see how much damage we can do to this copy of Obamacare."
Then the Teabagger shoots his load at the bill and the result in less than impressive.
Probably not for the first time in his life either.
Of course this is the kind of ad that is going to stimulate Tea party nipples all over the country. In fact I am amazed that Sarah Palin has not already endorsed him on her Facebook page.
It's a match made in heaven: An Alabama congressional candidate has a new campaign video in which he literally shoots holes in the Affordable Care Act.
The Daily Caller first reported on the new video from Will Brooke, a business executive who is running in the GOP primary to replace Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-AL).
"We're down here to have a little fun and talk about two serious subjects," Brooke says. "The Second Amendment and see how much damage we can do to this copy of Obamacare."
Then the Teabagger shoots his load at the bill and the result in less than impressive.
Probably not for the first time in his life either.
Of course this is the kind of ad that is going to stimulate Tea party nipples all over the country. In fact I am amazed that Sarah Palin has not already endorsed him on her Facebook page.
Ted Nugent claims that people who hate him, hate America. Because you know THAT makes perfect sense.
Courtesy of Raw Story:
On Tuesday, Ted Nugent called the mayor of Longview, Texas “clueless,” “dishonest,” “racist,” and claimed that he had “bamboozled the good citizens of Longview.” Last month, the town withdrew its invitation to have him headline its annual July 4 Fireworks and Freedom Celebration.
When the invitation was revoked, Mayor Jay Dean said that Nugent’s concert “didn’t really fit what we trying to put together, a family oriented program…and I confirmed with his thoughts that that probably wasn’t the right act. And I still feel that it was the right decision. It just didn’t fit with what we were trying to put together.”
On Saturday, Nugent told the Forth Worth Star-Telegram that the real reason for the revocation of the offer was that Mayor Dean is racist. “I hear from reliable sources that the mayor is a racist and was offended that my band performs mostly African-American-influenced music,” he said.
“Everyone knows ol’ Uncle Ted is the ultimate Independence Day rockout with the ultimate all-American, soul music, rockin’ soundtrack of defiance, liberty and freedom. We shall carry on. We are the good guys. Clueless, dishonest people like the mayor are the bad guys.”
So its racism that is keeping Nugent from playing his 4th of July gig in Texas? And here I thought racism wasn't good for anything.
Nugent also dropped this bomb:
“Those that hate me are following the Saul Alinsky playbook on how to dismantle, fundamentally transform the greatest nation and quality of life the world has ever known,” he continued.
“Those that hate me hate America, plain and simple.”
Wow, I had no idea I hated America. Now I feel bad.
On Tuesday, Ted Nugent called the mayor of Longview, Texas “clueless,” “dishonest,” “racist,” and claimed that he had “bamboozled the good citizens of Longview.” Last month, the town withdrew its invitation to have him headline its annual July 4 Fireworks and Freedom Celebration.
When the invitation was revoked, Mayor Jay Dean said that Nugent’s concert “didn’t really fit what we trying to put together, a family oriented program…and I confirmed with his thoughts that that probably wasn’t the right act. And I still feel that it was the right decision. It just didn’t fit with what we were trying to put together.”
On Saturday, Nugent told the Forth Worth Star-Telegram that the real reason for the revocation of the offer was that Mayor Dean is racist. “I hear from reliable sources that the mayor is a racist and was offended that my band performs mostly African-American-influenced music,” he said.
“Everyone knows ol’ Uncle Ted is the ultimate Independence Day rockout with the ultimate all-American, soul music, rockin’ soundtrack of defiance, liberty and freedom. We shall carry on. We are the good guys. Clueless, dishonest people like the mayor are the bad guys.”
So its racism that is keeping Nugent from playing his 4th of July gig in Texas? And here I thought racism wasn't good for anything.
Nugent also dropped this bomb:
“Those that hate me are following the Saul Alinsky playbook on how to dismantle, fundamentally transform the greatest nation and quality of life the world has ever known,” he continued.
“Those that hate me hate America, plain and simple.”
Wow, I had no idea I hated America. Now I feel bad.
Honda builds smart home in California that produces more energy than it uses. The future is here my friends.
Courtesy of Green Car Congress:
Honda marked the opening of Honda Smart Home US, showcasing technologies that enable zero net energy living and transportation, including Honda’s home energy management system (HEMS), a proprietary hardware and software system that monitors, controls and optimizes electrical generation and consumption throughout the home’s microgrid.
The home, located on the West Village campus of the University of California, Davis, is capable of producing more energy on-site from renewable sources than it consumes annually, including enough energy to power a Honda Fit EV for daily commuting. Honda Smart Home is expected to generate a surplus of 2.6 MWh of electricity over the course of a year, while a comparable home will consume approximately 13.3 MWh. The home’s occupant will be able to use less than half of the energy of a similarly sized new home in the Davis area for heating, cooling and lighting. The home is also three times more water-efficient than a typical US home.
A 10 kWh battery energy storage system in the garage, using the same lithium-ion cells that are used in the Honda Fit EV, allows stored solar energy to be used at night, when household demand typically peaks and electric vehicles are usually charged.
Honda’s HEMS leverages the battery to balance, shift and buffer loads to minimize the home’s impact to the electric grid. The system will also enable Honda to evaluate the second life, or re-use, of EV batteries in grid applications, home-to-grid (H2G) connectivity and other concepts.
Honda’s HEMS is also capable of improving grid reliability by automatically responding to demand response signals and providing other grid services. If the electricity grid is overloaded, for example, Honda Smart Home is capable of shedding its load and even supplying power back to the grid. This type of smart grid connectivity will enable the mass deployment of electric vehicles and renewable energy without sacrificing grid reliability, Honda suggests.
Damn this is absolutely amazing!
And it really shows that if we put our minds to it we could DRAMATICALLY cut down on green house gas emission and fossil fuel consumption within a very short span of time.
Of course places like Italy and Germany are already miles ahead of us in this area.
This is the kind of technological breakthrough that you know must cause energy executives buttholes to pucker all of the world.
This is another post done at my daughter's request. She is a huge green energy fan and is constantly on my to spread the word.
And she is right. This IS the future, and the faster we get there the better it will be for our country, our people, and the future of our planet.
Honda marked the opening of Honda Smart Home US, showcasing technologies that enable zero net energy living and transportation, including Honda’s home energy management system (HEMS), a proprietary hardware and software system that monitors, controls and optimizes electrical generation and consumption throughout the home’s microgrid.
The home, located on the West Village campus of the University of California, Davis, is capable of producing more energy on-site from renewable sources than it consumes annually, including enough energy to power a Honda Fit EV for daily commuting. Honda Smart Home is expected to generate a surplus of 2.6 MWh of electricity over the course of a year, while a comparable home will consume approximately 13.3 MWh. The home’s occupant will be able to use less than half of the energy of a similarly sized new home in the Davis area for heating, cooling and lighting. The home is also three times more water-efficient than a typical US home.
A 10 kWh battery energy storage system in the garage, using the same lithium-ion cells that are used in the Honda Fit EV, allows stored solar energy to be used at night, when household demand typically peaks and electric vehicles are usually charged.
Honda’s HEMS leverages the battery to balance, shift and buffer loads to minimize the home’s impact to the electric grid. The system will also enable Honda to evaluate the second life, or re-use, of EV batteries in grid applications, home-to-grid (H2G) connectivity and other concepts.
Honda’s HEMS is also capable of improving grid reliability by automatically responding to demand response signals and providing other grid services. If the electricity grid is overloaded, for example, Honda Smart Home is capable of shedding its load and even supplying power back to the grid. This type of smart grid connectivity will enable the mass deployment of electric vehicles and renewable energy without sacrificing grid reliability, Honda suggests.
Damn this is absolutely amazing!
And it really shows that if we put our minds to it we could DRAMATICALLY cut down on green house gas emission and fossil fuel consumption within a very short span of time.
Of course places like Italy and Germany are already miles ahead of us in this area.
This is the kind of technological breakthrough that you know must cause energy executives buttholes to pucker all of the world.
This is another post done at my daughter's request. She is a huge green energy fan and is constantly on my to spread the word.
And she is right. This IS the future, and the faster we get there the better it will be for our country, our people, and the future of our planet.
New survey shows that if Hillary does not run that the next potential female candidate with the highest name recognition is Sarah Palin. Seriously?
Courtesy of YouGov:
Even though 2/3 of Americans in the latest Economist/YouGov Poll think the country is ready for a woman president, there is no guarantee that a woman will even be on the ballot in 2016. Although her candidacy is greatly anticipated – or greatly dreaded -- by many, Hillary Clinton has not yet made a decision yet on whether or not to run.
Several media outlets (for example the Wall Street Journal and CBS News) have published stories about those who have doubts about her running. Others have speculated about what could happen if she chose not to run; the Washington Post, for example, predicted "chaos" on the Democratic field. But with so many Americans thinking the country is ready for a woman president, what other women do Americans think could or should run for the highest office in the land?
For the past several weeks, the Economist/YouGov Poll has asked Americans their opinions of other women who could potentially run for president. Last week, when people were asked what women other than Hillary Clinton Americans would want to run for president in either 2016 or 2020, 49 different names were mentioned. However, there were only 8 women named by at least 1% of survey takers, and nearly 2/3 of those in the survey couldn't name a single other woman beyond Clinton.
Okay first off it is important to note that a full 2/3 of the participants in this survey could not even name another female candidate except Hillary, which goes to show that she is without a doubt the best known potential presidential candidate in the country.
Second just because the majority of the country is ready for a female President does not mean they will cast their vote for any old uterus that decides to run. I think we learned that definitely in 2008.
And speaking of 2008, it is clear that the only reason that so many people know about Palin is due to the McCain campaign, and of course the constant mention on late night talk shows, for comedic reasons. That does not, in any way, translate into support.
Besides in this scenario Palin is much like General William Sherman in that if nominated she would not run, and if elected....well let's face it she would NEVER be elected.
Don't get me wrong she would love to run, but she simply cannot do so without all kinds of secrets coming out that would embarrass her to the point that she would have to run back to Wasilla with her vestigial tail between her knees. (Okay she might NOT have a vestigial tail but then again I think she might.)
Even though 2/3 of Americans in the latest Economist/YouGov Poll think the country is ready for a woman president, there is no guarantee that a woman will even be on the ballot in 2016. Although her candidacy is greatly anticipated – or greatly dreaded -- by many, Hillary Clinton has not yet made a decision yet on whether or not to run.
Several media outlets (for example the Wall Street Journal and CBS News) have published stories about those who have doubts about her running. Others have speculated about what could happen if she chose not to run; the Washington Post, for example, predicted "chaos" on the Democratic field. But with so many Americans thinking the country is ready for a woman president, what other women do Americans think could or should run for the highest office in the land?
For the past several weeks, the Economist/YouGov Poll has asked Americans their opinions of other women who could potentially run for president. Last week, when people were asked what women other than Hillary Clinton Americans would want to run for president in either 2016 or 2020, 49 different names were mentioned. However, there were only 8 women named by at least 1% of survey takers, and nearly 2/3 of those in the survey couldn't name a single other woman beyond Clinton.
Okay first off it is important to note that a full 2/3 of the participants in this survey could not even name another female candidate except Hillary, which goes to show that she is without a doubt the best known potential presidential candidate in the country.
Second just because the majority of the country is ready for a female President does not mean they will cast their vote for any old uterus that decides to run. I think we learned that definitely in 2008.
And speaking of 2008, it is clear that the only reason that so many people know about Palin is due to the McCain campaign, and of course the constant mention on late night talk shows, for comedic reasons. That does not, in any way, translate into support.
Besides in this scenario Palin is much like General William Sherman in that if nominated she would not run, and if elected....well let's face it she would NEVER be elected.
Don't get me wrong she would love to run, but she simply cannot do so without all kinds of secrets coming out that would embarrass her to the point that she would have to run back to Wasilla with her vestigial tail between her knees. (Okay she might NOT have a vestigial tail but then again I think she might.)
Chris Hayes does his best to have a reasonable conversation about the ACA with a Koch brother funded crazy person. Does not go well.
Click exasperated expression to play video. |
It was like watching somebody try to chase down a greased pig and explain Obamacare to it.
Here let Raw Story give you the highlights:
MSNBC host Chris Hayes clashed with a state official for the Koch Brothers-funded group Americans for Prosperity (AFP) on Wednesday after she claimed that extending the deadline to sign up for the Affordable Care Act by two weeks would have a negative impact on her childrens’ health care.
“It continues to not allow people to go back and change this law,” AFP Pennsylvania State Director Jennifer Stefano told Hayes. “This law has made seven million people lose their insurance.”
As Reuters reported earlier in the day, the deadline to sign up for Obamacare, as the law is commonly known, was extended until April 15 for people who have already begun the subscription process through the website. As of March 17, more than 5 million people had signed up for coverage.
“People without health care right now, who don’t have health care for their children, don’t want this law, Chris,” Stefano said.
She did not mention that, in several instances, people who were refused coverage by their providers because their plans did not meet the minimum requirements set by the new law have in fact been eligible for coverage at a lower cost after factoring in government subsidies.
“As a mother, I take real offense that women are being forced to have no choices to cover their children,” Stefano continued.
“What are you talking about?” an incredulous Hayes responded, before arguing that much of the “heavy lifting” under the law would be accomplished by expansion of state Medicare programs, which have been frequently been opposed by conservatives.
“Throw out the mandate, throw out the exchange,” Hayes then told her. “Bumping up Medicaid eligibility from 100 percent of poverty line to 133 percent of poverty line so that some working poor people can get some health insurance — what is the objection to that? Why does every conservative Republican governor oppose that? Explain that to me.”
“Number one, not true,” Stefano answered. “Plenty of Republican governors, including Tom Corbett in Pennsylvania, including [Ohio Gov. John Kasich], there are Republican governors that have expanded Medicaid. Please, please, please, spare me that this is a Republican-Democrat thing.”
Well of course it IS a "Republican-Democrat thing" because though there have been some Republican governors who have seen the writing on the wall and expanded Medicaid, ALL of those who have not are in the Republican party.
At one point a little later in the conversation (Which was actually more like an air raid siren going off and one poor slob trying to find the off button.), Stefano actually claimed that raising the poverty level would mean that people making $94,000 a year would be considered to be living in poverty. And she repeated that multiple times.
Then when Hayes tried to reason with her, she took a comment he made COMPLETELY out of context and then raged that he was insulting her as a mother, and in fact was insulting all mothers.
Apparently this woman is from the Sarah Palin school of debate in which you misunderstand the conversation and then throw your children out in front of you like information deflecting sandbags while using white noise to pummel your opponent into submission.
I will hand it to Chris Hayes for at least trying to have a rational conversation with an irrational Koch supported Teabagger, but perhaps now he understand why others may not be quite as willing to do so.
Sarah Palin goes all in for Iowa Senate candidate Joni Ernst. Meaning that she had her ghostwriters write two, not one, positive post on Facebook for her.
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"Okay is that hog manure I smell? Or...." |
What a day for Iowa patriots! Very proud to stand with Joni Ernst because she will be a great commonsense conservative in the U.S. Senate! Her love of country, experience, and solid character – virtues that cross party lines and political ideology – bring real hope to a diverse populace. (A "diverse population" of predominantly white middle aged people she means.) Even Jimmy Fallon said to vote her in! (He as mocking her.) We heard the news that her likely Democrat opponent took a page from the Obama playbook and disparaged hard working Iowans in a closed-door fundraiser. Liberal Congressman Bruce Braley referred to U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley as "just a farmer from Iowa." Holy! As an admirer of the hardest workers in America, toiling to feed the world, I have to ask what's next from a man who would disparage the work ethic and know-how of a farmer? Is insulting the other half of Iowa by slamming them for "bitterly clinging to their guns and religion" up next? (Oh, look a dig at Obama, how completely expected.) I'd stay away from the Iowa State Fair this year if I were you, Mr. Braley. The good productive "just farmers from Iowa" and "bitter clingers" we've shared fried butter-on-a-stick with there may have a bone or two to pick.
Well that's a Sarah Palin endorsement for you, just chock full of old fashioned down home bullshit, insults toward liberals, and a veiled threat or two.
And believe me if Palin ever actually "shared" fried butter on a stick with anyone, it was only for as long as it took her to walk to the state fair port-a-potty and vomit it out.
As ya'll might remember we covered the Ernst testicle shriveling campaign video on Tuesday, and of course Palin endorsed her yesterday.
And the endorsing continues in high gear today, as she has just recently come out in support of Karen Handel form Georgia for the US Senate, in a long winded endorsement that seems to be cut and pasted from her previous endorsements. (Hey, creativity costs extra!)
Recent polling shows Handel running a distant fourth in a crowded field of potential GOP nominees, so her chances of pulling off a victory are between slim and none, and since slim is Sarah "Albatross" Palin that essentially leaves none.
I cannot help but to think that this recent spate of seemingly cookie cutter endorsements is in direct response to all of us calling her out as a fraud who is only using SarahPAC to line her own pockets and rarely ever uses the money to support candidates.
Now she is showing all of us "haters" how wrong we are by having SarahPAC paid ghostwriters type out her endorsements for her.
So there! People who don't believe that Sarah Palin is still a force to be reckoned with in politics anymore.
Which I'm guessing would be all of us.