Friday, March 28, 2014
Sarah Palin goes all in for Iowa Senate candidate Joni Ernst. Meaning that she had her ghostwriters write two, not one, positive post on Facebook for her.
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"Okay is that hog manure I smell? Or...." |
What a day for Iowa patriots! Very proud to stand with Joni Ernst because she will be a great commonsense conservative in the U.S. Senate! Her love of country, experience, and solid character – virtues that cross party lines and political ideology – bring real hope to a diverse populace. (A "diverse population" of predominantly white middle aged people she means.) Even Jimmy Fallon said to vote her in! (He as mocking her.) We heard the news that her likely Democrat opponent took a page from the Obama playbook and disparaged hard working Iowans in a closed-door fundraiser. Liberal Congressman Bruce Braley referred to U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley as "just a farmer from Iowa." Holy! As an admirer of the hardest workers in America, toiling to feed the world, I have to ask what's next from a man who would disparage the work ethic and know-how of a farmer? Is insulting the other half of Iowa by slamming them for "bitterly clinging to their guns and religion" up next? (Oh, look a dig at Obama, how completely expected.) I'd stay away from the Iowa State Fair this year if I were you, Mr. Braley. The good productive "just farmers from Iowa" and "bitter clingers" we've shared fried butter-on-a-stick with there may have a bone or two to pick.
Well that's a Sarah Palin endorsement for you, just chock full of old fashioned down home bullshit, insults toward liberals, and a veiled threat or two.
And believe me if Palin ever actually "shared" fried butter on a stick with anyone, it was only for as long as it took her to walk to the state fair port-a-potty and vomit it out.
As ya'll might remember we covered the Ernst testicle shriveling campaign video on Tuesday, and of course Palin endorsed her yesterday.
And the endorsing continues in high gear today, as she has just recently come out in support of Karen Handel form Georgia for the US Senate, in a long winded endorsement that seems to be cut and pasted from her previous endorsements. (Hey, creativity costs extra!)
Recent polling shows Handel running a distant fourth in a crowded field of potential GOP nominees, so her chances of pulling off a victory are between slim and none, and since slim is Sarah "Albatross" Palin that essentially leaves none.
I cannot help but to think that this recent spate of seemingly cookie cutter endorsements is in direct response to all of us calling her out as a fraud who is only using SarahPAC to line her own pockets and rarely ever uses the money to support candidates.
Now she is showing all of us "haters" how wrong we are by having SarahPAC paid ghostwriters type out her endorsements for her.
So there! People who don't believe that Sarah Palin is still a force to be reckoned with in politics anymore.
Which I'm guessing would be all of us.
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