Monday, March 3, 2014
Finally a tabloid reports the Levi Johnston/Bristol Palin custody situation accurately. Well almost.
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Levi Johnston is sick of Bristol Palin treating him like he doesn't exist -- claiming she's been traveling around the country with their son Tripp ... and he wants her held in contempt.
Levi just filed legal docs -- obtained by TMZ -- asking the judge to order Bristol ... who's currently going to school in Arizona .. to return their son to Alaska STAT.
Levi claims Bristol up and took Tripp to Arizona in January -- and all he got was a text.
During their custody battle, Levi claims both parents were ordered to keep Tripp in Alaska unless they both agreed he could travel.
Sources close to Bristol tell us, Levi's just trying to start drama because she called him out last year for not paying child support -- he's known all along Bristol goes to school in Arizona. And, she says Levi never sees the kid anyway ... so his whining is ridiculous.
So now you know why Levi's attorney filed a motion holding Bristol in contempt. She was NOT allowed to take Tripp out of state without prior agreement, and she did anyway.
And she tells him with a text?
Of course as we all know the Palins don't believe the rules apply to them anyway. We have seen that time and time again.
And by the way those "sources close to Bristol," (Hi Sarah!) are dead wrong about the child support payments.
I have been told by a little bird that he has cancelled checks that demonstrate that he has paid a significant amount of that child support, including the amount in arrears, and that this information is now with CSSD.
And as for him not seeing Tripp very often, that is all about Bristol denying him visitation. Once again Levi asks all the time and either she refuses to respond or he is given some bull shit excuse about Tripp not being available.
This is good that Levi's side is getting out there, especially after the National Enquirer claimed that the custody case was closed.
What Bristol and Sarah want is for there not to be any publicity so that they can screw Levi over, or quietly fight him in court until he is drained of resources, without anybody in the press getting wind of it.
And something that the press really needs to realize is that if they check Court View they will see that Bristol is being represented by her mother's lawyer, John J Tiemessen, whose retainer is paid by SarahPAC.
That means that while Levi scrapes together enough money to pay a lawyer up here in Alaska, while also struggling to feed his family on an electrician's paycheck, Bristol simply sits on her ass in her mother's big house in Arizona and lets the idiots that donate to her mother's PAC help her to keep Tripp away from his father.
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