Saturday, April 5, 2014
After the debut of her new show non-political show, brought to you by the makers of green screen, Sarah Palin returns to what she knows best, endorsing loser candidates and bitching about liberals.
Yesterday on Facebook Palin endorsed Pete Ricketts and had her ghostwriter write up a post just chock full of cookie cutter conservative jargon and anti-liberal vitriol.
Here is a taste:
While Pete’s opponents in this race have made a career for themselves as politicians, bureaucrats, or lobbyists, Pete spent his career in the private sector helping grow his family’s successful business from the bottom up. I believe in teaching kids to never fear success and in fact to look to those who’ve ethically earned their success and emulate their work ethic!
Yeah I have no idea what all of that blabber meant, but it is interesting to note that Ricketts actually TRIED to be one of those career politicians that Palin vilified up above back in 2006, when he ran against Democrat Ben Nelson for his Senate seat.
He failed in that endeavor, after spending over eleven million dollars of his own money, and so he is back and newly reborn as a Tea Party conservative.
While giving Ricketts his political reach around Palin also decided to go on the attack against the evil liberals.
The alternative is woeful dependency on an inevitable sinking ship I call “Liberal Lunacy.”
Yes of course, WE are the lunatics.
The rest of the post is overflowing with the usual hackneyed Palin-aprops. Such as "common sense conservative," "fearless patriot," and of course, "servant's heart."
Palin also warns about the "recycled old discredited attacks" which I believe refers to this one about his position on amnesty leveled at him by Charlie Janssen, who is running for the same nomination.
Palin goes onto say this:
Pete has the business acumen, the moral integrity, and the conservative common sense to lead Nebraska into a prosperous future.
The problem is that she is describing the wrong Ricketts family member. In fact it is his father who seems to have the business acumen, as evidenced by the fact that it he who owns TDAmeritrade, the company for whom his son Pete serves as the CEO.
In fact it appears that the father, Joe Ricketts, is the REAL political heavyweight.
It was the senior Ricketts who started the super PAC "Taxpayers Against Earmarks," now known as "Ending Spending," and who spent 10 million dollars of his own money attempting to prove that President Obama was a leftist radical who was heavily influenced by the Reverend Wright.
This from May 2012, in the New York Times:
“The world is about to see Jeremiah Wright and understand his influence on Barack Obama for the first time in a big, attention-arresting way,” says the proposal, which was overseen by Fred Davis and commissioned by Joe Ricketts, the founder of the brokerage firm TD Ameritrade. Mr. Ricketts is increasingly putting his fortune to work in conservative politics.
Oh yeah, this explains why Palin is so enthusiastic about the son.
Palin at Friday morning Ricketts fundraiser. |
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