Thursday, April 17, 2014

Michael Bloomberg to donate 50 million dollars to start his own anti-NRA movement.

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Michael Bloomberg to donate 50 million dollars to start his own anti-NRA movement.
Courtesy of The New York Times:

Michael R. Bloomberg, making his first major political investment since leaving office, plans to spend $50 million this year building a nationwide grass-roots network to motivate voters who feel strongly about curbing gun violence, an organization he hopes can eventually outmuscle the National Rifle Association.

Mr. Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York, said gun control advocates need to learn from the N.R.A. and punish those politicians who fail to support their agenda — even Democrats whose positions otherwise align with his own.

“They say, ‘We don’t care. We’re going to go after you,’ ” he said of the N.R.A. “ ‘If you don’t vote with us we’re going to go after your kids and your grandkids and your great-grandkids. And we’re never going to stop.’ ”

He added: “We’ve got to make them afraid of us.”

This is good news for all of those who thought that gun control legislation was a non-starter after the last attempt was blocked in the Senate.

Bloomberg is right that the only way to combat the NRA is to outspend them, out lobby them, and out threaten them.

If politicians find themselves facing a lobby as aggressive as the NRA they might just be willing to start making the hard choices, by creating gun legislation that makes sense and preserves constitutional rights, while protecting American lives from gun nuts and the mentally deranged.

I think it is well past time for politicians to stop fearing the NRA, and start fearing the people victimized by the NRA.



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