Tuesday, April 29, 2014

MSNBC video of Sarah Palin shows her going after undocumented workers and defending her waterboarding/baptism comments.

9:50 AM By No comments

You know it is one thing to read Palin's comments as reported by a journalist, or as written on Facebook with or without a ghostwriter, but hearing her say this kind of crap in her own voice really underlines just what a nasty bitch she is.

The other day somebody pointed out that it seemed that she was becoming more hateful with every appearance, and I would agree that it certainly seems that way.

As if she is so angry that she has been marginalized, and that fewer people are reacting to what she says, that she is simply saying more and more horrible things in the desperate hope that somebody will be forced to respond to them in print.

Well they are responding to her alright. In fact a group Christians has even started a petition to make sure that people know she does not speak for them:

For Christians, torture is not a joke or a political punchline, but a ghastly reminder of the suffering of Jesus upon the cross. By equating it with Holy Baptism -- the act by which we are united with Christ in his death and resurrection -- Sarah Palin is blasphemously twisting our faith into a weapon of hatred and violence. No media outlet should cover her remarks without reporting on how sincere Christians of all theological and political persuasions are appalled.

However she DOES still have supporters, as the American Conservative found out recently after they called her out over her remarks.

I will restate what I have said before, and that was that the point of maintaining focus on Palin and blogging about her speeches, Fox News interviews, and reality show gigs was to continue to publicize her craziness, until everybody could see for themselves what I, and others, had been accused of making up about her.

I promised back in 2009, that I would stay on her ass until we finally saw her career in its death throes.

Well, now we are seeing just that.

Pretty entertaining isn't it?



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