Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Once Governor of the most northern state on the continent Sarah Palin wraps herself in the rebel flag and rides to defend the South. From political pundits.
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If Palin could have gotten away with pandering to the Southern voters in this garb, you know she would have. |
Kathleen Parker quite visibly cringed at the AFP's newest anti-Obamacare ad, not because it was full of crap and propaganda. No, she didn't like the fact that the "Obamacare sufferer" depicted had a Southern accent:
"And by the way, I think you could find someone who doesn't have a southern accent who is confused by this act. (CHUCKLE) Because we always seem to find a character who seems a little country-fied, who can't just fathom. You know, there are plenty of smart, sophisticated people, who are equally hazy about what is really going on."
Now Parker's comments were not very well thought out since the ad that she was referring to was playing in Arkansas. I am not sure how else she would expect them to speak if not with a thick southern accent.
However, though I am by no means a fan of her writing, I took her meaning to be, that the majority of these anti-Obama ads feature people with a southern twang and she was trying to say that there were people in the North who were concerned about the law as well.
In other words she saw this as feeding into a stereotype that she thought was unfair to those living in the South.
Sure it was clunky, and her description not terribly sensitive, but she DOES kind of have a point.
However that point was completely lost on a certain intellectually challenged Alaskan version of white trash, and she took to Facebook, so that her ghostwriter could assist her in letting the world know that she panders to the southern demographic as well:
These people are nuts, albeit entertaining nuts… Ah... this nice Sunday afternoon has been groovin' along so enjoyably, and then – BAM – I see some articles that leave no doubt about how out of touch our self-proclaimed "elite leaders" and opinion makers really are. These people are nuts! Just reading these headlines makes you ask, "Really?!" The jokes on them, though, because they've just added to the entertaining, shake-your-head/almost-feel-sorry-for-them reports that we "average" Americans use as examples of their condescension. These are the "leaders" who look at the crowd behind them and assume they're leading the parade, when really the growing crowd is chasing them out of town. So, check these out and let me know what YOU'VE found that adds to the list!
First, here’s the video of one celebrated member of the elite D.C. chattering class suggesting that people with Southern accents aren’t “smart” or “sophisticated.” Are Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, and James Carville exempt from this blanket denigration of Southern intelligence, or was this comment only directed at conservatives with Southern accents? (Poor gal, that Ms. Parker, not knowing the Southern roots of many Founding Fathers who wrote the exceptional, providential Constitution for her to enjoy today.)
Isn't is nice that she even dropped one of her "g's" in this condescending piece of moosepoop in order to show solidarity with her Southern brothers and sisters?
The second part of the Facebook post attacks the amount spent on Obama's trip to Brussels, because now that we have a black man in the White House suddenly we all need to be shocked at that kind of thing.
Once Governor of the most northern state on the continent Sarah Palin wraps herself in the rebel flag and rides to defend the South. From political pundits.
You know I find it particularly ironic that Palin rides to defend the conservative's habit of pandering to southern voters when it comes to spreading misinformation and propaganda. Especially since we have seen her do very much the same thing throughout her career, both in national politics and in reality television.
I mean do YOU really think this is how this moron dresses when headed out to Nordstroms?
(Yes there are people walking around in camo in Wasilla, but Palin was NEVER one of them.)
As we all remember during her 2008 campaign Palin specifically ratcheted up the racism in order to agitate a certain demographic who were less than happy that a black man might soon be the leader of their country.
That demographic was NOT located up north.
And that same approach is still being used today, by the Republican party, the Teabaggers, and of course the Koch brothers.
It is no accident that those on the liberal side are referred to as "northern elites," or "city dwellers," or as "intellectuals," all of which is considered suspect by those who regularly attend a Baptist church, think a formal affair requires wearing their shiniest belt buckle, and believe that the Bible is the most trusted source for scientific information.
That pandering has lead to scenes such as this one.
In provoking animus among those living in the South, the conservatives have brought us perilously close to yet another civil war. And they seem completely unconcerned if that comes to pass.
However for Palin, pandering to this group has also filled the coffers of SarahPAC, increased book sales, and hopefully attracted viewers to her new "huntin" show.
She is manipulating those in the South for her purposes, and the Koch brothers are manipulating them to suit their objectives, and that was really all Kathleen Parker was attempting to point out.
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