Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Sarah Palin continues to push a "Convention of States." An action that could completely shutdown the Federal government or usher in a civil war.

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Sarah Palin continues to push a "Convention of States." An action that could completely shutdown the Federal government or usher in a civil war.
Sarah Palin continues to push a "Convention of States." An action that could completely shutdown the Federal government or usher in a civil war.
Courtesy of Benedict Annie's Facebook page:

There was good news this week for grassroots patriots working to bring about a Convention of the States for the reasons outlined in Mark Levin’s book “The Liberty Amendments” because this is the tool the Constitution gives us to rein in our out-of-control federal government via a process to amend the Constitution to include things like a federal balanced budget amendment, etc. This week the Alaska and Florida state legislatures passed bills in favor of the Convention of States. It’s already passed in Georgia and Alabama; and it’s in the process in Missouri, South Carolina, and Arizona.

(Actually the writers of the Founding Fathers tried to make it nigh impossible for such a thing to happen again after the first one which resulted in the drafting of the Constitution:

The Founding Fathers also cleverly sealed the door behind themselves, by making it difficult for anyone to hold another such convention. According to Article V of the Constitution, only two-thirds “of the several States” may call for a convention to propose amendments to the constitution. If those amendments are then ratified by three-quarters of all states (through legislature or convention) they will become law. This kind of consensus is difficult to achieve, and so far the first constitutional convention remains the only one.)

Now back to the rantings of the Wendigo:

But in Arizona there is only one man standing in the way. Even though the Arizona House overwhelmingly passed the measure, there is one lone Republican state senator named Andy Biggs who is blocking the vote. Mr. Biggs is the Arizona State Senate President, and he has used his power to block the bill from coming to a vote. Unless he budges, the session will run out, and the bill will actually die this year after thousands of hours of grassroots work and effort. Make no mistake, if that happens, these grassroots patriots will start over again next year and will continue as long as it takes. But I encourage everyone in Arizona to call this state senator and voice your objections to these Harry Reid-like tactics. Tell him to allow this bill to come to a vote, and from now on, please only elect local leaders who support this effort.

Well let's all hope that Senator Biggs holds his ground and keeps this from going forward. Because if it does, it will be bad for everyone.

Part of the reason we should all be concerned is that the group behind this (Anybody else in the mood for Koch?) are not calling for this convention to address a particular amendment, they are calling for it specifically "for the purpose of limiting the power and jurisdiction of the federal government."

Just imagine for a minute how THAT kind of power could be misused.

You know if this were an isolated movement I might not think all that much about it. But when you combine it with Tea Party obstructionism in Congress, militia types threatening violence to drive off federal agents, and conservatives screaming that the American way of life is under attack, it is becoming impossible not to smell the rancid odor of revolution in the air.

And where there is mindless fear, and threats of violence, can Sarah Palin be far behind?



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