Saturday, May 31, 2014

Sonic and Chili's become latest restaurant chains to ban guns.

4:52 AM By No comments

Sonic and Chili's become latest restaurant chains to ban guns.
Courtesy of HuffPo:

Chili’s and Sonic became the latest national chains to wade into the gun debate on Friday, announcing in apparently coordinated statements that firearms are no longer welcome in their restaurants.

In separate statements to The Huffington Post, the companies said that they were asking customers not to openly carry firearms in their eateries, following a similar move by Chipotle earlier this month.

“We recognize that the open carry of firearms creates an uncomfortable atmosphere and is not permitted under many local liquor laws,” Ashley Johnson, a spokeswoman for Chili's' parent company, Brinker International, said in an email. “So, we kindly ask that guests refrain from openly carrying firearms into our restaurants and we will continue to follow state and local laws on this issue.”

A Sonic spokesman said the company will defer to local laws with respect to storing guns in vehicles, but said it will no longer permit firearms in its dining areas.

“We’re asking that customers refrain from bringing guns onto our patios or into our indoor dining areas,” said Patrick Lenow, Sonic's vice president of public relations.

What did I say about the outcome from having all of these open carry dipshits walking around with their metal penis extenders on display? And I hope that many other eating establishments will follow suit.

Yesterday somebody provided a link that labeled these 2nd Amendment fetishists, "Ammosexuals."

THAT is going to be my new label going forward.

Damn I don't have a Sonic up here to reward with my business, and the Chili's up the street just closed, but I'm sure there are a few more in town so I think I will plan to eat there sometime this week.



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