Saturday, June 28, 2014
Finally located some coverage of Sarah Palin's appearance at America's Last Gasp. Or something like that. Update!
Finally located some coverage of Sarah Palin's appearance at America's Last Gasp. Or something like that. Update!
So after yesterday's post on Palin's appearance at the "America Won't Stand For This" rally, or whatever it was called, I continued to look around for any other coverage besides the initial source from the local ABC affiliate and the tweets that we found and embedded in the post.So this morning somebody sent me the Breitbart write up by Charlie Spiering.
Some of you may remember that I used a number of Spiering's tweets to flesh out my post, as there was not much to work with.
Apparently Charlie finally recovered from the hangover he got while freebasing all of that "FREEDOM!" and handed in his column.
The column starts off with Spiering commenting on the "long lines waiting to get inside the convention center." Which is odd because he had tweeted in response to a question about turnout that "The seats are filled. I'm guessing a few hundred."
And in the piece itself he stated that it was "a crowd of about 500." (So much for those reports that it numbered in the thousands.)
Spiering went on to say that most of the crowd were irritated by the recent Tea Party defeat in Mississippi, and quotes a number of disgruntled attendees who claimed Cochran "prostituted" himself and resorted to dirty tricks. Because you know resorting to attracting black voters is considered "dirty tricks" by this crowd of crackers.
Spiering then tied all of that together with the upcoming race between Tea Party favorite Joe Carr, who has a snowball's chance in hell of unseating established Republican Senator Lama Alexander.
(Carr does have one thing going for him however, Sarah Palin has not yet endorsed him.)
Spiering briefly covers remarks by West, Pirro, and Santorum, but I don't think any of us are interested in what they have to say.
Farther down in the article Spiering finally mentions the Wasilla White Walker's appearance:
Palin also disparaged the Republican party for their actions in Mississippi.
“Well shoot, our own party was proving this last week, to potentially manipulate and exterminate the integrity of a primary election,” she said, pointing out that the “the bloated political clash from both sides were trying to discourage people aligned with the Tea Party. ("Bloated political clash?" Could she have meant "bloated political CLASS?")
Palin reminded activists that the results should inspire them to redouble their efforts, pointing out that the establishment politicians would try to discourage them.
“It does make a difference,” she said. “What you are doing makes a difference and now more than ever we need to ramp it up. Don’t retreat, we gotta reload.” ("I would like to thank the bumper sticker industry for their assistance in helping me to write this speech. I couldn't have done it without y'all.")
In spite of their frustration, Palin soon had the crowd laughing as she peppered her speech with political jokes and taking shots against President Obama and his allies. (Yep nothing gets the Right Wing fringe laughing harder than poking fun at the black man in the White House.)
Palin took the stage acknowledging that Sevierville was Dolly Parton’s home town, explaining that she once dressed up as Parton for Halloween when she was in High School.
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Hell, she STILL dresses like Dolly Parton. |
She also reminded them that the media was also trying to sound a death knell for the Tea Party but it was very much alive. (And that's why there were less than 500 people in attendance, and they had to move the rally to a smaller venue. You know, because the Tea Party is SO popular.)
“Us bitter clingers and wingers, we ignored those yappin' little lapdogs in the media and with a new social media kind of reporting you know we were able to kick those little varmints away, we were able to ignore what it was that they were saying,” she said. (Yes because as every good conservative knows, if you ignore the facts they will simply go away.)
Palin held up Sen. Ted Cruz as an example of a Washington politician that was fighting for them, and explained that it was more important than ever to send him allies in his fight against the Washington establishment.
“He is there for a reason not a season, and that’s what we need more of,” she said. “We need to send the good guys reinforcements to take the battle to Capitol Hill for us.” (More "good guys" who pass no legislation, and instead spend all of their time seeking the spotlight and trying to get on camera as often as possible? Yes that would be the kind of politician supported by Sarah Palin.)
Although she hasn’t endorsed Joe Carr yet in his primary, Palin dropped a hint to Tennessee voters that he was one of their allies.
“We need to be pretty discerning here of what kind of ‘Carr’ we send to D.C.,” she said as Carr supporters in the hall cheered.
Well if he wasn't doomed before, he is now.
I think that this rally is a good indication of just how badly the Tea Party has fallen out of favor with the American people.
In 2010 I would imagine that this convention center would have been packed to the rafters with Right Wing lunatics, leaking Skoal juice from their lips, and screaming for the end of big government and a return to the America that they once enjoyed.
You know the America back before those Negroes got the vote and women knew that their place was in the kitchen and on their knees scrubbing floors.
And right along with viewing the demise of the Tea Party is the added spectacle of watching Sarah Palin's slowly decomposing visage carted from one tiny gathering of the political fringe to the next, until finally she is talking to a living room full of aged Lyndon LaRouche supporters for a cup of coffee and a ride back to the street corner from where she stands yelling conservative bumper sticker slogans at passers by.
And I plan to write about it all.
Update: Palin finally mentions the rally on Facebook:
Thank you, Sevierville Tea Partiers, who work so hard. The great people and great organizers there are making a difference. I was honored to meet them and speak at the rally this week!
Well that is certainly short and lacking in any detail.
She also links to the same Breitbart article that I link to up above, which makes me wonder where she got the idea to write a post today? Hmmm.
(Everybody wave to Sarah.)
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