Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Florida police totally step all over man's 2nd Amendment rights when they arrest him before he can stand his ground and murder his ex-wife, her boyfriend, and possibly her child.
Andrew Dandurand's booking photos. |
A Florida man with a history of domestic violence was arrested this week as police say that he was on his way to murder his ex-girlfriend, her boyfriend and possibly her child with an assault-style rifle.
According to Flagler Live, the Flagler County dispatcher received a report on Sunday that 24-year-old Andrew Dandurand had an “assault rifle,” and was planning to kill his ex-girlfriend, and her boyfriend.
In April, Dandurand’s ex-girlfriend had called deputies after he hit her with a plastic pipe, and then broke into her home, forcing her to flee. The court responded by giving the ex-girlfriend a protection injunction.
But only a week later, Dandurand was back in jail for violating it, and for aggravated assault. He was later released on $7,000 bond.
And then St. Johns County Sheriff’s deputies got the call from Flagler County dispatch on Sunday that Dandurand was on the way to kill his ex-girlfriend, and her boyfriend. Sgt. Catherine Payne told WAWS that Dandurand may also have been planning to harm his ex-girlfriend’s child.
“Based on the information we had at hand, absolutely. He was going to victimize somebody, whether it be the girlfriend, her child, the boyfriend or himself,” Payne said.
So wait, does this mean that what stops a bad man with a gun is actually the police?
Gee whoda thunk it?
Gee I wonder if the NRA will hire an attorney for him to protect his ability to exercise his 2nd Amendment rights the way they seem the get exercised the most often in this country?
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