Friday, June 27, 2014
Okay I think we can all stop guessing why the House Republicans are threatening to sue President Obama over his use of executive privilege now.
Must I do everything? |
The Obama administration is "not bluffing" in its intent to take executive action on immigration policy if House Republicans don't act soon, top Democratic leaders warned Thursday.
President Obama has delayed any potential changes to his deportation policy to allow House GOP leaders time to bring legislation to the floor this summer. But if the Republicans don't act in July, the Democrats say, unilateral changes by Obama are inevitable.
"We're at the end of the line," Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) said Thursday during a press briefing in the Capitol. "We're not bluffing by setting a legislative deadline for them to act.
"Their first job is to govern," Menendez added, "and in the absence of governing, then you see executive actions."
Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) piled on. Noting that a year has passed since the Senate passed a sweeping immigration reform bill with broad bipartisan support, he urged House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) to bring a similar bill to the floor.
"I don't know how much more time he thinks he needs, but I hope that Speaker Boehner will speak up today," Durbin said. "And if he does not, the president will borrow the power that is needed to solve the problems of immigration."
The Republicans are opposed to doing anything on the immigration policy, in fact many of them believe that is why Eric Cantor lost his primary.
So it is pretty clear that Boehner and the House Republicans are not going to bring the bill to the floor anytime soon, and if the President attempts to pass immigration reform on his own and they do nothing, they are at risk of losing their seats in the next election cycle.
Now the only question remaining is are the Republicans serious about trying to sue the President, or is all of this simply a way to save face while forcing the President to take all of the heat for immigration reform while allowing the Republicans to stand back throwing mud and staying squeaky clean themselves?
I tend to think it is the latter, which makes the Republicans a party of shiftless cowards.
Not that that is any news to most of us.
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