Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sarah Palin answers questions. Always good for a laugh.

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Sarah Palin answers questions. Always good for a laugh.
So I have decided that I am not going to report on anything behind the Sarah Palin Channel pay wall.

And I am not alone in that decision.

This has apparently frustrated the spotlight addict, and she has made some of her videos public in the hopes that somebody will pay some damn attention to her.

She put up one yesterday suggesting that she would answer questions, so I thought "Okay let's see if knowing that most of the viewers will only be her sycophants, will convince her to say anything interesting?"

The short answer is no, it didn't.

She essentially rehashes the same crap she has been dishing out for years.

When asked if she is going to run for President, she again says that she is not "closing any doors" but does "not know what the future holds." Which of course is bullshit since we all know, and have known for years, that she has no intention of running for President, or ANY political office.

She also answers questions about her feelings toward the President, which nobody has to pay $9.95 to find out that's for sure, and her feelings about the legality of his administration, and of course impeachment. Which she is still pimping despite being virtually abandoned by everybody, including Fox News at this point.

There were a few responses that I thought deserved attention.

On one she is asked if she belongs to any Down Syndrome support groups.

Palin adopts that ridiculous syrupy voice of hers while admitting that no, she does not belong to any of these groups. Which considering the difficulty of raising a child with this challenge, would seem to be counter intuitive, except when you consider that Palin really does not care enough to seek any real support or input on his care.

The other question that I found interesting was "Before you support a candidate for office do you make sure he has the qualifications to run our country?"

(I swear that one almost made me do a spit take.)

Palin answers that she, and her SarahPAC team, thoroughly vet the candidates and that she takes the responsibility seriously. She also claims to be proud of the job that they have done so far.

Seriously? Considering her win/loss record you would think she would be somewhat less than thrilled with the electability of her endorsees.

So what I learned by entering the mouth of darkness, which is the Sarah Palin Channel/blog, is that Palin is continuing to dodge hard questions, and outright lie to our faces, only now it will cost you $9.95 a month to have your intelligence insulted.

Yeah, I wonder how many masochists THAT will attract?



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