Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Christian women's group opposes building of women's history museum. Wait, what?
"Christian women's group opposes building of women's history museum." Yep you read that right.
Here is the story:
The Christian group Concerned Women for America (CWA) has been trying to stop the construction of the National Women’s History Museum in Washington D.C.
The House approved the museum in a 383-33 vote earlier this year, but a similar bill has been blocked in the Senate by Sens. Tom Coburn (R-Oklahoma) and Mike Lee (R-Utah), noted the New York Daily News.
“Whose view of history is this going to be?” Penny Nance, CEO of CWA, told The Daily Caller earlier this year.
Concerned Women of America CEO Penny Nance. |
Nance claimed that the museum would espouse pro-choice, anti-marriage and anti-family positions.
Incredibly enough the museum sponsors even offered Nance a chance to participate in the museum's direction. Guess how that went:
However, conservative Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tennessee), who sponsored the museum bill in the House, denied Nance's claims were true and even offered Nance a seat on the museum commission.
Nance called the offer an "exercise in futility and frustration" because it wasn't the chairman position.
“I am happy to either serve or find someone else to serve as chairman,” stated Nance.
Yes why wouldn't you put a person, who clearly has no concept of the struggles that women have undertaken to provide her the opportunity to participate in the the founding of a museum in their honor, the chairmanship?
Now you might find the idea of a women's group, ANY women's group, opposed to the building of a museum honoring women to be almost impossible to rationalize.
But that is because you do not yet realize that Concerned Women for America is not REALLY so much a women's group as it is a conservative group promoting Christianity, carefully hidden behind women's skirts.
In fact on their list of top issues are :
Sanctity of Life
Defense of Family
Religious Liberty
National Soveregnty
And of course Defense of Israel.
Somehow I do not think that these issues were among the top priorities for the women who fought for the right to vote, or own property, or hold elected office in this country.
Here is CWA's Mission Statement:
The mission of CWA is to protect and promote Biblical values among all citizens — first through prayer, then education, and finally by influencing our society — thereby reversing the decline in moral values in our nation.
Oh yeah, SO pro-women don't you think?
In fact it seems to me that this is really just the same anti-women, Christian misogynistic group, railing against the feminists, that we have seen for years now.
Only this one wears lipstick and nail polish.
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