Thursday, September 26, 2013
Sarah Palin resorts to nursery rhymes to attack Nancy Pelosi. To be fair Mother Goose was probably the last book she read cover to cover.
An oldie, but a goodie. |
“The cupboard is bare. There’s no more cuts to make. It’s really important that people understand that,” Mrs. Pelosi, California Democrat, said in an interview broadcast Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.”
“We cannot have cuts just for the sake of cuts.”
Considering the devastating effects from the sequester she undoubtedly has a point.
However the Times decides it also needs to point this out:
The federal budget has doubled in size in 12 years, from $1.9 trillion in 2001 to $3.8 trillion this year.
I am sure they are hoping that the budget increase will be blamed solely on Obama and the ACA. However what they failed to mention was that George W. Bush's decision to wage two unnecessary wars and create the office of Homeland Security had quite a lot to do with the increased size if the budget.
But it was enough to catch the attention of the Klondike Kracken who posted this on her Facebook page:
Recall that only Old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard and cried t'was bare. Today millions see a $4 trillion bloated cupboard overflowing with political goodies to cut.
And then linked to the Washington Times article.
I assume by "political goodies" she means over inflated defense spending, unnecessary farm subsidies, and equally unnecessary oil subsidies, right?
Nah, this is Sarah Palin. She probably wants to cut education money, food stamps, and medicare. You know what she and her kind consider the "fat" of the budget,
After three posts yesterday I was hoping not to have to write about this poorly wigged wingnut today, however I felt that this ridiculous attack required some attention.
Probably more interesting to those of us in Alaska is THIS photo from her Facebook page:
"Here's my nephew in Wasilla this morning enjoying the first snowfall." Reads the caption.
Yes that is snow, and yes it did indeed fall this morning.
In fact this is very early for us and even beat last year's early snowfall by six days.
Oh well at least I don't have to mow anymore this year.
By the way I have no evidence that she is in Alaska to even see this snow, and based on the fact that the time stamp on her tweet yesterday was several hours earlier than AK time and that her interview appeared to be in studio, I think it's safe to assume that she is not experiencing our snowfall first hand.
Not that I'm complaining, if she wants to spend all of her time out of state we, and her family, are all the better for it.
Congratulations Arizona, you win the fake boobie prize!
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