Sunday, September 29, 2013
The Heritage Foundation has another article written for Sarah Palin to claim as her own. Don't worry they made it folksier with hunting metaphors.
"Wait how far is it to the nearest bathroom?" |
A simple fact is missing from all the media hysteria and political establishment temper tantrums over Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee’s attempt to defund Obamacare. (Oh this ought to be good!)
Americans are getting slammed by Obamacare right now. Workforces are decimated as health care prices rise. Public opinion is on our side. If now was not the time to unite and fight it, when was? Those who are attacking Cruz and Lee’s efforts have forgotten how negotiations are won. (Okay this might be a good place to remind everybody that Obamacare does not officially kick off for three more days, so there can be NO "decimated workforce" or "rising health care prices" that can be attributed it. IF in fact any such data existed, which it does not! Actually quite the opposite data is available which refutes these statements completely.)
Use as an example the negotiations a governor of energy-rich Alaska must engage in with powerful multinational oil tycoons. In my experience, I found that the key to achieving success for the people you’re elected to serve is to take a firm position, stand solid, and negotiate from there when the other guy is ready to take you seriously. You fight as hard as you can with whatever small edge you’ve got until the other guy respects you enough to wise up, sit down, and come to a mutually acceptable agreement. You get nothing at all if you preemptively surrender before the battle even commences. (After which of course you leave office and the successor YOU chose completely guts the signature legislation that you are bragging about up above.)
Imagine how much stronger the GOP’s hand would have been if every Republican (and those Democrats who’ve finally admitted Obamacare’s devastating flaws) stood together against cloture in order to prevent Harry Reid from cutting off debate and stripping Obamacare defunding from the bill? (Yes, imagine the government grinding to a complete halt. Or simply read history to determine just how stupid this idea would be.)
Not only would there have been pressure on red state Democrats up for re-election (She's talking about you Begich.) to join the right cause, there would have been pressure on Reid and the White House to negotiate agreements. Even if the GOP couldn’t have defunded all of Obamacare, they could have negotiated some relief for average Americans who now feel they can do nothing but brace for the coming train wreck. (The law will have virtually NO effect on the vast number of already insured Americans beyond lowering their health care costs. There are currently some companies stripping their part time workers of their health insurance benefits, but that will not last once the health care exchanges are up and running. Really it is estimated that only 1% of companies will stop providing a health care plan to their employees.) We average Americans know we’ll never get the exemptions and favors Obama gave his political cronies and Congress, (This, of course, is a purposeful misrepresentation of what Congress gets, and here is an article that explains it fully.) but any relief for the middle class would have been welcomed. (You mean like relief in the form of affordable health care?)
But Republicans got nothing from squabbling with each other and denouncing (on and off the record) the brave men who tried to do something. (Well except credibility for being serious about their responsibility that is.)
Ted Cruz and Mike Lee fought to fulfill the campaign promises every Republican made (To shutdown the government?), and their actions have been revelatory for all of us.
Hunters know what flushing dogs do. (Yes they do what their masters tell them to do and assist them in achieving their goals.) Cruz and Lee were acting as the grassroots’ ("Grassroots" in this case meaning the Heritage Foundation and the Koch brothers.) flushing dogs. Their actions showed us who was willing to stand up for hard working Americans and who wasn’t. We thank Senators Vitter, Paul, Crapo, Enzi, Fischer, Roberts, Scott, Heller, Grassley, Toomey, Moran, Rubio, Shelby, Risch, Inhofe, Portman, and Sessions for standing with Cruz and Lee. (That's right, name them all. Any politician who is endorsed by Sarah Palin is guaranteed to have a troubled future.)
In 2010, a galvanized grassroots rallied against Obamacare to carry Republicans to victory. But in 2012, many in the grassroots stayed home, and we saw how that turned out for the GOP. (And get ready for a repeat in 2014.)
Unfortunately, the message of some politicians today seems to be: “Whoopsie, seems I can’t fulfill my election promises, but vote for me again and I promise to do what I promised last time.”
Sorry, that doesn’t cut it. America, you deserve better. If they can’t do anything with the power you gave them through their elected office, then you deserve someone else to give it a try. (Yes keep right on electing unsophisticated idiots who do not understand how government functions. Look how well that has worked out so far.)
2014 is just around the corner, and we’re ready for it. Support those who do us a favor by flushing out politicians wanting to hide. Retrieving liberty must be the point in all this.
"The sky is falling, the sky is falling, the sky is falling" cried Chicken Little Brain.
Personally I am over the moon that the conservatives have become so desperate that they have resurrected Sarah Palin's moldy corpse and have it shuffling around snapping and clawing at everybody who dares stand up for fixing our broken health care system.
Her reappearance has helped numerous pundits point out the ridiculousness of the conservatives argument, as well as helping to identify the many lies proffered by the Koch brother sock puppets. After all who better to draw attention to the bullshit than Ms. "Death Panels" herself?
As the President would no doubt say if he was even aware that Palin was still alive, "Proceed half-term Governor turned reality show loser, proceed."
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