Saturday, October 5, 2013
Sarah Palin shamelessly uses the World War 2 veterans as pawns in her attack against President Obama. Update!
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Just a graphic to remind people that while Palin shamelessly uses veterans to make political hay she would like to be paid for it as well. |
My Call For Civil Disobedience Around The “Barrycades” (Cute. I wonder if it cost extra SarahPAC money for that one?)
It’s beyond shameful to see Barack Obama disrespect and mistreat our World War II veterans so blatantly. Obama’s political stunt to “shut down” their memorial by barricade is to elicit an angry response to generate bad publicity for people the president uses in his continual blame game.
Don’t believe me? Look at the “barricade” at the World War I Memorial:
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The President is treating our veterans the same way he treated school kids when he cancelled their White House tours. (Does she mean like every other person affected by a government shutdown? Because that list is long and it includes cancer patients, scientists, and infants and children not being fed.) When times called for obvious government belt-tightening, he took it out on kids rather than look for anything that would affect him personally. And while our vets are barricaded from the memorial they built with their heroism, the government “slim down” won’t affect Obama’s golf game or his family’s White House chefs. (You nasty, nasty bitch.)
Meanwhile, Republicans in Congress are attempting to fund the Veterans Administration and other essential functions, but Democrats are blocking them because they want to make any slim down look as awful as possible in order to deflect from what this whole slim down thing is about, which is their Obamacare train wreck. (Time for a reminder that the budget which the Senate Democrats approved, and which John Boehner is too intimidated to bring to the House floor, INCLUDES the sequestration cuts that the Tea Party helped to win last time they pulled this shit. The ONLY thing they are fighting to cut is The Affordable Care Act, which is a law!)
Good Congressmen are fighting for average middle class Americans to get the same breaks that Obama gave Congress, his pals, union bosses, and crony corporations who financed his campaign and snookered the media into putting him in office. (Actually Obamacare itself GIVES middle class Americans the same breaks enjoyed by Congress, big corporations, and union members. It gives them access to affordable health care. The question is WHY are the Republicans trying to stop them from getting it?)
It is a sad day when We the People have to go cap in hand to the president begging him to give us the same relief he gave his friends by fiat. Thank God we have bold leaders willing to fight for those who can’t afford to pay powerful lobbyists to make Obama and Harry Reid listen. (Does she mean like Ted Cruz? Oh yeah, he's a hell of a leader. Perhaps she should read the post directly below this one.)
Want to know why this whole thing happened? Look at what Obamacare is already doing to our country with health care costs skyrocketing, workers laid off or kicked to part-time, employers shutting down projects, and debt still soaring. See the article linked below. This is what America is up against. (The article she is referring to is a VERY misleading one called "The 100 Unintended Consequences of Obamacare" written by a Right Wing outlet.)
And Obama employees who know in your hearts and souls that punishing our veterans is wrong, know that we have your backs when you say “enough is enough” and then allow our vets to gaze upon our memorials that honor America’s finest. (And those "Obama employees" also surely know that all of that, and more, can be accomplished simply by bringing the Senate approved sequestration CR to the floor of the House and voting on it.) This simple act of civil disobedience will galvanize our nation against atrocious political games, and I promise you’ll sleep well tonight.
- Sarah Palin
So to be clear Palin is encouraging OTHER people to risk an overnight stay in jail, and a possible violent confrontation with police, while SHE stays warm and toasty in her fuzzy slippers and terrycloth straight jacket at home?
Why not? After all Facebook posts don't leave handcuff marks on your wrists or pepper spray your eyeballs. It is easy to suggest that others, in this case elderly service men and their families, fight a fight that you would never, ever fight in person.
I always find it fascinating that every time Palin accuses the President of doing something shameful, like using the World War 2 Veterans for a "shameful political stunt," she does it while essentially doing that very same thing herself.
In this case the President is not "using" anybody, he is simply standing up to a group of domestic terrorists who were elected by the most rabid members of the Right Wing to undermine the government and, as Rachel Maddow has pointed out, to eventually shut the whole thing down.
The President is clearly on the right side in this battle, and it will take a lot more than transparent publicity stunts and crazed Facebook posts to shake his resolve.
P.S. It should be noted that Palin DID do one good thing today. She greatly assisted New Jersey Senatorial candidate Cory Booker, by endorsing his opponent. I am sure a thank you note is on it's way from Booker's campaign office as we speak.
Update: As some of you probably figured out, I wrote this post before the shooting happened today on Capitol Hill. And the unpaid Capitol police who responded to that emergency are the same folks that Palin was encouraging people to confront about the fact that could not visit some of the attractions in the National Mall.
I'm just saying.
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