Friday, February 28, 2014
Bristol Palin's ghostwriter attempts to damn abortion using outdated attacks on founder of Planned Parenthood, while Bristol provides more ammunition for Levi Johnston's upcoming custody case.
Courtesy of Brancy's blog:
Do you guys watch Patricia Heaton’s great show The Middle?
Well, she’s one of the only Hollywood stars who has the guts to speak out against abortion.
Last week, Heaton shared a National Review article about how more black babies are aborted than born in New York City. Alec Torres writes:
In 2012, black women in New York City aborted over 6,500 more children than they gave birth to. Data from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene shows that, among non-hispanic black women, there were 31,328 “induced terminations” to 24,758 live births, according to a CNS News report.
Heaton tweeted this article, by adding: “Margaret Sanger gets her wish.” Sanger was the founder of Planned Parenthood and actually believed in ethnic cleansing.
I’m so proud of Patricia for having the courage to speak out against the evils of abortion!
Ah yes, the old Margaret Sanger was a racist, therefore Planned Parenthood hates black people approach. I thought after Herman Cain got shamed for using this that the conservatives might leave it alone.
Here is the quote, in context, that allows conservatives to use this line of attack:
Sanger, who was arrested several times in her efforts to bring birth control to women in the United States, set up her first clinic in Brooklyn in 1916. In the late 1930s, she sought to bring clinics to black women in the South, in an effort that was called the "Negro Project." Sanger wrote in 1939 letters to colleague Clarence James Gamble that she believed the project needed a black physician and black minister to gain the trust of the community.
Sanger says that a minister could debunk the notion, if it arose, that the clinics aimed to "exterminate the Negro population." She didn't say that she wanted to "exterminate" the black population. The Margaret Sanger Papers Project at New York University says that this quote has "gone viral on the Internet," normally out of context, and it "doesn't reflect the fact that Sanger recognized elements within the black community might mistakenly associate the Negro Project with racist sterilization campaigns in the Jim Crow south, unless clergy and other community leaders spread the word that the Project had a humanitarian aim."
In other words, while Sanger was trying to deliver control of the female reproduction system to women, regardless of ethnicity or social standing, she was cognizant of the fact that she as a white woman could be seen as encouraging genocide among the black community.
Funny how seeing things in context pretty much changes everything about what the Right wants you to believe about them, don't you think?
Here's what else I find interesting about the conservative's love for this attempt to smear Planned Parenthood.
On the one hand they want to vilify Planned Parenthood for killing black babies, but then on the other hand they want to condemn black mothers for having so many babies in order to defraud Federal welfare programs out of millions of dollars, the so-called "Welfare Queen" scenario that Ronald Reagan made popular.
You would think that you could not argue one side while also arguing the other, but of course that's because you are not a Right Wing lunatic.
Speaking of lunatics, everybody's favorite terrible mother has been helping Levi with his court case, first by posting this video of Tripp laughing hysterically at the use of some mildly inappropriate language.
And then with this montage that Joey Junker put up of Tripp and Bristol playing house with the latest trial daddy.
The caption said "Miss my little fam just a few more weeks." |
I mean yes of course it DOES help, but it's certainly not her that it helps.
P.S. By the way Patricia Heaton is the reason I can't watch reruns of "Everybody Loves Raymond" anymore.
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