Saturday, February 15, 2014
Once again Sarah Palin's ghostwriter fails to do her research and writes a Facebook post that makes her employer look like a fool. (To be fair there really IS no way to keep her from looking like a fool. At least not for long.)
So Nancy French, or Ram, or however is looking up hard words for Palin these days put up a post on Facebook yesterday:
Here's why in almost every one of my speeches or interviews I use the term "Orwellian”.
Palin's ghostwriter then links to an article over at Townhall, a terrible place full of Obama hatred and little actual journalism, that I try to avoid at all cost
In the Townhall article the author claims that under President Obama we have now entered the world warned about in George Orwell's "1984." You know because it was the Democrats who stole national elections, and started unnecessary wars while lying to the American people, and of course it was Obama who started the domestic spying program that so many find troubling today.
The ghostwriter, channeling the Wasilla Wendigo, however did not seem to care about hypocrisy:
As I sit the bleachers today at middle school sports tournaments, I look out at our future and confirm the necessity to get America back on the right road, soon, before it's too late. Please explain this article to your children, as many have been, unfortunately, shielded from reading the staples “Nineteen Eight-Four” and “Animal Farm” in school. (And exactly which groups work to ban these books in public schools Sarah?) Then encourage them by your actions to be engaged and NOT LET IT HAPPEN.
Remembering when Palin actually visited an Animal Farm. |
And as for the idea that any of her supporters have the mental capacity to explain the TV Guide, much less this article on "1984," to one of their children, well you know how dimwitted they must be, don't you.
Fortunately for me the great folks over at Wonkette got their teeth in this story ahead of me and dismantled the Townhall article point by point.
However it was the last bit where they decided to spike the ball:
Victor (Author Victor Davis Hanson) wraps up with what should have been a big finish, but actually falls flat after all the BLAARRRGGGGHHH about how Bamz is Big Brother: both left and right make shit up, but Orwell was more concerned with the left ipso facto ergo Obama bad. Whut? Victor, Victor, Victor. You really do not get this Orwell guy at all: he hated Stalinist communism, but mostly because he hated what it had done to pervert and ruin socialism. In “Why I Write” (1946), he makes it clear that he did not see the glorious free market as the cure for communism:
The Spanish war and other events in 1936-37 turned the scale and thereafter I knew where I stood. Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism, as I understand it.
Got it? George Orwell is not on your side, Victor.
You see Orwell was not warning about a President using his executive powers to help the country make progress in the face of an obstruction for obstructionism's sake Congress. He was warning against a party that keeps its citizens constantly in fear, attempts to repress their sexuality, and bans access to information that would undermine their control.
None of that sounds like President Obama or the Democratic party.
But I do know which party it DOES sound like and it rhymes with Perublicans.
Of course somehow I think that Palin did NOT want parents to explain the book to their children quite that well.
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