Saturday, February 15, 2014
Plagiarist extraordinaire Rand Paul has even been caught plagiarizing his lawsuit against the NSA.
I swear the lawsuit is as original to me as the hair on my head. |
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has been caught using purloined passages in several of his speeches. Now the aspiring presidential candidate stands accused of filing a lawsuit stolen from its author.
Since December, the libertarian lawmaker, a tea party favorite, had been working with former Reagan administration lawyer Bruce Fein to draft a class-action suit seeking to have the National Security Agency’s surveillance of telephone data declared unconstitutional; the two men appeared together as early as last June to denounce the NSA’s activities.
But when Paul filed his suit at the U.S. District Court in Washington on Wednesday morning, Fein’s name had been replaced with that of Ken Cuccinelli, the failed Republican gubernatorial candidate in Virginia who until last month had been the state’s attorney general. Cuccinelli has never argued a case in that courthouse, and he isn’t even a member of the D.C. bar (he also filed a motion Wednesday seeking an exception to allow him to argue this case in D.C.). But he is, like Paul, a tea party darling.
Fein, who has not been paid in full for his legal work by Paul’s political action committee, was furious that he had been omitted from the filing he wrote. “I am aghast and shocked by Ken Cuccinelli’s behavior and his absolute knowledge that this entire complaint was the work product, intellectual property and legal genius of Bruce Fein,” Mattie Fein, his ex-wife and spokeswoman, told me Wednesday. “Ken Cuccinelli stole the suit,” she said, adding that Paul, who “already has one plagiarism issue, now has a lawyer who just takes another lawyer’s work product.”
Yeah nothing undermines a suit against stealing people's data without their knowledge like having the lawsuit itself be stolen from the author without his knowledge.
I know that Rand Paul is making a play for the disenfranchised young voters that supposedly feel disappointed in Obama, but if he wants to demonstrate his integrity by comparison, he might want to actually develop some first.
Before this he was trying to appeal to female voters by using her husband's sexual dalliance to attack Hillary Clinton.
Next he will probably make a play for the Hispanic vote by demanding that they learn to speak English.
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