Sunday, April 6, 2014

Congressional Medal of Honor winner Colonel Jack Jacobs puts a pro-gun nut in his place for interrupting him.

9:41 AM By No comments

Courtesy of Crooks and Liars:

Jacobs: Arming everybody on posts seems to be a very foolish stance..(Lott tries to cut in) No, be quiet. A very foolish response (The colonel) to a problem that needs a solution, (You make hyperbole here) but this is not the solution. Please, don't be rude..

Lott: No, earlier you were talking about...

Jacobs: Please. Don't Be Rude.

Savanna: let him finish his statement.

Jacobs: Be quiet. Arming everybody on posts and the intended danger in doing that is not a solution to protect the lives of people who serve and sacrifice for us. Now you can say what you want to say.

The portion of the conversation not contained in the above clip, and to which the pro-gun "researcher" is referring, is also worth noting:

Jacobs: Well there are several issues here, the first is whom do you arm, Do you arm wives, dependents? It's absolutely a ludicrous suggestion. The situation at Fort Hood the other day in the circumstance in which everyone had weapons could very easily result and probably would have resulted in enormous mass fratricide and you would have this all the time.

Second problem revolves around the notion that civilian life, or military life on a civilian post is just like combat.

The third point revolves around the notion that the shooter values his own life more than he does carrying out what he's going to carry out and therefore he's not going to do it if everybody else is armed. Complete nonsense.

Well said, and completely correct in my opinion.

Many of these mass shooters are on a suicide mission. It does not concern them one bit that they will be shot, in fact they expect it. And if it does not happen, as we have seen time and time again, they are perfectly happy to kill themselves.



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