Thursday, June 19, 2014

Oklahoma had a 30 year average of two small earthquakes per year. In 2013 they had 109 of much greater force. The reason? Fracking.

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Oklahoma had a 30 year average of two small earthquakes per year. In 2013 they had 109 of much greater force. The reason? Fracking.
Courtesy of the LA Times:

When Austin Holland was being considered for his job as the sole seismologist at the Oklahoma Geological Survey in 2009, his interviewer posed a wry question: "Are you going to be able to entertain yourself as a seismologist in Oklahoma?"

Back then, the state had a 30-year average of only two earthquakes of magnitude 3.0 or higher per year. As it turns out, though, boredom has been the least of Holland's concerns. Over the last five years, the state has had thousands of earthquakes — an unprecedented increase that has made it the second-most seismically active state in the continental United States, behind California.

The state had 109 temblors measuring 3.0 or greater in 2013 — more than 5,000% above normal. There have already been more than 200 earthquakes this year, Holland said.

Scientists have never observed such a dramatic swarm of earthquakes "in what's considered a stable continental interior," Holland said. "Whatever we're looking at, it's completely unprecedented."

Oklahoma has always had the potential for earthquakes; it has a complex underlying fault system. But until recently, the most powerful quake of the modern era was a 5.5-magnitude temblor in 1952 that left a 15-meter crack in the state Capitol.

Scientists say the more likely cause of the recent increase is underground injection wells drilled by the oil and gas industry. About 80% of the state is within nine miles of an injection well, according to the Oklahoma Geological Survey.

Of course Oklahoma is not alone. Texas is experiencing the exact same problem.

And in fact so are just about every state where fracking is taking place.

This is my first post of the day folks, and I am going to post all kinds of information today.

But to be honest I am not sure that anything else I am going to share is going to be as important as this story is, so please help to spread this information far and wide.

We are literally shaking our planet to pieces in the attempt to dredge up fossil fuels and inject them into our atmosphere in order to destroy our climate. These are the actions of the clinically insane.



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