Thursday, July 3, 2014

Don't forget bitchez, today is #HobbyLobbyLoveDay! Update!

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Don't forget bitchez, today is #HobbyLobbyLoveDay! Update!
I actually tried to put this whole ridiculous thing out of my mind, but fucking Wonkette wouldn't let me:

We know that the Hobby Lobby decision is dangerous and terrible for the nation, but for filthy liberal bloggers, it is for sure going to be the gift that keeps on giving, mostly because there is so much post-decision derp from the Hobby Lobbyists. We should have known that Bristol Palin, queen of being best at not using birth control, would weigh in with some extra-special stupid about how to celebrate the fact that now all ladies can be saddled with an unwanted unmarried teen pregnancy, which is what freedom is all about. Bristol’s plan? Shopping selfies, of course.

July 3! You guys, that’s today! Get excited!! It even has a cool hashtag: #HobbyLobbyLove.

Holy god, Bristol Palin, you are even dumber than your mother if you think that the entirety of Twitter isn’t going to hijack the fuck out of that hashtag and fill your supporters’ timelines with dick pics to show how they hobby and lobby and love. Bristol was also kind enough to give the world her email address so that you can send pix directly to her.

Okay that's pretty good so maybe I will forgive Wonkette for making me remember that Sarah Palin's loser offspring continues to chase relevance by having her ghostwriter create blogposts that make it seem she can both read and understand current events.

So I traipsed on over to Brancy's blog to read how the campaign is going thus far.

And thus far there is nothing happening at all, as the most recent post is from yesterday.

So as you can see things are going just as they usually go when the Palin's try to start some kind of socially relevant protest.

But have no fear, apparently Brancy's blog also has a twitter account. (Okay seriously how come I did not know that?)

Let's take a peek at the raging activism shall we??

Wow a day of buying sparkly glue and adding a few extra pounds, sounds like heaven.
Not to nitpick, but since the idea is to take selfies of yourself while shopping at a Hobby Lobby store, how would shopping online help accomplish that objective? I'm over thinking this aren't I?
Okay does anybody else think that "toni" sounds suspiciously like a certain half term governor turned Facebook troll?

Well it is still early so perhaps eventually one of Bristol's fans will actually be able to find a Hobby Lobby store and take a picture of themselves protesting the right of women to have access to certain birth control that the Bible clearly states were manufactured by Satan.

I mean anything's possible.

Update: Okay well since I wrote this post Brancy finally got off her ass and updated the blog.

And there has been some response:

Yes the courage to deny women birth control is so admirable.

Some could not be bothered to go in, but they participated as well.

You know kind of.

However the REAL fun is happening over at the #HobbyLobbyLove Twitter page.
Me thinks that certain people are having WAY too much fun with this.

But hey, it's at the expense of a Palin so who could blame them?



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