Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Sarah Palin makes another appearance on Fox, this time she says the "haters out there" only make her want to "bug the crap out of them." Also hints at another possible run for office.

3:55 AM By No comments

Courtesy of the You Tube page:

Sarah Palin stopped by Stuart Varney’s Fox Business Network show Tuesday afternoon to share her thoughts on a variety of topics, including recent comments about her family by CNN anchor Carol Costello.

“The hatred level directed against you is extraordinary and a disgrace,” Varney said at the top of his interview with Palin. “Has it driven you out of politics, driven you away from public office for good?”

“No, bless their hearts, those haters out there,” Palin replied, saying the comments only “invigorate” her to keep doing whatever it is she does. "

“It invigorates me it wants me to get out there and defend the innocent," she said. "It makes me want to work so hard for justice in this country. So, hey, the more they are pouring on, the more I’m going to bug the crap out of them by being out there with the voice, with the message, hopefully running for office in the future too.”

“What’s it like dealing with that kind of mockery — and that’s what it is, mockery — for more than six years?” Varney asked Palin, turning specifically to Costello’s commentary. “And this is a personal question, what does it feel like?”

Rather than take the opportunity to attack Costello directly, Palin demurred, saying she knows “a lot of people have it a heck of a lot harder than the Palins do.” But, she added, liberals love to play “the politics and personal destruction.”

“They do want to destroy personally those they disagree with,” she continued. “They are very, very intolerant of those who maybe hold opposing views to their liberal, failed agenda views. So they want to crush us.”

When Varney posited to Palin that the “war on women” is really more of a “war on you,” the former governor agreed wholeheartedly, saying, “Absolutely.”

You will notice that Varney did not once ask Palin any questions about the brawl, or why her entire family were so publicly inebriated.

And comparing the challenges that her family faces in keeping the truth hidden from public scrutiny to the challenges of a family with a military member fighting overseas, is one of the lowest things she has ever done.

As for all of that talk about wanting to "defend the innocent" and "fight for justice," who does she think she is kidding? I know a certain innocent Anchorage homeowner who could use a little justice right about now.

And I simply cannot believe, after all of this time, that anybody would take her political prick teasing seriously.

No folks she is NEVER running for office again. EVER!

So yes, her so called "haters," or as we call ourselves "truth tellers," HAVE indeed driven her out of politics.

Sarah Palin makes another appearance on Fox, this time she says the "haters out there" only make her want to "bug the crap out of them." Also hints at another possible run for office.
Oh and by the way, there is still more truth to tell.



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