Friday, December 12, 2014

Anonymous Wikipedia user with IP address that leads to US Senate really does not like the use of the word "torture" to describe what the CIA did to detainees. Keeps trying to change it.

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Anonymous Wikipedia user with IP address that leads to US Senate really does not like the use of the word "torture" to describe what the CIA did to detainees. Keeps trying to change it.
Anonymous Wikipedia user with IP address that leads to US Senate really does not like the use of the word "torture" to describe what the CIA did to detainees. Keeps trying to change it.
Courtesy of Mashable:

An anonymous Wikipedia user from an IP address that is registered to United States Senate has tried, and failed, to remove a phrase with the word "torture" from the website's article on the Senate Intelligence Committee's blockbuster CIA torture report.

The unknown individual has attempted on at least two occasions — first on Dec. 9 and then on Dec. 10 — to remove a line describing the CIA's enhanced interrogation techniques as "a euphemism for torture."

Gee it looks like somebody REALLY doesn't like it when we call torture done by the United States "torture."

Perhaps somebody should have thought of that before they, you know, tortured people.



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