Friday, December 12, 2014

Possible reason for concern. Apparently Willow Palin is now armed.

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Possible reason for concern. Apparently Willow Palin is now armed.
Sarah Palin's ghostwriter helped her compose a rather meandering post which included a bit about her friend Juanita's first moose kill, an article her brother wrote about hanging out with the Duck Dynasty dipshits, and this:

Running joke among the family is “we never win anything!”, so what a cool surprise today that Willow won the Wasilla High School Swim Team fundraiser raffle – a Remington with a sweet scope! (I know... only in Alaska.)

I have to mention that I am a life long Alaskan and have never heard of a high school affiliated raffle giving away a hunting rifle, but let's face it Wasilla marches to its own tone deaf drummer.

I have also never heard of Willow wanting to go hunting, so one has to wonder just how useful of a prize a Remington with a "sweet scope" really is to the budding hair stylist.

What I do know is that Willow tends to hold a grudge, so I will make sure that my curtains are closed at night just to be on the safe side.

Considering what I am about to share I think I will be moving up the list of people who the Palins would like to see eliminated.



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