Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Sarah Palin suggest that the politicians who "caved on the debt" should start drinking, and then attempts to compare running the country to her son Track running a lemonade stand. Wait, what?
When life gives you lemons, at this point make margaritas. Caving on debt could drive one to drink. This photo... tweet linked to this photo:
— Sarah Palin (@SarahPalinUSA) October 16, 2013
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Well somebody's been spending sleepless nights combing through old picture albums. |
When life gives you lemons, at this point make margaritas. Caving on debt could drive one to drink.
This photo of my son and nephew ran in our local newspaper about 15 years ago. I’m betting dollars to doughnuts our president skipped this universal childhood lesson in Economics 101, and perhaps that explains his problem understanding the tragedy to befall us as America drowns in debt. Running a lemonade stand teaches you to progress by the sweat of your brow and live within your means. It taught these boys that it was unacceptable and self-defeating to keep coming back to mama for more money for ingredients needed to concoct a product to sell to the public. Obviously more debt means less progress and opportunity to expand. Anyone who has run a business knows more debt equals less profit, and less profit means less ability to grow operations, employ more people, and even hold your head high above shortsighted economic decisions that history proves lead to failure. (Is she seriously comparing the running of child's lemonade stand, to the running of a country the size of the United States? She was the Governor of Alaska, she HAS to know better than that, doesn't she?)
All these lessons about the kids’ lemonade stand and economic freedom apply to our families’ budgets, our businesses, and most certainly our government. We cannot borrow our way to prosperity. (Perhaps, but if the Republicans had not made taxes a four letter word we could raise enough revenue to pay the bills that we started to accrue the minute that George W. spent all of the Clinton surplus and then started two unnecessary wars.) We’re in a deep hole; quit digging. We cannot ignore the economic realities of bankruptcy. (And there is nothing to suggest that the President is doing any such thing.)
President Obama is giddily enthused now about growing more debt, but just a few years prior when he was still a senator, he scolded America, proclaiming: “The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure.…Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally.” And on July 3, 2008, he declared, “driving up our national debt from $5 trillion dollars to $9 trillion is irresponsible. It’s unpatriotic.” If it was irresponsible and unpatriotic at $9 trillion, what is it at $17 trillion?
Was he lying then or now?
(The President defends that vote here: There is no daylight between his vote against raising the debt ceiling as a senator in 2006 and his call for Congress to increase the limit in the next 10 days, President Barack Obama said Wednesday.
“Nothing has changed,” Obama told WFLA in an interview. “I voted against a debt ceiling increase at the time because I had some concerns about what President (George W.) Bush was doing.”
The president said he has “no problem” if members of Congress choose to vote against raising the legal borrowing limit now, but took issue with House Speaker John Boehner’s choice not to bring a clean bill to the floor. And to be fair the President was signalling his dissatisfaction with the amount of spending done by the Bush administration and simply cast a protest vote, but he certainly would NOT have allowed the country to default no matter how indignant he was.)
Mr. President, boys and girls all across our great nation would no doubt share their lessons learned about the danger of debt. It’s our posterity you've made insecure when you doubled our national debt since taking office, which violates the preamble of our Constitution which speaks of securing “the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.” How can we secure our liberty when we’re hopelessly in debt to foreign nations? (Okay WHERE was this idiot when George Bush was borrowing money from China hand over fist?)You said today that the cool thing about being President is you can “pick up the phone and call anyone in the world and they’ll answer.” Call Track and Payton. I’m sure your NSA and IRS have their numbers.
-Sarah Palin
I love how she keeps bringing up the NSA spying program as if it was Obama's creation and not Dubya's.
Look running the Federal government, keeping the country safe, and paying its creditors is so far removed from running a sidewalk lemonade stand that to suggest otherwise should be an indication of mental illness.
Sarah Palin may be a discredited has been today but at one time she really WAS the chief executive of the largest state in the union. However perhaps because Alaska is awash in oil money, and currently has a 21 billion dollar surplus, she is simply not aware of what it takes to run a country not bought and paid for with money from giant energy companies.
However I think Palin actually knows this, I don't think she is this stupid, she just assumes the paint chip eaters who still listen to her ARE that stupid.
And considering what we have seen of them, she is very likely right.
Thankfully the majority of the American people are not.
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