Tuesday, October 1, 2013
The Government shuts down, but the stupidity of Sarah Palin goes on, and on, and on, and on. Update!
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But you know what they say, you can take the Sarah Palin out of the country, but you can't stop her from being a...well you get it.
Of course this interview was all about the looming shutdown, which is no longer looming and has crashed to earth with a resounding "Fuck all of you people!"
Hannity starts off by attempting to paint the Republicans as the reasonable ones and blaming the shutdown on the Democrats "refusal" to shut down, defund, or delay Obamacare.
And go.
"Well this is quite unfortunate of course, and I hope red state Democrats will be held to account as they're up for reelection and I can think of three right now who had even recognized recently Obamacare's fatal flaws, (The only "fatal flaw" is that once it gets fully enacted it will damn near kill the Republican party politically.) and yet they still had to go along like a bunch of sheep following Harry Reid with this partisan vote. Quite unfortunate. Now all this hysteria anyway Sean over partial government shutdown is exactly that, it's hysteria there isn't going to be an actual government shutdown so long as we prioritize funding for those most important functions of our Federal government. I can't believe that Harry Reid stood there on the Senate floor and said that 'Republicans don't believe in government?'" (Yeah, since when is the Senate floor the place to speak the truth?) No we don't believe in burdensome, intrusive, unconstitutional government, we believe in government fulfilling its proper role which is, a whole other story." ("Burdensome, intrusive, unconstitutional," why is she describing the Bush administration?)
Hannity then asks Palin to describe her reaction to how the Republicans have handled this fight over Obamacare
"Well I think Republicans are kind of missing an opportunity here to explain not only more of the fatal, devastating flaws in Obamacare which this policy, this new program, will decimate our middle class because it's going to make our work force now, a part time work force instead of full time work force that would require employers to provide health care coverage so we're missing an opportunity to help educate people more and more about what Obamacare really is entailing. (So to be clear kids, when Sarah Palin says the word "educate" she really mean "lie." For more helpful Palin hints, please buy my new book "Damn, everything she says is Bullshit!")
Palin then goes on to make the case that the shutdown in the 90's was good for the Republicans, which is of course the exact opposite of what historians to believe to be true, and that this is an opportunity to demonstrate how irrelevant the government is to Americans in their daily lives. (Okay wasn't SHE once a governor who ran for VP in order to help run this "irrelevant government?")
After a break Hannity asks, for reasons that completely escape me, what Palin thinks the Republicans should do now?
"Remember Obama when he was a candidate said he would go line by line through the budget and unfund things that were unnecessary, and fund the things that were a priority, well now's his chance, and congressional leaders, chance to go line by line and fund those things that we need. (Now just take a moment to mull the stupidity of that statement for a moment. In this incredibly partisan and hostile political environment, Palin is literally suggesting that no CR be passed and that instead the administration work with the Congress to go line by line to decide which individual programs should, or should NOT be funded. As if THAT is a workable solution to dealing with this situation. This woman, is an idiot!) "Another thing that GOP leadership need to do is to remind the public that this is not Armageddon, This is a pin prick, it is not the end of the world if there is a partial government shutdown. Now President Obama, a couple of weeks ago when he was hellbent on dropping bombs on Syria, he said 'America doesn't do pinpricks.' Well, no we don't do pinpricks but sometimes we elect them."
And just when you thought that Palin would resist the urge to use sexually derogatory language to make her point. (Gee I wonder how she knows so much about "pin pricks")
Hannity then says that the idea of a government shutdown does not "impact me mentally" (Big surprise,) and suggests that having the government shutdown is no big deal.
"And I don't think our politicians are actually afraid of the impacts of a partial government shutdown, a short term shutdown, I think they're afraid of what the mainstream media will do to them, especially these GOP member." (Does she mean that the GOP members are only afraid if the press tells the public what they are doing? Gee if only the journalists would stop doing their jobs!) "They need not be afraid. You know you're going to get blamed GOP, dill (sic) with it!"
Such good advice, don't you think? "Hey, you're going to get blamed for the government shutdown anyway, so why bother trying not to shut it down?"
And people wonder why Palin left politics.
Finally Hannity asks Palin what she thinks the worst case scenario for the Republicans would be?
"It would be to cave, that would be the worst case scenario. And this will impact the 2014 midterm elections. Many, fiscal conservatives especially, will say, you know, what is the difference between the parties now, if they're all going to kind of end up at the same end road with their capitulation and with their expenditures that are unaffordable and unsustainable? Especially with Obamacare what's coming down the pike, so what's the difference? So in these 2014 elections unfortunately too many people would just stay home and kind of give up on what the electorate could actually do. Red state Democrats, they need to be 'ware (sic) that we are watching THEIR votes very closely as their up for reelection, and of course those members of the GOP also that have seemed to kind of want to go along, to get along, and not do the job the will of the people that we need done. So 2014, big impacts will be felt with these votes coming up."
So for Palin, that cagey political mastermind, the best tactic for those GOP politicians seeking reelection in 2014 is to be on the losing side of this conflict, even though just about everybody, including Rafael Ted Cruz, knows that once the program is in place it will become a huge benefit to the American people and they will be openly irritated with those who tried to keep it from them.
Oh, and she wants the Democrats in red states to throw themselves on that funeral pyre as well. SUCH a good plan.
You know after this whole kerfuffle is over, and the effects of Obamacare are felt around the country, I wonder just how much value will be placed on Sarah Palin's opinion in its aftermath?
I am guessing she may be up for yet ANOTHER difficult contract negotiation after this one runs out, and I certainly would not want to be arguing on the side for keeping her at Fox.
By the way this might be a good place to point out that Obama has actually reduced the size of the budget deficit.
Update: She got one by me.
Apparently Palin was also on Cavuto yesterday during which she claims that the Tea Party is not going anywhere, so the moderate Republicans better get used to it.
I am still recovering from my earlier transcribing to I leave it to you to watch the video and make comments as you see fit.
You know I need to sign up for Obamacare sometime this week after which I am confident my doctor will tell me that my health would be greatly improved if I stopped listening to Sarah Palin interviews.
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