Friday, November 1, 2013
As Republicans continue to claim that Obama policies are driving up the deficit, new report shows it has fallen to half of what it was when he took office.
"You're welcome America." |
Administration officials reported on Wednesday that the deficit has fallen to half of what it was when President Barack Obama took office — touting the numbers as congressional budget negotiations begin amid Republican criticism of Democrats’ stewardship of the government’s finances.
The administration said the fiscal 2013 deficit is $680 billion, which is $409 billion less than the fiscal 2012 deficit and $293 billion less than forecast in Obama’s April budget. The fiscal year ended on Sept. 30.
As a percent of Gross Domestic Product, the preferred measurement by economists, the deficit fell to 4.1 percent, a drop of more than half from the deficit when Obama took office.
You know sometimes it must feel to Republicans as if the very planets are aligning against them, and that they have to spend all of their time trying to distract from facts, which have a liberal bias, and instead create distractions to keep the low information voters from realizing that everything they say is a steaming pile of shit.
Not that I for an instant feel sorry for them, by the way, because if they WEREN'T working so hard to argue against reality they could be working with the Democrats to make this country a better place for all of us.
I cannot even begin to imagine how low the deficit might be by now if the Republicans and Democrats, could put aside their partisan bickering, and were working together to bring it down.
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