Thursday, December 19, 2013
Sarah Palin, heart of gold? Seriously? Update!
Sarah Palin gets picture taken with same Down Syndrome boy who she had her picture taken with during 2009. |
Check this ass kissing out for yourself:
As she meets with ordinary Americans all across the heartland, Palin makes a point to connect with families who have children with special needs.
It has been five years since Palin promised those families on national television, “I pledge to you that…you have a friend, an advocate, in the White House.” Well, she may not be in the White House, but she has certainly reached out to families all across the country and continues to keep in touch – a rarity these days.
Yes, Palin is a rarity these days – one who embraces and fights for the real hope that the Christmas season offers. Following a recent speech at Liberty University’s Convocation to thousands, one of the students, Hal, asked Palin: “Who’s been your biggest inspiration?”
And after all that Palin has been through, as a hockey mom in Wasilla pursuing the first female Vice-Presidency of the United States of America, enduring relentless attacks from the left, right, and center, her answer may surprise you.
Palin candidly replied, “Today, my biggest inspiration’s been my youngest child, Trig, a five-year-old who was born with Down syndrome, born with challenges that are going to be greater than most of us will ever face.”
“Todd and I say all the time we wouldn’t change anything in our family, any of the situations for the world, because we get to see what God has shown us – what true perfection is, and that is this true perfection of our son. There’s the world’s standards of perfection, and then there’s God’s standards of perfection. And it’s His standards at the end of the day that really matter.”
“When we look at our son, we are inspired; we are motivated; we are more compassionate. We feel gifted and fortunate to have Trig in our lives. He is the most influential person in my family’s life today, and I thank God for our son, Trig,” Palin said, beaming with a proud smile.
Sarah Palin sincerely empowers average, everyday Americans, and in the same way, she fights for those who cannot fight for themselves. She stands up for the underdogs – not only pre-born children, but children who have already been born with greater challenges than most will ever experience. In fact, over 90 percent of children diagnosed with Down syndrome are aborted before they are ever allowed to experience this world.
Hang on a second I am still dry heaving over that.
Okay for one thing Palin has done virtually NOTHING for the Down syndrome community, outside of a couple of speeches (Which she may have been compensated for, with travel expenses and hotel accommodations.) and a handful of photo-ops with Down syndrome children during her book tours.
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Trig in a rare photo with his adopted mom from March of this year. |
She and Todd are currently living in different states so if she and Todd say anything "all the time" it is by phone.
And the only people who Palin "empowers" are those on the Left who she energized by being the living embodiment of everything that is wrong with the Right Wing in this country.
Essentially the woman is the biggest phony on the planet and I am surprised that even an anti-choice rag like Live Action News could not see that for themselves.
I will never get over just how many ignorant people there are in this country.
Update: Well it looks like McCain is finally tired of Palin's meddling with GOP politics as well.
This from The Hill:
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said he prayed Sarah Palin does not get involved in a GOP Senate primary fight in South Carolina.
But the Arizona senator said he does not expect her to target the primary fight with his friend, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).
“Oh, I pray she wouldn’t do that,” McCain told The New York Times in a wide-ranging interview. “And you know, I find it hard to believe that she would.”
Palin, McCain’s vice presidential running mate in 2008, has hinted about targeting South Carolina and a number of other states housing GOP incumbents up for reelection.
During the interview, he continued to defend Palin but appeared uninterested in relitigating his pick for running mate.
“I’ve moved on,” McCain said. “What’s the statute of limitations on this issue?”
No there is no statue of limitations on this, anymore than there was for Victor Von Frankenstein after he released HIS creature onto an unsuspecting populace. Sarah Palin will be a smear against John McCain for the rest of his life, and even unto death.
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