Thursday, February 13, 2014
Alabama lawmaker introduces bill that would force prayers into public school classrooms because the Constitution is long and who has time to read all of that?
State Rep. Steve Hurst. |
An Alabama lawmaker has proposed legislation that would allow public school teachers to lead students in a daily prayer.
State Rep. Steve Hurst (R) introduced the bill last month to allow teachers to read verbatim one of the opening prayers recited by chaplains or their guests before sessions of the U.S. Congress.
“If Congress can open with a prayer, and the state of Alabama Legislature can, I don’t see why schools can’t,” Hurst said.
This could take up to 15 minutes each day, according to House Bill 318.
Hurst said the quarter hour would not be wasted, because it would help students learn about history and civics.
“They could read the prayer from the day war was declared in World War II (or) they could read the prayer the day after Sept. 11,” he said.
Or, they could use that fifteen minutes to actually learn history, instead of being indoctrinated into this idiot's religious belief!
No child should have to be subjected to the prayers from a religion to which they do not belong, assuming they belong to any at all.
This knuckle dragger does bring up one good point though. It really is not fair that schools get to avoid being subjected to prayer, and Congress still has to listen to them.
So I think the only fair thing is to outlaw them there as well.
There fixed it for you.
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