Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Rand Paul supports state's laws and constitutions, unless of course they might keep him from running for President and for the Senate at the same time.

7:35 PM By No comments

Rand Paul supports state's laws and constitutions, unless of course they might keep him from running for President and for the Senate at the same time.
Courtesy of the Washington Times:

Opening a door to hedge his political bets, Sen. Rand Paul has asked the leader of the Kentucky Senate for legislation to ensure that Mr. Paul can run both for the White House and for re-election to the U.S. Senate in 2016, The Washington Times has learned.

“Yes, I am working on clarifying an ambiguous state law that Rand Paul believes is unconstitutional if it is interpreted to bar running for re-election to the Senate and for president at the same time,” Kentucky Senate Majority Leader Damon Thayer told The Times on Monday.

“The purpose of the bill will be to make clear that Rand Paul or anyone in a similar situation in Kentucky can run for both offices in the same year,” Mr. Thayer explained.

If things go Mr. Paul’s way, he could win the GOP presidential nomination, then run in the fall 2016 general election for the presidency and to retain his U.S. Senate seat. If he wins the presidency and the Senate re-election bid, he would relinquish his Senate seat.

Okay my first take away from this was that clearly Rand Paul was not somebody who would let a few silly laws stand in the way of his political aspirations.

And secondly I think it is now obvious that Paul is DEFINITELY running for the GOP nomination is 2016. I am pretty sure Ted Cruz is going to throw his hat in, and there is talk about Bobby Jindal and possibly Marco Rubio as well.

Well so much for fewer clowns in the clown car this time around.



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