Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wonkette marvels at Sarah Palin's diminishing grifting skills.

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Wonkette marvels at Sarah Palin's diminishing grifting skills.
Courtesy of Wonkette:

In our latest edition of Sarah Palin Picked Your Pockets (And You Liked It), we discover that so far in the 2014 election cycle, up through Dec. 31, 2013, Sarah Palin’s SarahPAC has given a total of $5,000 to candidates … or, er, one candidate, comer Jason Smith of MO. What else (Nordstrom) is SarahPAC (Nordstrom) spending money on (Nordstrom) today?

Wonkette was inspired to make their post after Open Secrets did their very helpful breakdown, which was not yet available to me when I did my first reporting on this back in January.

Here is what Open Secrets posted:

If she keeps spending more money than she takes in she may eventually have to start spending money she actually earns from doing something. You know, like the little people.

Here is the breakdown of the expenditures.

Personally I think it is that "Unclassified consulting" which keeps so many secrets safe up here in Alaska.

When she can not longer pay that, then things will start to get interesting.



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