Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Dazed and Confused Sarah Palin on Hannity: "People are looking at Putin as one who wrestles bears and drills for oil." Suggests that the President "wears mom jeans and equivocates and bloviates." Clearly somebody got a new vocabulary word a day calendar for Christmas.
Before I start with the transcript I want you to just take a moment and look at this image.
THAT is the expression that Palin wore throughout almost the entire interview. I swear it is the same look that my daughter's dog had on its face after she recently came out of surgery.
Methinks somebody might have taken a little something for their nerves before the camera started rolling.
Hannity starts it off by showing the tape of Palin reading off of a teleprompter her "prediction" that Russia would invade the Ukraine.
He then asks her what she saw that the President failed to see. (You know, besides whatever hallucinations are currently dancing before her eyes.)
Here was her catatonic response:
"Well anyone who carries the common sense gene would know that Putin does not change his stripes. (Because he is a tiger.) He harkens back to the era of the czars, and he wants that Russian empire to grow again. He wants to exert huge power and dominance, so he has to get to those border areas, and he has to capture them. But you know what Sean? More importantly...we were right on that, I'm right when I talk about that inherent link between energy and security. Energy and prosperity. And when we don't develop our resources, and when we are not able to feed others with our resources, and so many others are reliant upon Russia, who does develop their resources, and with that wealth are able to strengthen their military and their influence and power on the globe, then other nations are in trouble." (For the record 2013 saw the United States breaking records with its domestic oil production. Which of course proves that Palin has no damn idea what she is talking about.)
I like the fact that after vomiting forth this chunk of clearly pre-written mooseshit that Palin looked almost pleased with herself as if she thought she had knocked it out of the park, while instead she had been chewing on her bat the entire time.
Hannity then follows the predetermined talking point of suggesting that the solution to all of the planet's problems is more fracking. Also making the point that the Ukraine is crisscrossed with various pipelines.
Palin: "Right, see that building of pipelines is an example of developing natural resources and what they can provide to a region, and here today...was it in Washington D.C.? We had all these protestors against the Keystone Pipeline. Look, America needs pipelines! Just like the other parts of the globe we were just talking about need their pipelines, we need ours. And those protestors griping about..oh I don't know...perhaps an earthworm will be displaced when a pipeline in built in America. That earthworm, it can take one for the team." (I am not exactly sure why an earthworm would care to take one for a team of creatures that routinely destroys it habitat, but putting that aside the fear of what having heavy tar sands flowing through the Keystone Pipeline in the U.S. could do to our environment is about far more than a displaced worm.)
Hannity then asks Palin for her predictions as to what Putin might do next, and if it is possible he will invade more countries. (Because as we all know she used to spy on him from her house.)
Palin: "Well yes, especially under the Commander-in-Chief that we have today, because Obama's...the perception of him, and his potency...across the world is one of such weakness, you know and I...lookit people are looking at Putin as one who wrestles bears and drills for oil. They look at our President as one who wears mom jeans and equivocates and bloviates."
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Did somebody mention "mom jeans?" |
Okay is crazy eyes literally suggesting that Obama should threaten Russia with military force? Surely even SHE is not that out to lunch. Or is she?
And speaking of the President, why was she talking about his "potency?" That did not seem like an appropriate word for what she was talking about.
Hannity then goes on to mock the President for his "reset" of relations with Russia, most of which took place during the term of Russian President Dmitri Medvedev, who appeared to be much more interested in negotiating with the west than has been demonstrated by Putin.
Palin greedily takes the bait: "Yeah that reset button thing that was just more um...more political speak, and double speak, that is so prevalent in the Obama administration. instead has chosen to adopt this MO of leading from behind, whatever the heck that means, I mean because the rest of the world...looking for that shining city on a hill, looking for that country in which...that they can emulate. Um they're not seeing that anymore in America because of Obama's weak leadership, leading from behind, which makes absolutely no sense. Um what...what's going a greater sense here is other countries finally taking advantage of that weakness in America at this point. Because our Commander-in-Chief does not understand the peace through strength that so many of us want to get back to. That is the only way that our world will be safer, more secure."
Okay first off that "leading from behind" thing is an invention of Fox News and Right Wing talking points. So if Madame Mooseshit here does not understand what it means she needs to talk to her script writers.
Secondly it sounds to me like this lunatic is suggesting that the only way to control Russia is to beef up our military and return to a cold war mentality. Because you know, THAT would be making progress.
Hannity makes some comments about Russia and China giving each other a reach around, and then Palin chimes in with her final point.
Palin: "My last point is...when Putin now is being accused by critics of violating law, in his actions today, well I'm loathe to give any advice to a tyrant like Putin, but you know what he could do is what liberals adopt here in America as acceptable, and that is when our President decides which laws, picking and choosing, that he will follow, he can just call it an executive order and nobody says boo."
Yes because not wanting to support DOMA is just like invading another country, right you moron?
By the way perhaps somebody needs to remind this idiot that so far President Obama has only used the Executive Order 168 times to George W. Bush's 291. (Clinton chocked up 364.)
And speaking of George W, Bush, most pundits agree that it was HIS actions while invading Iraq that have helped to embolden Putin. NOT the policies of the current resident of the White House.
Here is the interview for you to watch on your own. (If you so desire.)
While watching it, my very first thought was that she looked like she was tranquilized, and that thought was immediately followed by "What the fuck in on her head?"
As for her delivery, it was clear she had been coached, and a script written for her, but in her medicated state she clearly had a difficult time sticking to it.
Here is what the Obama Diary tweeted after her appearance.
MT @SarahPalinUSA On @seanhannity tonight to talk about Russia and Ukraine // Palin aides school her first -->
— (@TheObamaDiary) March 3, 2014
Too funny, and too true.Source
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