Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Jon Stewart eviscerates Sarah Palin over her Waterboarding/baptism remarks.
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Stewart: "All I can say there is thank God that is a hypothetical."
Palin: "They would know that waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists."
Stewart: "Where is that speech even appropriate? At an Al Qaeda recruitment how-to video workshop? At the yearly gathering of the Dummolos?"
Stewart goes on to mock Palin for several more minutes, which he concluded in this segment, during which Stewart also went after Wayne LaPierre, Rick Santorum, and the NRA in general for promoting gun violence as a remedy for all kinds of perceived ills, including government overreach, Obamacare, public education, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, etc.. etc., etc..
Ultimately Stewart's point was that as crazy as Palin's remarks seemed, at the NRA convention she was speaking to a crazed choir who agreed with, and parroted her every opinion.
And that is by far the most troubling thing about all of this. Not that Sarah Palin says crazy things, but that there are so many others who find what she says perfectly reasonable.
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