Friday, June 20, 2014
Sarah Palin inserts herself quite aggressively into the jailed Marine in Mexico kerfuffle.
Former Marine Andrew Paul Tahmooressi |
Here is little Miss Nosy Britches most recent Facebook post:
As promised, here's the press release on the current situation with Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, the U.S. Marine stuck in a Mexican prison for months now.
Palin then links to this press release from Serving California, which is a Christian organization that counsels veterans, ex-offenders, and crime victims. (I'm not sure how many of those labels describe Sgt. Tahmooressi.)
The press release essentially chronicles the Marine's mother's attempts to get him a new lawyer, his struggles with PTSD, and of course Palin's "mother to mother" conversations with the mom.
Having read this document Palin's participation actually makes more sense.
It is the newest Right Wing cause celebre, which increases her conservative bonafides.
It concerns a soldier, so Palin gets to pander to the military.
The mother and son are very religious, and receiving support from Christian organizations, so Palin gets to check off that box as well.
And of course Palin gets to use the situation to attack the President again, and isn't that really its own reward?
Of course the facts that keep coming to the surface kind of take a big crap ( I know Sarah likes that word.) all over Palin's pity party parade.
The weapons and ammunition found in Sgt. Tahmooressi's truck. |
Here is something posted last month by a blogger called Mexico Trucker:
Former Marine Andrew Paul Tahmooressi did not enter Mexico by mistake, according to an article published Friday in the Tijuana newspaper ZETATIJUANA.
Information obtained from a surveillance camera video showing Tahmooressi’s entrance into Mexico and investigations done on both sides of the border have led to this conclusion which is included in the investigative package that has been forwarded to the Procuraduría General de la República (PGR), Mexico’s equivalent to our Attorney Generals office. According to the report, this wasn’t the first time Tahmooressi had been in Tijuana and had “personal interest” in Mexico. The statement doesn’t specify when the previous visits to Mexico occurred, however, there is a heavy Marine presence in the southern part of California with Camp Pendleton less than 100 miles north of the border.
Tahmooressi was arrested on April 1, 2014 when he crossed into Mexico carrying a loaded .45 caliber pistol, AR-15 type assault weapon and a 12 gauge shotgun, as well as extra ammo clips and ammunition for all three weapons.+
He was charged with being in possession of firearms “reserved exclusively for military use” and faces from 6 to 21 years in Federal prison in Mexico if convicted.
And here is a little more from the same source:
The story changes with the time of day it seems. Some news outlets deem it prudent to stick with the story of how he was driving to San Ysidro to meet friends for dinner. Nothing said of Mexico. When truth be known, Mr. Tahmooressi had spent the day carousing around in Tijuana on foot.
He left his late model Ford F-150 pickup with his belonging in the back seat in garbage bags and the weapons, an AR-15 assault rifle, a 12 ga. shot gun and a 1911 Model .45 Caliber pistol in the vehicle, parked in a public parking lot on the border while he went partying. Not very responsible of him. These are the weapons he had in his possession when he was arrested and charged.
Fox News and all of their pundits deliberately overlook the fact that Mr. Tahmooressi had 400 rounds of ammunition for these weapons in his possession, further complicating things for him. He also had extra clips for both the assault rifle and the .45 in his possession. Nobody with the least bit of common sense would say that this was for his personal protection. It’s also notable that possession of these weapons and transport of these weapons is a felony in California.
If the statements made by Mexican Trucker are accurate, and he seems to know what he is talking about, then Sarah Palin's little military angel is really a PTSD suffering, wild child, who may have been transporting weapons into Mexico for the purpose of sale.
Another thing that is completely being ignored is that according to the head of Mexican Customs in Tijuana, Tahmooressi "Never, and I want to say this categorically, never did he say that he had made a mistake."
A mistake, by the way, that seems virtually impossible since THIS is the entrance to Tijuana, Mexico.
Seriously, how could anybody really be expected to notice that?
Another day, another example of Sarah Palin throwing her support behind a liar, criminal, or deviant.
Or, in this case, perhaps all three.
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