Sunday, August 3, 2014
Chuck Norris is now the face of the NRA's campaign to get Ammosexuals to the polls. And just when I thought I could not dislike him more.
Courtesy of Trigger the Vote:
The NRA Freedom Action Foundation's Trigger the Vote program is a national non-partisan voter registration effort to ensure gun owners across the country are registered to vote.
Apparently Chuck's goal is to get a gun into every hand, a Bible into every classroom, and a teabagging lunatic into every political office.
Here is video of Bruce Lee kicking Chuck's ass in the final fight of Return of the Dragon. (In the end Lee breaks his neck.)
It may seem childish, but it always makes me feel better.
The NRA Freedom Action Foundation's Trigger the Vote program is a national non-partisan voter registration effort to ensure gun owners across the country are registered to vote.
Apparently Chuck's goal is to get a gun into every hand, a Bible into every classroom, and a teabagging lunatic into every political office.
Here is video of Bruce Lee kicking Chuck's ass in the final fight of Return of the Dragon. (In the end Lee breaks his neck.)
It may seem childish, but it always makes me feel better.
Despite attempts to change her brand, Sarah Palin will forever simply be a kook.
Courtesy of Forbes:
The previously unknown Alaska governor quickly became a new breed of working mother. A strong conservative woman. An unlikely but believable candidate to shatter the glass ceiling. A rallying force for the Tea Party and other right-wingers. A maverick, a rebel, a politician unafraid of speaking her mind—and who cared if it was uninformed or inappropriate?
With John McCain (who is so not a kook that I can’t understand how his brand ever got commingled with Her Kookiness, because brands are judged by the company they keep), she tried her best to give Obama a run for his money and earn that erstwhile place a heartbeat away from the famous 3 a.m. phone call. When that didn’t work out, she traded politics for much-more-lucrative punditry and remained a force that shaped the American conversation, for better or worse.
Last week she launched the online Sarah Palin Channel. “Join us as we discuss the great issues of the day and work toward solutions,” it says on the site, which includes posts ranging from her mother’s Word of the Day to a video called “The Truth About the War in Israel.” Even with this new development, Palin is in danger of becoming irrelevant, a punch line, a blooper in the historical record.
That’s the danger of choosing kook as part of your personal brand. It gets attention, but it has an inherently limited shelf life. Eventually the novelty, controversy and “maverickness” of it wear off, then you have to amp it up and do something even kookier in order to remain in the public consciousness.
The author goes on to list a few of Palin's kookier moments, and then sums it up thusly:
Thirty years ago, Geraldine Ferraro cracked the glass ceiling with dignity and grace, and she remains positively regarded by many Americans, whether or not they shared her politics. Her respectable brand endured, and she didn’t become a historical punch line. For 20 years, Hillary Clinton has been chipping away at it, making more cracks even as she endured scandals and cruel judgments.
But the latest woman who was poised to reinvent American politics is now just coming off as cracked. Forget the ceiling. She needs a quick brand reinvention just to pick herself off the floor.
Oh yeah, I love reading things like this from what is ostensibly a conservative magazine about Granny Grifter, and knowing that the rest of the world has finally come around to seeing Palin as most of us have all along. As a talentless political opportunist, with the ethics of a street hooker, and the intelligence of a garden slug.
At this point Palin really cannot do anything to repair her reputation, and the choices she IS making only further demonstrate her lack of credibility and her inability to participate in an actual conversations about politics or world events.
The woman has now become so frightened of being called out for her ignorance, that she is reduced to filming uninformed soliloquies where there is no one to correct, criticize, or request clarification from her. (And you know there is somebody who goes through those comments for her so that she is never confronted with a negative response to the stupid things that she says.)
She is like the woman who tries on a two piece bathing suit in the mirror, deems herself breathtaking, yet lacks the courage to wear it on the beach for fear of hearing a dissenting point of view.
The previously unknown Alaska governor quickly became a new breed of working mother. A strong conservative woman. An unlikely but believable candidate to shatter the glass ceiling. A rallying force for the Tea Party and other right-wingers. A maverick, a rebel, a politician unafraid of speaking her mind—and who cared if it was uninformed or inappropriate?
With John McCain (who is so not a kook that I can’t understand how his brand ever got commingled with Her Kookiness, because brands are judged by the company they keep), she tried her best to give Obama a run for his money and earn that erstwhile place a heartbeat away from the famous 3 a.m. phone call. When that didn’t work out, she traded politics for much-more-lucrative punditry and remained a force that shaped the American conversation, for better or worse.
Last week she launched the online Sarah Palin Channel. “Join us as we discuss the great issues of the day and work toward solutions,” it says on the site, which includes posts ranging from her mother’s Word of the Day to a video called “The Truth About the War in Israel.” Even with this new development, Palin is in danger of becoming irrelevant, a punch line, a blooper in the historical record.
That’s the danger of choosing kook as part of your personal brand. It gets attention, but it has an inherently limited shelf life. Eventually the novelty, controversy and “maverickness” of it wear off, then you have to amp it up and do something even kookier in order to remain in the public consciousness.
The author goes on to list a few of Palin's kookier moments, and then sums it up thusly:
Thirty years ago, Geraldine Ferraro cracked the glass ceiling with dignity and grace, and she remains positively regarded by many Americans, whether or not they shared her politics. Her respectable brand endured, and she didn’t become a historical punch line. For 20 years, Hillary Clinton has been chipping away at it, making more cracks even as she endured scandals and cruel judgments.
But the latest woman who was poised to reinvent American politics is now just coming off as cracked. Forget the ceiling. She needs a quick brand reinvention just to pick herself off the floor.
Oh yeah, I love reading things like this from what is ostensibly a conservative magazine about Granny Grifter, and knowing that the rest of the world has finally come around to seeing Palin as most of us have all along. As a talentless political opportunist, with the ethics of a street hooker, and the intelligence of a garden slug.
At this point Palin really cannot do anything to repair her reputation, and the choices she IS making only further demonstrate her lack of credibility and her inability to participate in an actual conversations about politics or world events.
The woman has now become so frightened of being called out for her ignorance, that she is reduced to filming uninformed soliloquies where there is no one to correct, criticize, or request clarification from her. (And you know there is somebody who goes through those comments for her so that she is never confronted with a negative response to the stupid things that she says.)
She is like the woman who tries on a two piece bathing suit in the mirror, deems herself breathtaking, yet lacks the courage to wear it on the beach for fear of hearing a dissenting point of view.
Wannabe Alaskan Senate candidate Joe Miller demonstrates why he will never be the nominee.
Okay first off if this dipstick wants to demonstrate how manly perhaps he should learn to grow a full beard.
Secondly running against Obamacare is so 2012.
Now days the law is working too well for any serious candidate to think shooting a damn hole in it is going to impress anybody.
And thirdly....well thirdly this is just fucking embarrassing.
Secondly running against Obamacare is so 2012.
Now days the law is working too well for any serious candidate to think shooting a damn hole in it is going to impress anybody.
And thirdly....well thirdly this is just fucking embarrassing.
Look, a new children's book about being raised in a family of Ammosexuals. Gotta love America.
Courtesy of Raw Story:
The co-founders of Michigan Open Carry have published a children’s book extolling the virtues of having fun while openly brandishing loaded firearms.
My Parents Open Carry tells the story of “13-year-old Brenna Strong along with her mom, Bea, and her dad, Richard [spending] a typical Saturday running errands and having fun together,” according to the book’s official site. However, “[w]hat’s not so typical is that Brenna’s parents lawfully open carry handguns for self-defense.”
The book’s authors, Brian Jeffs and Nathan Nephew, claim that they were inspired to write the book because they “looked for pro-gun children’s books and couldn’t find any. Our goal was to provide a wholesome family book that reflects the views of the majority of the American people, i.e., that self-defense is a basic natural right and that firearms provide the most efficient means for that defense.”
I will assume that this book will be found in the fairy tale section of your local book store?
Take a look at this page courtesy of AATTP:
Yep, pure fantasy.
Just what this country needs, another book aimed at indoctrinating youngsters into a fantasy world that bears no resemblance to reality.
Isn't making them read the Bible enough?
The co-founders of Michigan Open Carry have published a children’s book extolling the virtues of having fun while openly brandishing loaded firearms.
My Parents Open Carry tells the story of “13-year-old Brenna Strong along with her mom, Bea, and her dad, Richard [spending] a typical Saturday running errands and having fun together,” according to the book’s official site. However, “[w]hat’s not so typical is that Brenna’s parents lawfully open carry handguns for self-defense.”
The book’s authors, Brian Jeffs and Nathan Nephew, claim that they were inspired to write the book because they “looked for pro-gun children’s books and couldn’t find any. Our goal was to provide a wholesome family book that reflects the views of the majority of the American people, i.e., that self-defense is a basic natural right and that firearms provide the most efficient means for that defense.”
I will assume that this book will be found in the fairy tale section of your local book store?
Take a look at this page courtesy of AATTP:
Yep, pure fantasy.
Just what this country needs, another book aimed at indoctrinating youngsters into a fantasy world that bears no resemblance to reality.
Isn't making them read the Bible enough?
"He's lucky to get out of here alive." Kentucky judge's response to seeing a defendant's Barack Obama shirt.
Courtesy of KYCIR:
When Darryl Broaddus stood before Judge Sandra McLaughlin last summer for his arraignment on drug charges, he already had one strike against him. That strike: a Barack Obama t-shirt.
“He’s lucky to get out of here alive,” McLaughlin said within earshot of Broaddus and a full courtroom. Twice, she stated that the shirt was “not helping” his cause.
“Did you see his t-shirt? Barack Obama, ‘Let’s Do It Again.’ That was a double whammy,” she said, according to video footage of the courtroom.
You can see the video here:
Apparently this is not the first time that Judge McLaughlin has made inappropriate and sometimes racist remarks in her courtroom. In fact apparently she is the lowest ranked judge in Lousiville right now.
Gee, how surprising.
When Darryl Broaddus stood before Judge Sandra McLaughlin last summer for his arraignment on drug charges, he already had one strike against him. That strike: a Barack Obama t-shirt.
“He’s lucky to get out of here alive,” McLaughlin said within earshot of Broaddus and a full courtroom. Twice, she stated that the shirt was “not helping” his cause.
“Did you see his t-shirt? Barack Obama, ‘Let’s Do It Again.’ That was a double whammy,” she said, according to video footage of the courtroom.
You can see the video here:
Apparently this is not the first time that Judge McLaughlin has made inappropriate and sometimes racist remarks in her courtroom. In fact apparently she is the lowest ranked judge in Lousiville right now.
Gee, how surprising.
Police firearms instructor will miss two months of work after shooting himself during lesson.
Courtesy of TPM:
The firearms instructor for the Hewitt Police Department is recovering from surgery after accidentally shooting himself in the left hand while teaching family members to shoot.
Sgt. Heath Vanek will miss at least two months of work while rehabilitating from surgery to repair a wound from his personal 9mm pistol, Hewitt Police Chief Jim Devlin said.
The incident occurred July 15 on Vanek’s family property near the McLennan and Falls county lines and did not involve any Hewitt-issued guns or equipment.
Devlin said Vanek, 35, declined comment Friday about his accidental injury.
The chief went on to day that Vanek was teaching a family member how to clear a chamber after jamming, when he was shot in the hand.
“He said, ‘I made a classic mistake,’ ” Devlin said. “We are human, too. We are not infallible. We make mistakes, and when we mess up, we mess up and do our best to correct it and get back to giving the public the best service we can.”
Yeah and if this kind of thing can happen to a trained professional, who has been a police firearms instructor for five years, just imagine how often it can happen when more and more people are encouraged to own handguns and are told repeatedly that doing so will keep them safe.
Remember accidental shootings do not always hit just the hand, or the person handling the weapon.
Guns kill, and though they may not kill all on their own, it certainly does not take much encouragement before they perform the function that they were created to perform.
The firearms instructor for the Hewitt Police Department is recovering from surgery after accidentally shooting himself in the left hand while teaching family members to shoot.
Sgt. Heath Vanek will miss at least two months of work while rehabilitating from surgery to repair a wound from his personal 9mm pistol, Hewitt Police Chief Jim Devlin said.
The incident occurred July 15 on Vanek’s family property near the McLennan and Falls county lines and did not involve any Hewitt-issued guns or equipment.
Devlin said Vanek, 35, declined comment Friday about his accidental injury.
The chief went on to day that Vanek was teaching a family member how to clear a chamber after jamming, when he was shot in the hand.
“He said, ‘I made a classic mistake,’ ” Devlin said. “We are human, too. We are not infallible. We make mistakes, and when we mess up, we mess up and do our best to correct it and get back to giving the public the best service we can.”
Yeah and if this kind of thing can happen to a trained professional, who has been a police firearms instructor for five years, just imagine how often it can happen when more and more people are encouraged to own handguns and are told repeatedly that doing so will keep them safe.
Remember accidental shootings do not always hit just the hand, or the person handling the weapon.
Guns kill, and though they may not kill all on their own, it certainly does not take much encouragement before they perform the function that they were created to perform.
Sarah Palin answers questions. Always good for a laugh.
So I have decided that I am not going to report on anything behind the Sarah Palin Channel pay wall.
And I am not alone in that decision.
This has apparently frustrated the spotlight addict, and she has made some of her videos public in the hopes that somebody will pay some damn attention to her.
She put up one yesterday suggesting that she would answer questions, so I thought "Okay let's see if knowing that most of the viewers will only be her sycophants, will convince her to say anything interesting?"
The short answer is no, it didn't.
She essentially rehashes the same crap she has been dishing out for years.
When asked if she is going to run for President, she again says that she is not "closing any doors" but does "not know what the future holds." Which of course is bullshit since we all know, and have known for years, that she has no intention of running for President, or ANY political office.
She also answers questions about her feelings toward the President, which nobody has to pay $9.95 to find out that's for sure, and her feelings about the legality of his administration, and of course impeachment. Which she is still pimping despite being virtually abandoned by everybody, including Fox News at this point.
There were a few responses that I thought deserved attention.
On one she is asked if she belongs to any Down Syndrome support groups.
Palin adopts that ridiculous syrupy voice of hers while admitting that no, she does not belong to any of these groups. Which considering the difficulty of raising a child with this challenge, would seem to be counter intuitive, except when you consider that Palin really does not care enough to seek any real support or input on his care.
The other question that I found interesting was "Before you support a candidate for office do you make sure he has the qualifications to run our country?"
(I swear that one almost made me do a spit take.)
Palin answers that she, and her SarahPAC team, thoroughly vet the candidates and that she takes the responsibility seriously. She also claims to be proud of the job that they have done so far.
Seriously? Considering her win/loss record you would think she would be somewhat less than thrilled with the electability of her endorsees.
So what I learned by entering the mouth of darkness, which is the Sarah Palin Channel/blog, is that Palin is continuing to dodge hard questions, and outright lie to our faces, only now it will cost you $9.95 a month to have your intelligence insulted.
Yeah, I wonder how many masochists THAT will attract?
And I am not alone in that decision.
This has apparently frustrated the spotlight addict, and she has made some of her videos public in the hopes that somebody will pay some damn attention to her.
She put up one yesterday suggesting that she would answer questions, so I thought "Okay let's see if knowing that most of the viewers will only be her sycophants, will convince her to say anything interesting?"
The short answer is no, it didn't.
She essentially rehashes the same crap she has been dishing out for years.
When asked if she is going to run for President, she again says that she is not "closing any doors" but does "not know what the future holds." Which of course is bullshit since we all know, and have known for years, that she has no intention of running for President, or ANY political office.
She also answers questions about her feelings toward the President, which nobody has to pay $9.95 to find out that's for sure, and her feelings about the legality of his administration, and of course impeachment. Which she is still pimping despite being virtually abandoned by everybody, including Fox News at this point.
There were a few responses that I thought deserved attention.
On one she is asked if she belongs to any Down Syndrome support groups.
Palin adopts that ridiculous syrupy voice of hers while admitting that no, she does not belong to any of these groups. Which considering the difficulty of raising a child with this challenge, would seem to be counter intuitive, except when you consider that Palin really does not care enough to seek any real support or input on his care.
The other question that I found interesting was "Before you support a candidate for office do you make sure he has the qualifications to run our country?"
(I swear that one almost made me do a spit take.)
Palin answers that she, and her SarahPAC team, thoroughly vet the candidates and that she takes the responsibility seriously. She also claims to be proud of the job that they have done so far.
Seriously? Considering her win/loss record you would think she would be somewhat less than thrilled with the electability of her endorsees.
So what I learned by entering the mouth of darkness, which is the Sarah Palin Channel/blog, is that Palin is continuing to dodge hard questions, and outright lie to our faces, only now it will cost you $9.95 a month to have your intelligence insulted.
Yeah, I wonder how many masochists THAT will attract?
Alaska Governor Sean Parnell, or Captain Zero as we like to call him, freaks out over unverified news that HHS has sent five undocumented immigrant children to Alaska.
"I'm going to say some things here that hopefully make me sound tough." |
I have seen some alarming reports that the Obama administration is giving illegal aliens one-way tickets to Alaska. We are making contact with the Department of Homeland Security to get to the bottom of this.
The source Sarah Palin's former lapdog cited was freaking Breitbart news, which as you know has a troubling habit of combining fantasy with reality.
In the article itself it only cites five cases of minors being shipped up to live with host families in Alaska, which if true does not seem terribly worrisome or extreme.
Here is how Breitbart reported what the HHS website lists are the criteria for finding placement:
"ORR cares for the children in shelters around the country until they can be released to a sponsor, typically a parent or relative, who can care for the child while their immigration case is processed," an HHS webpage says. "Ensuring that a potential sponsor can safely and appropriately care for the child is a top priority. A background check is conducted on all potential sponsors, and steps are taken to verify a potential sponsor’s identity and relationship to the child. In some cases where concerns are raised, a home study is done. Before children are released to a sponsor, they receive vaccinations and medical screenings. We do not release any children who have a contagious condition."
Once again I do not feel confident in taking Breitbart's word for the fact that this is even happening, and right now it is the sole source.
However if it is all it means is that the Obama administration is looking for a more humanitarian placement for these children until their cases come to court, which they are forced to do by a 2008 law signed by George W. Bush.
Despite what the ski masked militia on the Texas border might have you believe these immigrants are entitled to due process, and keeping them in cages until they get their day in court is both inhumane and unAmerican.
Regardless of what Sean Parnell might want to believe, Alaska IS part of the United States of America, and if our country has a problem we should be helping to alleviate it like every other state.
If Breitbart is even right, which is debatable.
P.S. By the way you have to know that the ONLY reason this would even be reported is to further damn the Obama administration in the eyes of Alaskans, as a way of damaging Mark Begich's reelection chances.
Other than that I cannot imagine why Alaskans would even give a shit. After all Alaskans have been volunteering as host families to house foreign exchange students and refugees for decades, and nobody cared until now.
KKK calls for killing undocumented immigrants the minute they cross the border. (Children included.)
Courtesy of Addicting Info:
One of the KKK’s Imperial Wizards told reporter Robert Ray that the people coming to the border are “criminals” and will “continue breaking the law” when they come into the country, not to mention bringing third world diseases. His conclusion:
“If we can’t turn ‘em back, I think if we pop a couple of ‘em off and leave the corpses laying on the border, maybe they’ll see that we’re serious about stopping immigration.”
There you have it. The KKK endorsing the extra-judicial killing of children.
In the video that accompanies this article after making this horrendous statement the Klan went on to condemn blacks, gays, and Jews, and then claimed they were Christians and not a hate group.
The truly troubling thing is that this mindset is not too far off the way that the militia members currently "helping" the border control are seeing things as well.
In their opinion these people are guilty the minute they set foot in America, and that the death penalty, delivered right on the spot, is the appropriate punishment.
One of the KKK’s Imperial Wizards told reporter Robert Ray that the people coming to the border are “criminals” and will “continue breaking the law” when they come into the country, not to mention bringing third world diseases. His conclusion:
“If we can’t turn ‘em back, I think if we pop a couple of ‘em off and leave the corpses laying on the border, maybe they’ll see that we’re serious about stopping immigration.”
There you have it. The KKK endorsing the extra-judicial killing of children.
In the video that accompanies this article after making this horrendous statement the Klan went on to condemn blacks, gays, and Jews, and then claimed they were Christians and not a hate group.
The truly troubling thing is that this mindset is not too far off the way that the militia members currently "helping" the border control are seeing things as well.
In their opinion these people are guilty the minute they set foot in America, and that the death penalty, delivered right on the spot, is the appropriate punishment.
New documentary on kids and guns in America.
Courtesy of the Mirror:
There’s a clip early on in this film of a young boy opening his Christmas presents. “You’re crazy,” he tells his father as he sees what’s in the box.
“I’m too young to have a gun!” He points it at himself and his little brother to prove his point. “I’m SIX and he’s THREE!”
And already it would seem, he’s way smarter than his dad.
Every year, 3,000 children in the United States are killed or injured in accidental shootings.
And this disturbing film doesn’t even touch on the increasing number of incidents involving mass killings in schools.
Instead, it shows us the TV commercials selling real guns to children and we meet the parents who encourage and even force their children to learn to shoot.
Four-year-old Kaelyn Williams is in tears as the recoil from the rifle her daddy made her shoot has hit her on the chin.
But her dad JD, who lost both legs and one arm when he stepped on an IED in Afghanistan, is trying to make his daughter see that shooting is fun.
He can’t wait until he watches her kill her first wild animal.
“She’s going to learn to shoot whether she likes it or not,” JD states grimly. “Part of the Williams’ life skills: No1. Learn how to shoot.”
This is the kind of hard hitting documentary that the NRA would never allow to be shown in America.
Which is why I am making sure that we see it here. And what it tells us about America's gun culture, and the desire by some parents to make sure that the culture continues, is both shocking and embarrassing to us as a nation.
It is almost 50 minutes long, so if you cannot watch it all in one sitting, then just take your time and watch it in segments. But please make sure to share it with your friends and families.
P.S. Here is more coverage of this documentary from The Telegraph and The Guardian.
There’s a clip early on in this film of a young boy opening his Christmas presents. “You’re crazy,” he tells his father as he sees what’s in the box.
“I’m too young to have a gun!” He points it at himself and his little brother to prove his point. “I’m SIX and he’s THREE!”
And already it would seem, he’s way smarter than his dad.
Every year, 3,000 children in the United States are killed or injured in accidental shootings.
And this disturbing film doesn’t even touch on the increasing number of incidents involving mass killings in schools.
Instead, it shows us the TV commercials selling real guns to children and we meet the parents who encourage and even force their children to learn to shoot.
Four-year-old Kaelyn Williams is in tears as the recoil from the rifle her daddy made her shoot has hit her on the chin.
But her dad JD, who lost both legs and one arm when he stepped on an IED in Afghanistan, is trying to make his daughter see that shooting is fun.
He can’t wait until he watches her kill her first wild animal.
“She’s going to learn to shoot whether she likes it or not,” JD states grimly. “Part of the Williams’ life skills: No1. Learn how to shoot.”
This is the kind of hard hitting documentary that the NRA would never allow to be shown in America.
Which is why I am making sure that we see it here. And what it tells us about America's gun culture, and the desire by some parents to make sure that the culture continues, is both shocking and embarrassing to us as a nation.
It is almost 50 minutes long, so if you cannot watch it all in one sitting, then just take your time and watch it in segments. But please make sure to share it with your friends and families.
P.S. Here is more coverage of this documentary from The Telegraph and The Guardian.
Nine former members of the "ex-gay" movement pen letter supporting a ban on conversion therapy.
Courtesy of Pink News:
Nine former leaders of the ‘ex-gay’ movement have published an open letter in support of the #BornPerfect campaign of the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR), which aims to ban ‘conversation (sic) therapy’ across the US within five years.
The letter was signed by: Brad Allen, Michael Bussee and Yvette Cantu Schneider, formerly of Exodus International; Jeremy Marks, founder of Exodus Europe and Courage UK; Bill Prickett, founder of Coming Back; Tim Rymel and John J. Smid, formerly of Love in Action; Catherine Chapman, formerly of the Portland Fellowship; and Darlene Bogie, founder of Paraklete Ministries.
“Together we represent more than half a century of experience, so few people are more knowledgeable about the ineffectiveness and harm of conversion therapy,” the letter reads in part.
“We know first-hand the terrible emotional and spiritual damage it can cause, especially for LGBT youth. We once believed that there was something morally wrong and psychologically ‘broken’ about being LGBT. We know better now.”
Today the idea that you can "cure" somebody of their sexuality by shaming them and demanding that they repress their desires seems almost like lunacy. But that is how we have treated the LGBT community for thousands of years.
Everybody needs love and acceptance. Especially when they feel different from what is perceived as "normal."
When I first began to realize that my daughter liked girls instead of boys, I made the decision to be supportive no matter what, and to open myself to accepting her as she was, and not how I imagined her to be.
When you love your child, you love them. There should never be conditions on that love.
If a gay child, or any child, has that from their family, then they are already on the road to acceptance and confidence with who they are.
Nine former leaders of the ‘ex-gay’ movement have published an open letter in support of the #BornPerfect campaign of the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR), which aims to ban ‘conversation (sic) therapy’ across the US within five years.
The letter was signed by: Brad Allen, Michael Bussee and Yvette Cantu Schneider, formerly of Exodus International; Jeremy Marks, founder of Exodus Europe and Courage UK; Bill Prickett, founder of Coming Back; Tim Rymel and John J. Smid, formerly of Love in Action; Catherine Chapman, formerly of the Portland Fellowship; and Darlene Bogie, founder of Paraklete Ministries.
“Together we represent more than half a century of experience, so few people are more knowledgeable about the ineffectiveness and harm of conversion therapy,” the letter reads in part.
“We know first-hand the terrible emotional and spiritual damage it can cause, especially for LGBT youth. We once believed that there was something morally wrong and psychologically ‘broken’ about being LGBT. We know better now.”
Today the idea that you can "cure" somebody of their sexuality by shaming them and demanding that they repress their desires seems almost like lunacy. But that is how we have treated the LGBT community for thousands of years.
Everybody needs love and acceptance. Especially when they feel different from what is perceived as "normal."
When I first began to realize that my daughter liked girls instead of boys, I made the decision to be supportive no matter what, and to open myself to accepting her as she was, and not how I imagined her to be.
When you love your child, you love them. There should never be conditions on that love.
If a gay child, or any child, has that from their family, then they are already on the road to acceptance and confidence with who they are.
President Obama receives famous Tim Harris hug.
Courtesy of the KOAT Albuquerque:
Inspirational restaurateur and Special Olympian Tim Harris paid a visit to the White House this week.
Harris, of Tim's Place restaurant, was there Thursday for a Special Olympics event.
President Barack Obama asked for one of Tim's famous hugs. When he embraced the president Tim said, "I love you Obama." In response, the president said, "I love you back."
Later on the president recalled the jovial hug.
"You know, presidents need some encouragement once and a while too. And that felt really good. That was nice. Thank you, Tim," Obama said.
I think the President should get Tim a room at the White House just so he can get a hug from him on the days that he has trouble with the Republicans.
You know, everyday.
By the way I cannot help but think that if the President and Michelle had a Down syndrome kid in their family, that he would receive the best attention and therapy available.
Even IF Obama were not the President.
Inspirational restaurateur and Special Olympian Tim Harris paid a visit to the White House this week.
Harris, of Tim's Place restaurant, was there Thursday for a Special Olympics event.
President Barack Obama asked for one of Tim's famous hugs. When he embraced the president Tim said, "I love you Obama." In response, the president said, "I love you back."
Later on the president recalled the jovial hug.
"You know, presidents need some encouragement once and a while too. And that felt really good. That was nice. Thank you, Tim," Obama said.
I think the President should get Tim a room at the White House just so he can get a hug from him on the days that he has trouble with the Republicans.
You know, everyday.
By the way I cannot help but think that if the President and Michelle had a Down syndrome kid in their family, that he would receive the best attention and therapy available.
Even IF Obama were not the President.
Local leaders in Texas are unimpressed with Governor Perry's showboating.
Courtesy of Texas Democrats:
Pharr Mayor Leo “Polo” Palacios: “We don’t need 1,000 National Guard troops. I think we need to send 1,000 teachers.” [Houston Chronicle, 7/24/2014]
Sheriff Clint McDonald, Sheriffs Association of Texas: National guard can’t do anything. They’re not Texas peace officers. They can’t arrest anybody. They can be the support help, last time i had the national guard in my county, they helped the border patrol change oil in their trucks.[KENS, 7/28/2014]
Sheriff Joe Martinez, Val Verde County: We’ve kind of been left out of the picture as sheriff's we are the chief law enforcement officer in the county and we learn about problems in the state from the media. [KENS, 7/28/2014]
Sigifredo Gonzales Jr., Sheriffs Association of Texas: “That money should go to local sheriff's departments, local police departments, local people along the border, local law enforcement along the border that know what they’re doing. that’s where it needs to go.” [KENS, 7/28/2014]
El Paso Sheriff Richard Wiles: I was shocked cause the information he is providing is not the information I am getting from sheriff’s across Texas, along the border. [TXCN, 7/29/2014]
Jayson P. Ahern, former Customs and Border Protection acting commissioner: “This does not come from the federal government. That’s the biggest distinction here. This is the governor taking unilateral action. Not having that oversight and supervision and direction as part of a plan from the federal authorities, i think it is reckless and could lead to significant safety issues.” [New York Times, 7/25/2014]
Rick Perry may have conservatives in other parts of the country fooled, but it is pretty clear that Texans are not buying his bullshit.
Pharr Mayor Leo “Polo” Palacios: “We don’t need 1,000 National Guard troops. I think we need to send 1,000 teachers.” [Houston Chronicle, 7/24/2014]
Sheriff Clint McDonald, Sheriffs Association of Texas: National guard can’t do anything. They’re not Texas peace officers. They can’t arrest anybody. They can be the support help, last time i had the national guard in my county, they helped the border patrol change oil in their trucks.[KENS, 7/28/2014]
Sheriff Joe Martinez, Val Verde County: We’ve kind of been left out of the picture as sheriff's we are the chief law enforcement officer in the county and we learn about problems in the state from the media. [KENS, 7/28/2014]
Sigifredo Gonzales Jr., Sheriffs Association of Texas: “That money should go to local sheriff's departments, local police departments, local people along the border, local law enforcement along the border that know what they’re doing. that’s where it needs to go.” [KENS, 7/28/2014]
El Paso Sheriff Richard Wiles: I was shocked cause the information he is providing is not the information I am getting from sheriff’s across Texas, along the border. [TXCN, 7/29/2014]
Jayson P. Ahern, former Customs and Border Protection acting commissioner: “This does not come from the federal government. That’s the biggest distinction here. This is the governor taking unilateral action. Not having that oversight and supervision and direction as part of a plan from the federal authorities, i think it is reckless and could lead to significant safety issues.” [New York Times, 7/25/2014]
Rick Perry may have conservatives in other parts of the country fooled, but it is pretty clear that Texans are not buying his bullshit.
I want to make it crystal clear that S.E. Cupp is NOT a real Atheist!
Courtesy of The Daily Banter:
Conservative S.E. Cupp of CNN makes for one terrible atheist. In 2009, she gave an interview on C-SPAN that would befuddle the finest team of doctors the field of psychoanalysis could offer. During one exchange, she claimed she’d never want an atheist president because such a person wouldn’t believe in a higher power — the very kind she doesn’t think exists in the first place.
Now she’s back at it. The atheist who wrote a book called Losing Our Religion: The Liberal Media’s Attack On Christianity, stars in this short clip where virtually every single thing she says is just demonstrably false. Not arguably false. But false, as in fact-not-opinion false, up to and including her claim that conservatives welcome atheists.
Right off the bat Cupp makes a statement that identifies the fact that she simply does not understand what it means to be an Atheist.
“I don’t believe in god, but I’m not mad at him.”
Mad at who? You cannot be mad at something, or someone, that you do not believe in.
That would be like me saying I don't believe in unicorns and then saying "But I don't get angry when I get unicorn crap on my shoes."
As for her contention that "conservatism is far more intellectually honest and respectful of atheism than liberalism has been," either suggests that she is as dumb as a stump or simply an habitual liar.
Allow me to remind you how conservatives feel toward atheism.
And don't bother suggesting that Norris is an outlier. I think we all know that if he were to run simply on this statement, that he would immediately capture 80% of the conservative vote.
Oh and another thing that separates Atheists from S.E. Cupp, is that the majority of us are infinitely smarter than she is, and recognize that wearing glasses does not fool anybody!
Conservative S.E. Cupp of CNN makes for one terrible atheist. In 2009, she gave an interview on C-SPAN that would befuddle the finest team of doctors the field of psychoanalysis could offer. During one exchange, she claimed she’d never want an atheist president because such a person wouldn’t believe in a higher power — the very kind she doesn’t think exists in the first place.
Now she’s back at it. The atheist who wrote a book called Losing Our Religion: The Liberal Media’s Attack On Christianity, stars in this short clip where virtually every single thing she says is just demonstrably false. Not arguably false. But false, as in fact-not-opinion false, up to and including her claim that conservatives welcome atheists.
Right off the bat Cupp makes a statement that identifies the fact that she simply does not understand what it means to be an Atheist.
“I don’t believe in god, but I’m not mad at him.”
Mad at who? You cannot be mad at something, or someone, that you do not believe in.
That would be like me saying I don't believe in unicorns and then saying "But I don't get angry when I get unicorn crap on my shoes."
As for her contention that "conservatism is far more intellectually honest and respectful of atheism than liberalism has been," either suggests that she is as dumb as a stump or simply an habitual liar.
Allow me to remind you how conservatives feel toward atheism.
And don't bother suggesting that Norris is an outlier. I think we all know that if he were to run simply on this statement, that he would immediately capture 80% of the conservative vote.
Oh and another thing that separates Atheists from S.E. Cupp, is that the majority of us are infinitely smarter than she is, and recognize that wearing glasses does not fool anybody!
Alaska's lone Congressman twists a staffer's arm because...well because he is Don Young and that's the kind of thing that he does.
Courtesy of Roll Call:
NBC News producer Frank Thorp V caught the late-for-the-conference-meeting Alaska Republican’s manhandling of an unsuspecting staffer on camera. Per Thorp’s Twitter feed, the aide had attempted to redirect Young to enter the already in-progress GOP strategy session through another doorway when things got physical.
“While returning to the GOP conference meeting to discuss the ongoing situation on our southern border, I was caught off guard by an unidentified individual who was physically blocking me from reentering the room,” Young said in a statement. “Regardless, my reaction was wrong and I should have never placed my hands on the young man.”
I cannot tell you how embarrassed Alaskans are to have this asshole representing us.
NBC News producer Frank Thorp V caught the late-for-the-conference-meeting Alaska Republican’s manhandling of an unsuspecting staffer on camera. Per Thorp’s Twitter feed, the aide had attempted to redirect Young to enter the already in-progress GOP strategy session through another doorway when things got physical.
“While returning to the GOP conference meeting to discuss the ongoing situation on our southern border, I was caught off guard by an unidentified individual who was physically blocking me from reentering the room,” Young said in a statement. “Regardless, my reaction was wrong and I should have never placed my hands on the young man.”
I cannot tell you how embarrassed Alaskans are to have this asshole representing us.
Bristol Palin is now pleading poverty. Yeah, who did not see this coming? Update!
Courtesy of Radar Online:
Nearly six years after Bristol Palin gave birth to Tripp, her son withLevi Johnston, the perpetually warring Wasilla, AK, pair are still hashing out the details of their custody and child support agreements in court. And while their enmity is nothing new, has learned that Palin could need Johnston to pay up more than ever — because according to court documents, she hasn’t made a penny for nearly two years!
Documents filed with the court on July 24 show Palin made $0 in both 2013 and the 2014 tax year so far. By contrast, Johnston made $62,400 in 2014 and $39,067.25 the year before, according to the documents.
Palin recently filed what Johnston’s lawyers called “an extraordinarily large motion seeking entry of a judgment as to past due child support from Johnston” to help pay her bills. In particular, she has requested a judgment “from October 1, 2012, forward, at the monthly rate of $1,750.”
Both sides are arguing about the validity of temporary child support agreements they’ve had in the past, what Johnston’s real income is, and just how much he’s in arrears, with some alleged totals as high as $66,000. In the meantime, the Child Support Services Department is garnishing 40% of his current wages towards the payments.
Johnston, 24, said in an affidavit, “the amount is very taxing on my family, and if Bristol were to obtain a judgment, my wage garnishment is already at a cap of 40%.”
Dammit this is why you do not agree to a delay in the court date.
This kind of crap is going to keep right on happening right up until they go to court in September,. and I think it becoming crystal clear that Bristol has no plans to settle on a custody agreement.
And I think we can say with some certainly that Bristol is being paid under the table by SarahPAC in postage, for helping her mother battle her wig into submission, and of course for keeping her mouth shut.
And we already know her net worth.
They are just trying to bankrupt the Johnston's until they can no longer pay for representation and then the Palins get their way yet again.
Fuck this family.
Update: It looks like Radar Online did not get the facts exactly right.
This according to E Online:
"Bristol makes a good living, albeit not as much as when she had a more public profile. Because she has greater than 70 percent physical custody, her income is not used in the calculation of child support. The motion for past due support was not filed because Bristol is broke, it was filed because the parties are moving toward resolution. Part of the resolution of any custody case requires that past child support obligations and arrearages must be appropriately calculated."
So as long as Bristol is able to keep Levi's time with Tripp below 30% of the time she does not have to volunteer her income.
Interesting, no?
Update 2: By the way according to the documents there is no standing child support order with the courts right now as the 2009 case was dismissed. Which means that Levi does not have to pay Bristol anything until this case is resolved, and if he gets 50/50 there is a strong likelihood she will end up having to pay him.
That's what happened in my case at least.
However Levi HAS been making payments, and has the cancelled checks to prove it, so all of this talk of him being a dead beat dad are crap.
Nearly six years after Bristol Palin gave birth to Tripp, her son withLevi Johnston, the perpetually warring Wasilla, AK, pair are still hashing out the details of their custody and child support agreements in court. And while their enmity is nothing new, has learned that Palin could need Johnston to pay up more than ever — because according to court documents, she hasn’t made a penny for nearly two years!
Documents filed with the court on July 24 show Palin made $0 in both 2013 and the 2014 tax year so far. By contrast, Johnston made $62,400 in 2014 and $39,067.25 the year before, according to the documents.
Palin recently filed what Johnston’s lawyers called “an extraordinarily large motion seeking entry of a judgment as to past due child support from Johnston” to help pay her bills. In particular, she has requested a judgment “from October 1, 2012, forward, at the monthly rate of $1,750.”
Both sides are arguing about the validity of temporary child support agreements they’ve had in the past, what Johnston’s real income is, and just how much he’s in arrears, with some alleged totals as high as $66,000. In the meantime, the Child Support Services Department is garnishing 40% of his current wages towards the payments.
Johnston, 24, said in an affidavit, “the amount is very taxing on my family, and if Bristol were to obtain a judgment, my wage garnishment is already at a cap of 40%.”
Dammit this is why you do not agree to a delay in the court date.
This kind of crap is going to keep right on happening right up until they go to court in September,. and I think it becoming crystal clear that Bristol has no plans to settle on a custody agreement.
And I think we can say with some certainly that Bristol is being paid under the table by SarahPAC in postage, for helping her mother battle her wig into submission, and of course for keeping her mouth shut.
And we already know her net worth.
They are just trying to bankrupt the Johnston's until they can no longer pay for representation and then the Palins get their way yet again.
Fuck this family.
Update: It looks like Radar Online did not get the facts exactly right.
This according to E Online:
"Bristol makes a good living, albeit not as much as when she had a more public profile. Because she has greater than 70 percent physical custody, her income is not used in the calculation of child support. The motion for past due support was not filed because Bristol is broke, it was filed because the parties are moving toward resolution. Part of the resolution of any custody case requires that past child support obligations and arrearages must be appropriately calculated."
So as long as Bristol is able to keep Levi's time with Tripp below 30% of the time she does not have to volunteer her income.
Interesting, no?
Update 2: By the way according to the documents there is no standing child support order with the courts right now as the 2009 case was dismissed. Which means that Levi does not have to pay Bristol anything until this case is resolved, and if he gets 50/50 there is a strong likelihood she will end up having to pay him.
That's what happened in my case at least.
However Levi HAS been making payments, and has the cancelled checks to prove it, so all of this talk of him being a dead beat dad are crap.
CNN reporter sends reasonable and appropriate tweet criticizing Fox Nation.
Weather is not climate, you willfully ignorant fucksticks. MT @foxnation: Climate Doesn’t Cooperate With Al Gore
— Bill Weir (@BillWeirCNN) July 31, 2014
I personally see nothing wrong with this.It seems informative, on point, and appropriately irritated at the fucksticks over at Fox Nation.
However it seems that Weir's corporate overlords made him walk it back like a pansy ass.
Courtesy of Politico:
On Thursday, Weir apologized, tweeting: "The glop of Midwestern guilt stuck in my chest prob won't go away until I apologize to @foxnation for name-calling. Dumb move. My bad."
No, not "my bad." It was "your good" to tell those idiots that they do not understand the difference between the weather and climate.
It is your job as a journalist to educate these fucksticks. Do not retreat from your responsibility simply for fear of being criticized for it.
After all that never seems to stop Fox from telling obvious, and bold faced lies to their viewers every single damn day!
Sean Hannity: Talk of impeachment is "stupid for the Republicans." Sarah Palin to unfriend Hannity in 3..2..1
Courtesy of Mediaite:
Rove told Hannity Republicans can’t be President Obama‘s “useful stooges” in allowing them to continue exploiting the impeachment meme. After all, the Democrats are fundraising off impeachment and Republicans talking about it would just embolden them.
Hannity agreed and said, “This is a huge distraction, and politically, it would be stupid for the Republicans to bite that apple.”
You know this just keeps getting better and better.
However wasn't it just earlier this month that Hannity was not only allowing Palin to rant about impeachment on his show, but was also encouraging her to do so?
It looks like the higher ups at Fox News took Hannity aside and let him know that this talk of impeachment makes the cable news outlet and the Republicans look like idiots.
The more the Right Wing fringe pushes for impeachment, the more the slightly more reasonable folks try distance themselves and attempt to lay it all at the feet of the Democrats.
Boy that's certainly going to make SOMEBODY a little pissy.
Rove told Hannity Republicans can’t be President Obama‘s “useful stooges” in allowing them to continue exploiting the impeachment meme. After all, the Democrats are fundraising off impeachment and Republicans talking about it would just embolden them.
Hannity agreed and said, “This is a huge distraction, and politically, it would be stupid for the Republicans to bite that apple.”
You know this just keeps getting better and better.
However wasn't it just earlier this month that Hannity was not only allowing Palin to rant about impeachment on his show, but was also encouraging her to do so?
It looks like the higher ups at Fox News took Hannity aside and let him know that this talk of impeachment makes the cable news outlet and the Republicans look like idiots.
The more the Right Wing fringe pushes for impeachment, the more the slightly more reasonable folks try distance themselves and attempt to lay it all at the feet of the Democrats.
Boy that's certainly going to make SOMEBODY a little pissy.
I don't think this should come as a surprise to anyone.
97 of 100 poorest counties in America are in Republican states. Conservative policies don't work. #UniteBlue
— TruthtoConservatives (@ToConservatives) July 28, 2014
Just in case you think this is way off click here.When it comes to economics the Republicans are idiots, and yet they continue to sell the meme that it is THEY who are good at managing money.
A recent study by the National Bureau of Economic Research shows that economies almost always grow faster under a Democratic President than under a Republican one.
Yeah, no shit Sherlock.
Palin posted a new video about her failings as a mother. Well, that's the subtext anyway.
Palin posted a new video about her failings as a mother. Well, that's the subtext anyway.
Post by Sarah Palin.
It usually takes me some time to transcribe even a short video of hers as I have to keep stopping and asking myself if I actually heard what I thought I just heard, and then of course every paragraph or so I have to stop and bang my head on the desk.
So here is the transcript courtesy of a brave, and possibly suicidal, IM visitor:
"You know, I come from a family full of teachers so I have a great appreciation for uh that vocation. But, especially since Trig came into our lives, I have an even greater appreciation, especially for those teachers who have the heart for the special needs kids. Uh, Trig, for instance, today, we took him to a speech therapist because he’s headin’ into [begin sing-song voice] real kindergarten in the fall and uh, you know, of course, he needs to be a little bit more ready than he is now. Doesn’t quite talk. Still does his sign language. Puts two words together, though, which is awesome and, you know, at six years old there-there’s expectations whether [mumble] you know, whatever degree of-a…of-a special needs the kids have. There’s expectations, of course, that-that the families will do all that they can uhm before kinda handin’ em over in a sense for at least a few hours every day in the school system. So…great appreciation for the teachers who have the patience and the uh therapists who does-they do miraculous work with these kids. Today. Trig. At speech therapy, he…uhm…he-he did what the therapist needed him to do and they’re-the therapists are so observant, of course, they catch things that we miss all the time. They know how to help the kids, even better in some areas, than we know how to…help..Trig. He also attended uhm eating therapy because uh still doesn’t eat a lot of solid food. In fact, I think he’s th-the only kid in the world who hasn’t had a Cheerio yet. So, he-he’s still working on uhm food sensory things, the mouth, and he’ll be eating solid foods I’m sure uh at some point here, in the near future. So, great appreciation for those who have the heart to help the kids with special needs because they’re so full of potential and purpose and they’re-they’re God’s GIFT to-to this world, we know, personally, to our family, the gift Trig is kinda makes us keep everything in perspective and we can understand what true innocent joy is by being around Trig because he-he’s joyful and-uh so he, you know, kinda spreads to the rest of us, makes up [sic] happy. So, just wanta [begin exaggerated baby talk] thank all those folks out there, whether they’re professional therapists or teachers or just uh good yaa [audible sigh] good mom and pops who want to reach out and help these groups that help kids with special needs, and adults with special needs, and they support ‘em financially, they support ‘em uhm with their time, volunteering to uh to help these good, good people who are here for a good reason. I-I thank you for havin’ that heart for these kids."
As I have mentioned before I work with this population of children, and I can tell you for an absolute certainty that if what Palin is reporting above is accurate, then she should NEVER have been allowed to take Trig into her home.
Children with Downs Syndrome require a great deal of early therapeutic intervention in order to help them make progress, and if that intervention is not available they fall so far behind that they may never achieve the milestones that are well within their reach with the proper support.
Trig was a prop, and it is clear that once he was no longer of any use he was tossed aside and neglected until Palin could find a use for him once again.
Fortunately for him it looks like she has, sadly it may be too late to allow him to reach his full potential.
Ted Nugent seems to think the President actually gives a shit about him.
Courtesy of Blabbermouth:
Fan-filmed video footage of Ted Nugent's anti-Obama "rant" from his July 26 concert at Leach Amphitheatre in Oshkosh, Wisconsin can be seen below.
"You are standing in front of the No. 1 man that the President of the United States hates more than anybody," Nugent can be heard telling the audience in the clip. "Say, 'Thank you, Uncle Ted.' You know, I really didn't do anything. I just get up in the morning and try to be the best that I can be. I put my heart and soul into being the most productive American that I can be, and the President hates that! You know why he hates me? Because he hates you. He hates hunting, he hates guns, he hates freedom. He hates people with an attitude. So fuck him."
Earlier this month, the Coeur d'Alene Casino in Idaho canceled its August Ted Nugent show because of "racist and hate-filled remarks" that were attributed to the rocker.
Nugent defended his positions on, saying that he has been the target of an "army assigned to destroy Ted Nugent."
Yeah if there is an army out to destroy Ted Nugent, then the man leading that army is Ted Nugent, not he President of the United States.
Here is undoubtedly how the President would react if he heard that Nugent thinks that he hates him.
The fact is, much like Sarah Palin, Obama does not even spend a second of his precious time thinking about Nugent's ignorant inbred ass.
Palin and Nugent have this entire imaginary reality in which the President worries about what they might say about him, or spends hours a day thinking of ways to shut them up, when in fact he spends his time dealing with actual problems and people of real importance.
Fan-filmed video footage of Ted Nugent's anti-Obama "rant" from his July 26 concert at Leach Amphitheatre in Oshkosh, Wisconsin can be seen below.
"You are standing in front of the No. 1 man that the President of the United States hates more than anybody," Nugent can be heard telling the audience in the clip. "Say, 'Thank you, Uncle Ted.' You know, I really didn't do anything. I just get up in the morning and try to be the best that I can be. I put my heart and soul into being the most productive American that I can be, and the President hates that! You know why he hates me? Because he hates you. He hates hunting, he hates guns, he hates freedom. He hates people with an attitude. So fuck him."
Earlier this month, the Coeur d'Alene Casino in Idaho canceled its August Ted Nugent show because of "racist and hate-filled remarks" that were attributed to the rocker.
Nugent defended his positions on, saying that he has been the target of an "army assigned to destroy Ted Nugent."
Yeah if there is an army out to destroy Ted Nugent, then the man leading that army is Ted Nugent, not he President of the United States.
Here is undoubtedly how the President would react if he heard that Nugent thinks that he hates him.
The fact is, much like Sarah Palin, Obama does not even spend a second of his precious time thinking about Nugent's ignorant inbred ass.
Palin and Nugent have this entire imaginary reality in which the President worries about what they might say about him, or spends hours a day thinking of ways to shut them up, when in fact he spends his time dealing with actual problems and people of real importance.
UN official breaks down on camera while discussing the Israeli shelling of UN run school in Gaza strip.
Courtesy of the Washington Post:
As my colleagues report, Palestinian officials and a U.N. agency say Israeli artillery shells on Wednesday hit a U.N.-run school that was sheltering Palestinian families, killing at least 20. A U.N. statement pinned the blame on the Israeli military, which says it's investigating the incident. "Today the world stands disgraced," the statement read.
For Chris Gunness, a spokesman for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, which has numerous facilities in Gaza, it's all too much. This is the sixth time UNRWA sites have been hit during Israel's current campaign. He broke down sobbing during an interview, footage of which was screened by Al Jazeera Arabic. Watch above.
So far in more than three weeks of fighting, 1,340 Palestinians have died, the majority of whom were civilians, including many women and children. Fifty-three Israeli soldiers have perished, as have three civilians in Israel, one of whom was a farm worker from Thailand.
Of course the Israelis are now denying that they had anything to do with this attack and are blaming it on the Palestinians.
However earlier they did more or less admit firing in the school's direction:
Lt. Col. Peter Lerner of the Israeli military said no United Nations facility had been targeted. A military spokeswoman said that Palestinian militants had “opened fire at Israeli soldiers from the vicinity” of the school on Wednesday morning, and that Israeli troops had “responded by firing toward the origins of the fire.”
Simply put, killing children in their sleep is indefensible.
“That’s where I found this two-and-a-half-year-old with panda-sized, huge, suppurating, round, panda-like wounds that almost prevented her eyes from opening at all. They were the consequence of a broken skull and a fractured nose.” – U.K. news reporter Jon Snow at Gaza’s al-Shifa hospital. Photo: Screen grab U.K. Channel 4 News report.
As my colleagues report, Palestinian officials and a U.N. agency say Israeli artillery shells on Wednesday hit a U.N.-run school that was sheltering Palestinian families, killing at least 20. A U.N. statement pinned the blame on the Israeli military, which says it's investigating the incident. "Today the world stands disgraced," the statement read.
For Chris Gunness, a spokesman for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, which has numerous facilities in Gaza, it's all too much. This is the sixth time UNRWA sites have been hit during Israel's current campaign. He broke down sobbing during an interview, footage of which was screened by Al Jazeera Arabic. Watch above.
So far in more than three weeks of fighting, 1,340 Palestinians have died, the majority of whom were civilians, including many women and children. Fifty-three Israeli soldiers have perished, as have three civilians in Israel, one of whom was a farm worker from Thailand.
Of course the Israelis are now denying that they had anything to do with this attack and are blaming it on the Palestinians.
However earlier they did more or less admit firing in the school's direction:
Lt. Col. Peter Lerner of the Israeli military said no United Nations facility had been targeted. A military spokeswoman said that Palestinian militants had “opened fire at Israeli soldiers from the vicinity” of the school on Wednesday morning, and that Israeli troops had “responded by firing toward the origins of the fire.”
Simply put, killing children in their sleep is indefensible.
“That’s where I found this two-and-a-half-year-old with panda-sized, huge, suppurating, round, panda-like wounds that almost prevented her eyes from opening at all. They were the consequence of a broken skull and a fractured nose.” – U.K. news reporter Jon Snow at Gaza’s al-Shifa hospital. Photo: Screen grab U.K. Channel 4 News report.
Chris Hayes discovers the inspiration for SarahPAC and other GOP fundraising scams.
Click image to play video |
MSNBC’s Chris Hayes had Nicholas Confessore of the New York Times on his show last night to discuss the circle of scam that is conservative politics. BaseConnect, formerly called BMW Direct, pretends to be a mail order fundraising business for long-shot Republican candidates and veterans, but keeps almost all of the money it raises from senior citizens.
Conservative scams are almost risk free. Not only is this behavior completely legal, the marks generally want to be scammed.
There can be NO doubt that this is how SarahPAC works. Only in Palin's case she is not an unknowing stooge but an active participant.
IN her case the only victims are the morons ignorant enough to believe in her, or to believe that she cares about anything other than getting her hands on more of their money.
By the way Hayes also discussed Palin's newest get rich scheme.
“Wow, even her server quits” The Guardian visits the Sarah Palin Channel.
Courtesy of The Guardian:
Given the content available and the affectedly simple presentation, it’s hard not to see the new Sarah Palin Channel as simply a moneymaking enterprise.
I wanted to see for myself, but I still can’t even sign in for the free sample of the Sarah Palin Channel. Each attempt ends with a server error and my desultorily trying to glean something from available teaser videos.
I try different browsers – Chrome, Firefox, Safari – and the social media login options of Facebook, Google+ and Twitter on each. Nothing works. I briefly consider logging into a relative’s AOL account and entering the keywords “the sadness of constantly frightened old white people”, but that seems too general. I even attempt to find a YouTube mashup of reverse mortgage videos to watch during an NCIS marathon on USA, figuring I might not even miss Palin TV.
Free samples usually work better than this.
The journalist eventually breaks down and pays the $9.95 monthly fee, only to immediately regret that decision as there is very little content and, in his words, "Sarah Palin’s website makes you wonder if there is a kind of deliberately shitty aesthetic to conservative fundraising vehicles – perhaps a notion that anything too slickly packaged is redolent of elite influence. A glossy, flawless personal site with smooth drop-down menus screams, “I don’t need money, and I don’t need you. I’m already too much of a commodity”."
Ultimately he is quite underwhelmed, though he does believe there might be a niche market for it.
Of course as we know the demographic that it might attract are mostly elderly people on a fixed income, who are also not internet savvy.
In other words if she wanted to reach her dwindling number fans she would have been better served if she had started a talk radio show, or appeared in a late night infomercial selling red, white, and blue Freedom panties. ($9.99 for a new pair, and $29.99 for a not so new pair.)
Funny or Die also visited thechannel website blog, and were equally unimpressed.
The same could be said for the The Independent.
Given the content available and the affectedly simple presentation, it’s hard not to see the new Sarah Palin Channel as simply a moneymaking enterprise.
I wanted to see for myself, but I still can’t even sign in for the free sample of the Sarah Palin Channel. Each attempt ends with a server error and my desultorily trying to glean something from available teaser videos.
I try different browsers – Chrome, Firefox, Safari – and the social media login options of Facebook, Google+ and Twitter on each. Nothing works. I briefly consider logging into a relative’s AOL account and entering the keywords “the sadness of constantly frightened old white people”, but that seems too general. I even attempt to find a YouTube mashup of reverse mortgage videos to watch during an NCIS marathon on USA, figuring I might not even miss Palin TV.
Free samples usually work better than this.
The journalist eventually breaks down and pays the $9.95 monthly fee, only to immediately regret that decision as there is very little content and, in his words, "Sarah Palin’s website makes you wonder if there is a kind of deliberately shitty aesthetic to conservative fundraising vehicles – perhaps a notion that anything too slickly packaged is redolent of elite influence. A glossy, flawless personal site with smooth drop-down menus screams, “I don’t need money, and I don’t need you. I’m already too much of a commodity”."
Ultimately he is quite underwhelmed, though he does believe there might be a niche market for it.
Of course as we know the demographic that it might attract are mostly elderly people on a fixed income, who are also not internet savvy.
In other words if she wanted to reach her dwindling number fans she would have been better served if she had started a talk radio show, or appeared in a late night infomercial selling red, white, and blue Freedom panties. ($9.99 for a new pair, and $29.99 for a not so new pair.)
Funny or Die also visited the
The same could be said for the The Independent.
Republicans block resolution to congratulate Pope Francis because he is "too liberal" and "sounds like Obama."
Courtesy of Raw Story:
A bipartisan congressional resolution that would honor Pope Francis before his potential appearance in Philadelphia next year may not be acted upon because of Republican worries that the pontiff is perceived as being “too liberal,” The Hill reports.
House Resolution 440 aims to “congratulate Pope Francis on his election and recognize his inspirational statements and actions,” but according to one Republican backer of the legislation, the resolution is dead because Pope Francis is “sounding like Obama. [The pope] talks about equality — he actually used the term ‘trickle-down economics,’ which is politically charged.”
Republicans are upset because of comments the Pope made concerning the free market. Last November, for example, Francis published his Evangelii Gandium, in which he noted that “[a]s long as the problems of the poor are not radically resolved by rejecting the absolute autonomy of markets and financial speculation and by attacking the structural causes of inequality, no solution will be found for the world’s problems or, for that matter, to any problems.”
He also specifically attacked President Ronald Reagan’s signature economic policy, “trickle-down theory,” writing that “[s]ome people continue to defend trickle-down theories which assume that economic growth, encouraged by a free market, will inevitably succeed in bringing about greater justice and inclusiveness in the world. This opinion, which has never been confirmed by the facts, expresses a crude and naïve trust in the goodness of those wielding economic power and in the sacralized workings of the prevailing economic system.”
Well hell if he attacked Saint Ronnie then obviously the Republicans cannot support him in anyway.
After all there are religious icons, and the there are RELIGIOUS ICONS!
I have to say I find it pretty damn funny that the Republicans, who have ALWAYS kissed up to the Pope, are now shunning him because some of the things he says are too much like something Jesus might say.
And let's face if it is a contest between Jesus and his holiness the Reagan, Jesus doesn't stand a chance.
A bipartisan congressional resolution that would honor Pope Francis before his potential appearance in Philadelphia next year may not be acted upon because of Republican worries that the pontiff is perceived as being “too liberal,” The Hill reports.
House Resolution 440 aims to “congratulate Pope Francis on his election and recognize his inspirational statements and actions,” but according to one Republican backer of the legislation, the resolution is dead because Pope Francis is “sounding like Obama. [The pope] talks about equality — he actually used the term ‘trickle-down economics,’ which is politically charged.”
Republicans are upset because of comments the Pope made concerning the free market. Last November, for example, Francis published his Evangelii Gandium, in which he noted that “[a]s long as the problems of the poor are not radically resolved by rejecting the absolute autonomy of markets and financial speculation and by attacking the structural causes of inequality, no solution will be found for the world’s problems or, for that matter, to any problems.”
He also specifically attacked President Ronald Reagan’s signature economic policy, “trickle-down theory,” writing that “[s]ome people continue to defend trickle-down theories which assume that economic growth, encouraged by a free market, will inevitably succeed in bringing about greater justice and inclusiveness in the world. This opinion, which has never been confirmed by the facts, expresses a crude and naïve trust in the goodness of those wielding economic power and in the sacralized workings of the prevailing economic system.”
Well hell if he attacked Saint Ronnie then obviously the Republicans cannot support him in anyway.
After all there are religious icons, and the there are RELIGIOUS ICONS!
I have to say I find it pretty damn funny that the Republicans, who have ALWAYS kissed up to the Pope, are now shunning him because some of the things he says are too much like something Jesus might say.
And let's face if it is a contest between Jesus and his holiness the Reagan, Jesus doesn't stand a chance.
The Right Wing's dream presidential candidate.
And yes he did actually say this.
He claims he was joking, but let's face it if he could get away with something like this he would.
By the way, just for the record, Bruce Lee was a much superior martial artist. In fact Chuck was one of his students.
Not only that but Lee was an Atheist, a philosopher, and pretty damn liberal.
In other words the exact opposite of old "Hobbling around in a Walker Texas Ranger" up there.
He claims he was joking, but let's face it if he could get away with something like this he would.
By the way, just for the record, Bruce Lee was a much superior martial artist. In fact Chuck was one of his students.
Not only that but Lee was an Atheist, a philosopher, and pretty damn liberal.
In other words the exact opposite of old "Hobbling around in a Walker Texas Ranger" up there.
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Louisiana state Rep. bails on interview after being asked about her denial of global warming and birther statements.
Courtesy of Yahoo News:
A Republican congressional candidate fled her interview with a major election-forecasting group after being asked why she believed global warming was a hoax and whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States, according to a new report in The Washington Post.
In the Post, David Wasserman, the House editor at the Cook Political Report, detailed his strange encounter with the "frightening" and "fact-averse" Louisiana State Rep. Lenar Whitney.
Whitney, who is running for Louisiana's open sixth district, gained some prominence in June when she released a campaign video blasting global warming as a "hoax" and the press as "lamestream media." Wasserman said he pressed Whitney on the issue of climate change only to find her unable to answer his questions.
"But it’s not unreasonable to expect candidates to explain how they arrived at their positions, and when I pressed Whitney repeatedly for the source of her claim that the earth is getting colder, she froze and was unable to cite a single scientist, journal, or news source to back up her beliefs," he wrote.
Wasserman said he attempted to "change the subject" and ask whether she believed Obama was born in the United States. Her aides then ended the interview.
"When she replied that it was a matter of some controversy, her two campaign consultants quickly whisked her out of the room, accusing me of conducting a 'Palin-style interview,'" he continued. "It was the first time in hundreds of Cook Political Report meetings that a candidate has fled the room."
Later Rep. Lenar took to Facebook to claim she was the victim of "gotcha" questions:
What The Cook Political Report printed about me is an outright lie. I left the interview with Dave Wasserman, several questions later, after he asked me if I was a "birther".
It was obvious, from the onset of the interview, that Wasserman had planned to jump me simply because I am a Conservative Woman and liberal shills like Dave Wasserman want to destroy us.
Wow, that doesn't sound paranoid at all.
By the way here is her batshit crazy Global Warming is a hoax video:
Oh yeah, she's a few Bud Lights short of a six pack.
A Republican congressional candidate fled her interview with a major election-forecasting group after being asked why she believed global warming was a hoax and whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States, according to a new report in The Washington Post.
In the Post, David Wasserman, the House editor at the Cook Political Report, detailed his strange encounter with the "frightening" and "fact-averse" Louisiana State Rep. Lenar Whitney.
Whitney, who is running for Louisiana's open sixth district, gained some prominence in June when she released a campaign video blasting global warming as a "hoax" and the press as "lamestream media." Wasserman said he pressed Whitney on the issue of climate change only to find her unable to answer his questions.
"But it’s not unreasonable to expect candidates to explain how they arrived at their positions, and when I pressed Whitney repeatedly for the source of her claim that the earth is getting colder, she froze and was unable to cite a single scientist, journal, or news source to back up her beliefs," he wrote.
Wasserman said he attempted to "change the subject" and ask whether she believed Obama was born in the United States. Her aides then ended the interview.
"When she replied that it was a matter of some controversy, her two campaign consultants quickly whisked her out of the room, accusing me of conducting a 'Palin-style interview,'" he continued. "It was the first time in hundreds of Cook Political Report meetings that a candidate has fled the room."
Later Rep. Lenar took to Facebook to claim she was the victim of "gotcha" questions:
What The Cook Political Report printed about me is an outright lie. I left the interview with Dave Wasserman, several questions later, after he asked me if I was a "birther".
It was obvious, from the onset of the interview, that Wasserman had planned to jump me simply because I am a Conservative Woman and liberal shills like Dave Wasserman want to destroy us.
Wow, that doesn't sound paranoid at all.
By the way here is her batshit crazy Global Warming is a hoax video:
Oh yeah, she's a few Bud Lights short of a six pack.
Celebrity gossip site claims that Bristol Palin is worth a million dollars. You don't say?
Courtesy of Richest News:
Bristol Palin is a well known TV personality and speaker. What is more, Palin has written memoir, Not Afraid of Life: My Journey so Far, which became a bestseller. One of her main activities is being the spokesperson for teen pregnancy prevention, she is a part of The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy and is a Teen Pregnancy Prevention Ambassador. Although Bristol received a lot of criticism as she herself was a teen mother, Palin is still a very active speaker. How rich is Bristol Palin? It has been made (in) a statement that Bristol’s net worth is 1 million dollars.
Now Richest News does not cite it's sources for determining how much the Mama Grizzly cub is worth, but there are other sources on the internet making the same claims.
I find this somewhat interesting as I have heard that Bristol often pleads poverty and tries to get Levi to fork over money for Tripp's medical checkups and schooling, And this is on top of the many thousands too much he is paying her in child support.
Hmm, I wonder what the Johnstons will do with this when they finally get to court in September?
Bristol Palin is a well known TV personality and speaker. What is more, Palin has written memoir, Not Afraid of Life: My Journey so Far, which became a bestseller. One of her main activities is being the spokesperson for teen pregnancy prevention, she is a part of The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy and is a Teen Pregnancy Prevention Ambassador. Although Bristol received a lot of criticism as she herself was a teen mother, Palin is still a very active speaker. How rich is Bristol Palin? It has been made (in) a statement that Bristol’s net worth is 1 million dollars.
Now Richest News does not cite it's sources for determining how much the Mama Grizzly cub is worth, but there are other sources on the internet making the same claims.
I find this somewhat interesting as I have heard that Bristol often pleads poverty and tries to get Levi to fork over money for Tripp's medical checkups and schooling, And this is on top of the many thousands too much he is paying her in child support.
Hmm, I wonder what the Johnstons will do with this when they finally get to court in September?
Texas Democrat blasts militia members patrolling the border for "pointing guns at children."
Militia members patrolling the Texas-Mexico border. |
At least 10 armed private militias have now been spotted patrolling the Texas border in response to a crisis of refugee children fleeing violence in Central America.
Anonymous militia members provided the San Antonio Express-News more than 30 photos showing “dozens of members carrying semi-automatic rifles and wearing masks, camouflage and tactical gear.”
The source provided the photos on the condition that the faces would be blurred so that members could not be identified by “cartel and gang members.”
Oathkeepers, Three Percenters and Patriots have reportedly been recruiting members to patrol the Texas border for the last month.
Democratic state Sen. Leticia Van de Putte told the San Antonio Express-News that uncoordinated armed militias were not helping the situation on the Texas border because “pointing guns at children solves nothing.”
“Local law enforcement and federal border patrol agents have been clear,” Van de Putte explained. “The presence of these outside independent militia groups does nothing to secure the border; it only creates an unsafe situation for law enforcement officials that are protecting our communities. Unfortunately, the vile rhetoric of my opponent inspires misguided efforts.”
It is only a matter of time before somebody gets shot. And most likely it will be some young unarmed South American child who just finished and arduous journey toward freedom only to meet American bullets at the border fired by an overzealous xenophobe.