Friday, December 5, 2014
Bristol Palin brags that it was her mother who started the stupid idea of trying to impeach President Obama. And this is something to brag about?
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Courtesy of Bristol's Facebook page. |
A lot of people disagreed at first, saying it was too risky. But now more and more are seeing that Mom was right.
President Obama ignores court orders, makes up his own laws, and pretends laws he doesn’t like don’t exist. That’s pretty much the opposite of the President’s job description.
And now he’s gone and declared his own immigration policy that Americans clearly said they don’t want.
After his latest action, Fox News, Sean Hannity, and Chris Wallace started talking about impeachment. Mark Levin says he deserves it. And now Congress members are bringing it up.
Yes there are some fringe Republicans, conservative radio talk show hosts, and politicians desperate to get attention, talking about impeachment. However both Mitch McConnell and John Boehner have said there is no way they are allowing a vote like that to come to the floor.
And that is because on some level they realize that impeaching this President would be the best thing they could possibly do for his legacy.
Just think he would be the second Democratic President impeached by the Republicans IN A ROW!
There is no way that comes off looking good to the American voters.
However that rather obvious fact is a little too complicated for Snowdrift Snooki and her little snowflake. This is how Nancy French closed out the post for Bristol and her mom:
When the president gets out of control, impeachment is how the people can pull him back. Mom says making the case is the easy part — what’s hard is having the guts, courage and political will to do it.
All I have to say is PLEASE MAKE HIS HAPPEN!
If there were a way to make the Republicans waste the next two years fighting to impeach this President it would be a godsend to the Democrats, whose campaign ads would write themselves, and who would use the anger and frustration of the American people to take back not only the Senate, but very likely the House as well.
And if Bristol and Sarah somehow convince the country that it actually WAS the Wasilla Wendigo who first promoted this idea, which I don't think it was, then it is SHE who will be blamed for the benefit that it provides to the Democrats and the destruction that is visited upon the GOP in response.
But it is not going to happen. And that is because virtually all of the people in Washington are significantly more intelligent than this batshit crazy reality actress and her idiotic daughter.
(H/T to Wonkette.)
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