Friday, December 5, 2014

Conservative groups band together to block nomination of Jeb Bush.

7:40 AM By No comments

Conservative groups band together to block nomination of Jeb Bush.
Courtesy of the Washington Examiner:

Conservative leaders who had a hand in key Republican victories including Ronald Reagan’s presidency, the Contract with America and the birth of the Tea Party, are ganging up to oppose a Jeb Bush presidential bid, declaring him easier to beat than Bob Dole or John McCain.

“I don’t know of any conservatives who are supporting him,” said Richard Viguerie, chairman of

“Jeb is a very good moderate Democrat,” added top-rated talk radio host Mark Levin. “He's very boring. He doesn't elicit excitement and energy outside a very small circle of wealthy corporatists and GOP Beltway operatives. Time to move on.”

Wow! Easier to beat than Bob Dole! That is some nasty backstabbing right there my friends.

Okay now do you want to know what measuring tool they are using to judge Jeb's suitability to be President?

The Reagan-ometer that's what:

“The objection so many Reaganites have to another Bush is because he is another Bush,” said Reagan biographer Craig Shirley. “He, too, has an alarming belief in centralized authority. From the standpoint of history, the Bush family got their start in 1980 opposing Reagan and Reaganism, as they continue to do today.”

Of course as most of us realize even Ronald Reagan could not measure up to the Conservatives deified version of his memory.

And who do these conservative leaders want instead of the easily defeated Jeb Bush? Well I thought you'd never ask:

“We just don’t trust him,” said Viguerie, who favors Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence and Sens. Rand Paul and Ted Cruz.

Oh yeah, thinking that Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, or Rand Paul are more electable than Jeb Bush.

Just things batshit crazy conservatives do.



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