Sunday, December 14, 2014
Well it finally happened. Sarah Palin comes out in support of the CIA torture techniques. Kind of surprised it took so long.
Sarah Palin in her "puffed up leather coat." |
America Asks: "Whose Side Are You On"; Necessarily Directing This At Our President
In debauched minds it is fine for our young, once potentially unifying President to boast, "I'm pretty good at killing" while speaking of his own secret kill list, but all hell breaks loose if America's expert and experienced CIA (Even CIA Director Brennan recognizes that the CIA was not adequately trained to conduct these "enhanced terrogations.") keeps known terrorists up at night for questioning, plays annoying music to get the evil ones' attention, and considers whatever else necessary to keep us safe. (Yuck it up much, Nobel Peacenik President?) From the cozy confines of the White House he blusters a willingness to assassinate whomever he chooses, no need for judicial balance or seasoned military brass strategy – in fact the Community Organizer canned nearly 200 of our top military officials. And leftist response to their leader's suspiciously opaque drone game plan? Crickets.
(Wrong Brenda Bitchface, liberals have talked about our frustration with the drone programs quite frequently. Drone programs that, by the way, were started by George W. Bush and only exist due to the illegal wars that he started in the first place.)
Mr. President: newsflash ignored by your yapping lapdogs – many of our finest whom you unprecedentedly refer to as "YOUR" own troops confide that the only thing legitimizing your being Commander in Chief is that puffed up leather coat you sport with an embroidered title on your left breast. They want to respect you; they know to obey you; they deserve better.
(Like who? John McCain who never saw an adversary that he did not want to bomb back to the stone age. Or Mitt Romney who may actually have known less about foreign relations than even the woman whose credentials were all based on her state's proximity to Putin's backyard?)
Want to talk "torture"? Evidence #1: Innocent Americans tortured and murdered by guilty terrorists on 9/11. Note the accurate terms "innocent" and "guilty". (The 9-11 attacks can be called all kinds of terrible things, but they certainly cannot be defined as "torture.") Innocent 9/11 families are still tortured. Torture is slicing off the heads of investigative journalists and American charity workers serving in the Middle East who are used as political pawns. (No, actually that's just murder.) Torture is what radical Islamists routinely do to women and minorities.
True Americans say "never again." These perpetrators are evil monsters sharing dark demonic (Demonic?) intentions with radical Muslims who are beheading Christian children today overseas. True Americans serving as watchmen on the wall say, "Not on our soil. Not on my watch." And any American-loving leader should promise, "Whatever it takes to stop evil, to protect this nation, we shall do."
(No! That is where you are wrong crazy lady. An "American-loving leader" recognizes that America should do NOTHING that damages the country's integrity in the eyes of the world, or undermines the moral high ground it needs to compel other nations to treat their prisoners, women, and everyday citizens with respect for their human rights. George Bush stole that from us, NOT President Obama.)
You're on one side or the other. What is it, liberals: sympathy for inconvenienced terrorists who would murder our children or saving America?
- Sarah Palin
And that in a nutshell is what is wrong with Sarah Palin and her ilk. They see the world through the eyes of children, where everything is good or evil, right or wrong, black or white. Without recognizing that most things are rendered in varying shades of gray.
However America using torture, well that really is a case of good and evil. And evil would be those who use the fear that most Americans felt after the 9-11 attacks to justify engaging in tactics that would forever damage us long after we had overcome the panic that gripped us in its aftermath.
Speaking of torture can you imagine what is going through John McCain's mind right now as he listens to this garbage?
It's your damn fault old man. It's your damn fault.
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